kind: pipeline type: exec name: default clone: disable: true steps: - name: deploy environment: PASSWORD: from_secret: HETZNER_TOKEN DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN: from_secret: CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN USER_PASS: from_secret: USER_PASS INFECT_COMMIT_SHA: ${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA} commands: - set -o nounset - > # TODO pass Base64 encoded password from Drone instead of this ENCODED_PASSWORD="$(base64 <<<"$USER_PASS")" # Create infect user script and then push it to a remote machine on server creation. - | cat << EOF > #! /usr/bin/env bash set -o allexport set -o errtrace set -o pipefail shopt -s inherit_errexit trap 'echo \$LINENO: "\$BASH_COMMAND"; exit 1' ERR API_TOKEN="$USER_PASS" DNS_PROVIDER_TOKEN=$CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN DNS_PROVIDER_TYPE=CLOUDFLARE DOMAIN=$DOMAIN ENCODED_PASSWORD="$ENCODED_PASSWORD" HOSTNAME=selfprivacy-ci-test LUSER=cicdcicd NIXOS_CONFIG_ID=default PROVIDER=HETZNER SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMBb3yVhYF4slhf1iQCiGLOVcbGKP/MmkQiEMl2un+4K" STAGING_ACME=true curl --fail$INFECT_COMMIT_SHA/nixos-infect \ | bash 2>&1 | tee /root/infect.log EOF - cat - location=fsn1 - set -o pipefail - > volume_id="$(http -d --print=HBb --ignore-stdin POST Authorization:"Bearer $PASSWORD" format=ext4 size:=10 location=$location name=10gb-by-drone-ci automount:=false | jq -re" # TODO pass linux device volume_id name to script - > http -d --print=HBb --ignore-stdin POST Authorization:"Bearer $PASSWORD" name=ci-sibling server_type=cx11 start_after_create:=true image=ubuntu-20.04 volumes:=[$volume_id] automount:=false location=$location - name: dns environment: PASSWORD: from_secret: HETZNER_TOKEN CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN: from_secret: CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN ZONE_ID: from_secret: ZONE_ID commands: # Read all available machines and export IP of 'ci-sibling' # Create DNS entires for main domain and subdomains - > curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $PASSWORD" '' > .machine.json - > export machineip=$( for i in {0..24}; do jq 'if .servers['$i'].name == "ci-sibling" then .servers['$i'].public_net.ipv4.ip else null end' .machine.json; done | grep -v null | sed 's/"//' | sed 's/"//' ) - echo $machineip - > curl -s -X GET "$DOMAIN" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" - > curl -s -X POST "$ZONE_ID/dns_records" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"type":"A","name":"@","content":"'"$$machineip"'","ttl":3600,"priority":10,"proxied":false}' - > http --check-status --ignore-stdin POST$ZONE_ID/dns_records Authorization:"Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" type=A name=api content=$machineip ttl:=3600 priority:=10 proxied:=false - > http --check-status --ignore-stdin POST$ZONE_ID/dns_records Authorization:"Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" type=A name=cloud content=$machineip ttl:=3600 priority:=10 proxied:=false - > http --check-status --ignore-stdin POST$ZONE_ID/dns_records Authorization:"Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" type=A name=password content=$machineip ttl:=3600 priority:=10 proxied:=false - > curl -s -X POST "$ZONE_ID/dns_records" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"type":"MX","name":"@","content":"'"$$DOMAIN"'","ttl":3600,"priority":10,"proxied":false}' - > curl -s -X POST "$ZONE_ID/dns_records" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"type":"TXT","name":"_dmarc","content":"v=DMARC1; p=none","ttl":18000,"priority":10,"proxied":false}' - > curl -s -X POST "$ZONE_ID/dns_records" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\"$DOMAIN\",\"content\":\"v=spf1 a mx ip4:$machineip -all\",\"ttl\":18000,\"priority\":10,\"proxied\":false}" - name: wait for NixOS boot environment: DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN TIMEOUT: 160 commands: - sleep 300 - t0="$(date '+%s')"; until nix shell --inputs-from git+ nixpkgs#netcat -c nc -zv -w1 "$DOMAIN" 443; do sleep 10; cur_date="$(date '+%s')"; remaining=$((t0 + TIMEOUT - cur_date)); [ "$remaining" -gt 0 ]; echo "$remaining seconds remain before teardown"; done - echo "give time for obtaining ACME certificate" - sleep 60 - name: basic test environment: DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN USER_PASS: from_secret: USER_PASS TEST_EMAIL_PASS: from_secret: TEST_EMAIL_PASS API_TOKEN: from_secret: USER_PASS TESTS_REPO: git+ TIMEOUT_1: 100 commands: # ideally it should depend on $STAGING_ACME # CERT_VERIFY=$(if [[ $STAGING_ACME == true ]]; then echo "--cacert root.pem"; else echo ""; fi) - CERT_VERIFY="--cacert root.pem" - source $(nix build $TESTS_REPO#library --print-out-paths) - curl -sS --fail -o root.pem - dig api.$DOMAIN - > retry $TIMEOUT_1 10 curl https://api.$DOMAIN/api/version -sS --fail-with-body $CERT_VERIFY -H "Authorization: Bearer $USER_PASS" - swaks --to ci@$DOMAIN -s -tls -au -ap $TEST_EMAIL_PASS -ahp - > curl https://cloud.$DOMAIN/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info?format=json -sS --fail-with-body $CERT_VERIFY -u "admin:$USER_PASS" | jq -re '.ocs.meta.status == "ok"' - echo 'File contents to test nextcloud upload' > file - > curl -X PUT https://cloud.$DOMAIN/remote.php/dav/files/admin/file -sS --fail-with-body $CERT_VERIFY -d @file -u "admin:$USER_PASS" - > curl https://cloud.$DOMAIN/remote.php/dav/files/admin/file -sS --fail-with-body $CERT_VERIFY -u "admin:$USER_PASS" - name: API & nixos-rebuild test environment: DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN API_TOKEN: from_secret: USER_PASS TESTS_REPO: git+ TIMEOUT_1: 120 commands: - source $(nix build $TESTS_REPO#library --print-out-paths) - retry $TIMEOUT_1 10 query-minimum-services - enable-service bitwarden - enable-service gitea - enable-service jitsi-meet - enable-service ocserv - enable-service pleroma - nixos-rebuild Rebuild - sleep 180 - retry $TIMEOUT_1 10 query-all-services - nixos-rebuild Rollback - sleep 30 - retry $TIMEOUT_1 10 query-minimum-services - enable-service bitwarden - enable-service gitea - enable-service jitsi-meet - enable-service ocserv - enable-service pleroma - enable-service roundcube - nixos-rebuild Rebuild - sleep 60 - retry $TIMEOUT_1 10 query-all-services - name: sleep after failure environment: DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN TIMEOUT: 1500 commands: - timer=0; while [ "$timer" -lt "$TIMEOUT" ]; do nix shell --inputs-from git+ nixpkgs#netcat -c nc -zv -w4 "$DOMAIN" 22; echo "$((TIMEOUT - timer)) seconds remain before teardown - login via ssh to shutdown the machine"; ((timer+=10)); sleep 10; done when: status: - failure - name: teardown environment: PASSWORD: from_secret: HETZNER_TOKEN CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN: from_secret: CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN DOMAIN: from_secret: DOMAIN ZONE_ID: from_secret: ZONE_ID commands: # Delete our machine called 'ci-sibling' and all the found DNS records on it. - > curl -s "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PASSWORD" > .hetzner_servers.json - > export machineid=$( for i in {0..24}; do jq 'if .servers['$i'].name == "ci-sibling" then .servers['$i'].id else null end' .hetzner_servers.json; done | grep -v null | sed 's/"//g') - > curl -s -X DELETE "$machineid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PASSWORD" - > json=$(curl -X GET "$ZONE_ID/dns_records" -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json") - > echo "$json" > .dns-records.json - > result=$(jq -r ".result" <<< "$json") - > echo "$ZONE_ID" - > echo "$result" | jq '.[] | "\(.id)"' | while read id ; do echo "Deleting $id"; http -v --check-status --ignore-stdin DELETE$ZONE_ID/dns_records/$(echo $id | cut -f 2 -d '"') Authorization:"Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN"; done - location="fsn1" - volume_name="10gb-by-drone-ci" - > volumes_json="$(http -d --print=HBb --ignore-stdin GET Authorization:"Bearer $PASSWORD" name=$volume_name)" # as of 2023-12-27 Hetzner ignores "name" query parameter (and others too)!! - > volume_id="$(jq <<<"$volumes_json" -re "(.volumes[] | select(.name == \"$volume_name\")).id")" - sleep 1 - > http -d --print=HBb --ignore-stdin DELETE$volume_id Authorization:"Bearer $PASSWORD" when: status: - failure - success