# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import datetime from colorama import Fore, Back, Style instagram_user = os.environ.get("I2M_INSTAGRAM_USER") instance = os.environ.get("I2M_INSTANCE") token = os.environ.get("I2M_TOKEN") check_interval = os.environ.get("I2M_CHECK_INTERVAL") #1 hour post_interval = os.environ.get("I2M_POST_INTERVAL") #1 hour use_mastodon = os.environ.get("I2M_USE_MASTODON") #max carouse is 4, if there's no limit set to -1 fetch_count = os.environ.get("I2M_FETCH_COUNT") # how many instagram posts to fetch per check_interval print('instagram', instagram_user) print('instagram', instance) print(token) print(check_interval) print(post_interval) print(use_mastodon) print(fetch_count) def exists(a): return a != '' and a != False def process_arguments(args, defaults): defaults["instance"] = instance if instance !='' and instance else None defaults["instagram-user"] = instagram_user if instagram_user != '' and instagram_user else None defaults["token"] = token if token != '' and token else None defaults["check-interval"] = int(check_interval) if check_interval != '' and check_interval else None defaults["post-interval"] = int(post_interval) if post_interval != '' and post_interval else None defaults["fetch-count"] = int(fetch_count) if fetch_count != '' and fetch_count else None defaults["carousel-limit"] = int(use_mastodon) if use_mastodon != '' and use_mastodon else None #print(Fore.RED + '❗ -> Missing Argument ') #print(Style.RESET_ALL) #print(datetime.datetime.now()) print(defaults) return defaults