hole chat logo # Hole chat πŸ‡ A decentralized chat over [Freenet](https://freenetproject.org). [See docs](https://docs.hole.horhik.xyz) ## Requirements❗❗❗ [Freenet](https://freenetproject.org) running # Installing πŸš€ 1. Clone [this](https://github.com/hole-chat/core) repo 2. Launch core (`cargo run`) 3. Install and launch client (for example [rabbit-hole](https://github.com/hole-chat/rabbit-hole)) ---- ## About frontend clients πŸ–ŒοΈ The purpose of "hole project" is to write independend frontend clients for each platform, because, **app cannot be good for one particular platform if it's multiplatform.** As a hole-core is just a logic part, which should be multiplatform, **frontend shouldn't**, And I urge you to help and write "rabbit-hole for android" or "rabbit-hole-gtk", etc... ---- # TODO β˜‘οΈ - [x] Basic sending and receiving messages πŸ’Œ - [ ] Add RSA or NTRU encryption πŸ” - [ ] Write tests πŸ§ͺ - [ ] Make more vebose documentation πŸ“š - [ ] Create a hole-daemon πŸ–₯