from colorama import Fore, Back, Style import requests from converters import split_array, try_to_get_carousel def upload_image_to_mastodon(url, mastodon): try: print(Fore.YELLOW + "🐘 > Uploading Image...") print(Style.RESET_ALL) media = mastodon.media_post(media_file = get_image(url), mime_type = "image/jpeg") # sending image to mastodon print(Fore.GREEN + "✨ > Uploaded!") print(Style.RESET_ALL) except: print(Fore.RED + "💥 > failed to upload image to mastodon") print(Style.RESET_ALL) return media["id"] def toot(urls, title ): try: print(Fore.YELLOW + "🐘 > Creating Toot...", title) print(Style.RESET_ALL) ids = [] for url in urls: ids.append(upload_image_to_mastodon(url)) post_text = str(title) + "\n" + "crosposted from"+fetched_user # creating post text print(ids) mastodon.status_post(post_text, media_ids = ids) except: print(Fore.RED + "😿 > Failed to create toot") print(Style.RESET_ALL) def get_new_posts(mastodon, profile, mastodon_carousel_size, ): posts = profile.get_posts() stupidcounter = 0 for post in posts: stupidcounter += 1 url_arr = try_to_get_carousel([post.url], post), mastodon_carousel_size if stupidcounter <= post_limit: if already_posted(str(post.mediaid), id_filename): print(Fore.YELLOW + "🐘 > Already Posted ", post.url) print(Style.RESET_ALL) continue print("Posting... ", post.url) if using_mastodon: urls_arr = split_array(url_arr) for urls in urls_arr: toot(urls, post.caption) else: toot(url_arr, post.caption) mark_as_posted(str(post.mediaid), id_filename) time.sleep(post_interval) else: return def get_image(url): try: print(Fore.YELLOW + "🚀 > Downloading Image...", url) print(Style.RESET_ALL) response = requests.get(url) response.raw.decode_content = True print(Fore.GREEN + "✨ > Downloaded!") print(Style.RESET_ALL) return response.content except: print(Fore.RED + "💥 > Failed to download image.") print(Style.RESET_ALL)