import os import sys import time import json from mastodon import Mastodon from colorama import Fore, Back, Style from instaloader import Profile, Instaloader, LatestStamps from arguments import process_arguments from network import get_new_posts id_filename = "/app/already_posted.txt" with open(id_filename, "a") as f: f.write("\n") print(sys.argv) print("ARGUMENTS") default_settings = { "instance": None, "instagram-user": None, "token": None, "check-interval": 3600, "post-interval": 3600, "fetch-count" : 10, "carousel-limit": 4 } settings = process_arguments(sys.argv, default_settings) print(settings) fetched_user = settings["instagram-user"] mastodon_instance = settings["instance"] mastodon_token = settings["token"] post_limit = settings["fetch-count"] time_interval_sec = settings["check-interval"] #1d post_interval = settings["post-interval"]#1m using_mastodon = settings["carousel-limit"] > 0; mastodon_carousel_size = settings["carousel-limit"] print(Fore.GREEN + '🚀 > Connecting to Instagram...') print(Style.RESET_ALL) L = Instaloader() profile = Profile.from_username(L.context, fetched_user) print(Fore.GREEN + '🚀 > Connecting to Mastodon/Pixelfed...') print(Style.RESET_ALL) mastodon = Mastodon( access_token = mastodon_token, api_base_url = mastodon_instance # api_base_url = '' ) while True: get_new_posts(mastodon, profile, mastodon_carousel_size, post_limit, id_filename, using_mastodon, mastodon_carousel_size, post_interval, fetched_user) time.sleep(time_interval_sec)