# Script: openweathermap-fullfeatured A weather script that shows a lot of information. It shows icons and temperatures for the current weather and the 3 hour forecast. It displays information about the next sunrise or sunset. ![openweathermap-fullfeatured](screenshots/1.png) ## Dependencies * [OpenWeatherMap-Key](https://openweathermap.org/appid) * [weather-icons](https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons) * `jq` ## Configuration If `CITY` is left empty, the location is retrieved via the Mozilla Location API. `CITY` can either be a city ID (e.g. ID of Berlin is `2950159`), city name (e.g. `Berlin`) or city name + country code (e.g. `Berlin,DE`). Change these values: ```sh KEY="" CITY="" UNITS="metric" SYMBOL="°" ``` ## Module ```ini [bar/polybar] ... font-2 = Weather Icons:size=12;1 ... ``` ```ini [module/openweathermap-fullfeatured] type = custom/script exec = ~/polybar-scripts/openweathermap-fullfeatured.sh interval = 600 label-font = 3 ```