import {AnkiDroid} from 'react-native-ankidroid/dist/ankidroid'; export const createAnkiLanModel = model => async dispatch => { try { const modelFields = [ 'Word or sentence', 'Part of speech 1', 'Translate 1', 'Definition 1', 'Part of speech 2', 'Translate 2', 'Definition 2', 'Example', 'Transcription', 'Sound', ]; const css = ``; const answerFormat = ` {{FrontSide}}
  1. {{Translate 1}}
    {{Definition 1}}
  2. {{Translate 2}}
    {{Definition 2}}


\`; {{Sound}} `; const questionFormat = ` {{Word or sentence}}

  1. {{Part of speech 1}}
  2. {{Part of speech 2}}
{{Sound}}`; const modelProperties = { name:, reference: 'com.ankilan.models', fields: modelFields, tags: [], cardNames: ['Rus->En', 'En->Rus'], questionFormat, answerFormat, css, }; const settings = { modelId:, modelProperties, deckId: '1582019808117', }; const currentDeck = new AnkiDroid(settings); currentDeck.addNote( [ 'Word or sentence', 'Part of speech 1', 'Translate 1', 'Definition 1', 'Part of speech 2', 'Translate 2', 'Definition 2', 'Example', 'Transcription', 'Sound', ], modelFields, ); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } };