import {AnkiDroid} from 'react-native-ankidroid/dist/ankidroid'; import { CHECK_ANKI_ACCESS, ERROR, GET_DECK_LIST, GET_FIELD_LIST, GET_MODEL_LIST, REQUEST_PERMISSIONS, SET_EXISTING_OF_ANKI_LAN_MODEL, } from '../constants/anki-constants'; import {createAnkiLanModel} from './createAnkiLanModel'; /*Permissions*/ const setRequestAnkiPermissions = (err, res) => { return err ? {type: ERROR, err} : {type: REQUEST_PERMISSIONS, payload: res === 'granted'}; }; export const requestAnkiPermission = () => async dispatch => { try { const [err, res] = await AnkiDroid.requestPermission(); if (err) throw err; console.log(res); await dispatch(setRequestAnkiPermissions(err, res)); return res; } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }; export const checkAnkiAccess = async ( ankiApiProvider = AnkiDroid.isApiAvailable, ) => { const [err, res] = await ankiApiProvider(); console.log(res, 'result'); return err ? {type: ERROR, err} : {type: CHECK_ANKI_ACCESS, payload: res}; }; /*Anki Data*/ const setDeckList = deckList => { return { type: GET_DECK_LIST, payload: deckList, }; }; export const getDeckList = () => async dispatch => { try { const [err, deckList] = await AnkiDroid.getDeckList(); if (err) { console.log('you have an error'); throw err; } await dispatch(setDeckList(deckList)); return deckList; } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }; const setModelList = res => { return {type: GET_MODEL_LIST, payload: res}; }; export const getModelList = () => async dispatch => { try { const [err, res] = await AnkiDroid.getModelList(); if (err) { throw err; } console.log(res); await dispatch(setModelList(res)); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }; export const getFieldList = async ( id, getFieldListFunction = AnkiDroid.getFieldList, ) => { const [err, res] = await getFieldListFunction(id); return err ? {type: ERROR, err} : {type: GET_FIELD_LIST, payload: res}; }; /*Checking*/ const setExistingOfAnkiLanModel = existing => { return { type: SET_EXISTING_OF_ANKI_LAN_MODEL, payload: existing, }; }; export const checkAnkiLanModelForExisting = ( name, modelList, ) => async dispatch => { try { for (let model of modelList) { if ( === name) { console.log('founded'); await dispatch(setExistingOfAnkiLanModel(true)); return true; } } const err = 'Model not found. Displaying message...'; throw err; } catch (err) { console.log(err); await dispatch(setExistingOfAnkiLanModel(false)); } };