import { SET_ANKI_NOTE_CREATOR, SET_CREATOR_TEMPLATE, SET_DECK, SET_FIELDS, } from '../constants/anki-constants'; export const selectDeck = id => ({ type: SET_DECK, payload: id, }); export const setAnkiNoteCreator = creator => ({ type: SET_ANKI_NOTE_CREATOR, payload: creator, }); export const setCreatorTemplate = template => ({ type: SET_CREATOR_TEMPLATE, payload: template, }); const parseToAnkiFormat = dict => { /* *** TEMPLATE *** const modelFields = [ 'Word or sentence', 'Part of speech 1', 'Translation 1', 'Definition 1', 'Part of speech 2', 'Translation 2', 'Definition 2', 'Usage example', 'Transcription', 'Sound', ] */ const tr1 = dict.compounded[0]; const tr2 = dict.compounded[1] || {}; return [ dict.word, tr1.pos,, tr1.definition, tr2.pos || '', || '', tr2.definition || '', `${tr1.example || ''} \n ${tr2.example || ''}`, dict.pronunciation, `[sound:${dict.sound}]`, ]; }; export const setFields = dict => ({ type: SET_FIELDS, payload: parseToAnkiFormat(dict), });