#! /usr/bin/env bash # More info at: https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect set -e -o pipefail makeConf() { export HASHED_PASSWORD=$( mkpasswd -m sha-512 "$PASSWORD" ) # Skip everything if main config already present [[ -e /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ]] && return 0 # NB <<"EOF" quotes / $ ` in heredocs, <<EOF does not mkdir /etc/nixos mkdir -p /etc/nixos/mailserver/system mkdir /etc/nixos/mailserver/userdata mkdir /etc/nixos/api mkdir /etc/nixos/social mkdir /etc/nixos/letsencrypt mkdir /etc/nixos/backup mkdir /etc/nixos/passmgr mkdir /etc/nixos/webserver mkdir /etc/nixos/git mkdir /etc/nixos/nextcloud mkdir /etc/nixos/resources mkdir /etc/nixos/videomeet mkdir /etc/nixos/vpn # Prevent grep for sending error code 1 (and halting execution) when no lines are selected : https://www.unix.com/man-page/posix/1P/grep local IFS=$'\n' for trypath in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys; do [[ -r "$trypath" ]] \ && keys=$(sed -E 's/^.*((ssh|ecdsa)-[^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]]+)([[:space:]]*.*)$/\1 \3\4/' "$trypath") \ && break done local network_import="" [[ -n "$doNetConf" ]] && network_import="./networking.nix # generated at runtime by nixos-infect" cat > /etc/nixos/configuration.nix << EOF { pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix $network_import $NIXOS_IMPORT ./files.nix ./users.nix ./mailserver/system/mailserver.nix ./mailserver/system/alps.nix ./vpn/ocserv.nix ./api/api.nix ./api/api-module.nix #./social/pleroma-module.nix ./social/pleroma.nix ./letsencrypt/acme.nix ./letsencrypt/resolve.nix ./backup/restic.nix ./passmgr/bitwarden.nix ./webserver/nginx.nix ./webserver/memcached.nix ./nextcloud/nextcloud.nix ./resources/limits.nix ./videomeet/jitsi.nix ./git/gitea.nix ]; boot.cleanTmpDir = true; networking = { hostName = "$(hostname)"; firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = lib.mkForce [ 22 25 80 143 443 465 587 993 8443 ]; allowedUDPPorts = lib.mkForce [ 8443 ]; }; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Uzhgorod"; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [$(while read -r line; do echo -n " \"$line\" "; done <<< "$keys") ]; services.openssh = { enable = true; passwordAuthentication = true; permitRootLogin = "yes"; openFirewall = false; }; programs.ssh = { pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes = [ "ssh-ed25519" ]; hostKeyAlgorithms = [ "ssh-ed25519" ]; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git ]; environment.variables = { DOMAIN = "$DOMAIN"; }; system.autoUpgrade.enable = true; system.autoUpgrade.allowReboot = false; system.autoUpgrade.channel = https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.05-small; nix = { optimise.automatic = true; gc = { automatic = true; options = "--delete-older-than 7d"; }; }; boot.kernel.sysctl = { "net.ipv4.ip_forward" = 1; }; swapDevices = [ { device = "/swapfile"; priority = 0; size = 2048; } ]; security = { sudo = { enable = true; }; }; } EOF # If you rerun this later, be sure to prune the filesSystems attr cat > /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix << EOF { ... }: { imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix> ]; boot.loader.grub.device = "$grubdev"; fileSystems = { "/" = { device = "$rootfsdev"; fsType = "ext4"; }; "/var" = { device = "/dev/sdb"; fsType = "ext4"; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/files.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { systemd.tmpfiles.rules = let nextcloudDBPass = builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" "\"" "\\\" ] [ "\\\n" "\\\\\"" "\\\\\\\\" ] '' $PASSWORD ''; nextcloudAdminPass = builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" "\"" "\\\" ] [ "\\\n" "\\\\\"" "\\\\\\\\" ] '' $PASSWORD ''; resticPass = builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" "\"" "\\\" ] [ "\\\n" "\\\\\"" "\\\\\\\\" ] '' $PASSWORD ''; domain = builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" "\"" "\\\" ] [ "\\\n" "\\\\\"" "\\\\\\\\" ] '' $DOMAIN ''; cloudflareCredentials = builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" "\"" "\\\" ] [ "\\\n" "\\\\\"" "\\\\\\\\" ] '' CF_API_KEY=$CF_TOKEN CLOUDFLARE_DNS_API_TOKEN=$CF_TOKEN CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_API_TOKEN=$CF_TOKEN ''; in [ "d /var/restic 0660 restic - - -" "d /var/bitwarden 0777 bitwarden_rs bitwarden_rs -" "d /var/bitwarden/backup 0777 bitwarden_rs bitwarden_rs -" "d /var/lib/pleroma 0600 pleroma pleroma - -" "f /var/lib/pleroma/secrets.exs 0755 pleroma pleroma - -" "f /var/domain 0444 selfprivacy-api selfprivacy-api - \${domain}" "f /var/restic/restic-repo-password 0660 restic - - \${resticPass}" "f /var/nextcloud-db-pass 0440 nextcloud nextcloud - \${nextcloudDBPass}" "f /var/nextcloud-admin-pass 0440 nextcloud nextcloud - \${nextcloudAdminPass}" "f /var/cloudflareCredentials.ini 0440 nginx acmerecievers - \${cloudflareCredentials}" ]; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/users.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { users.mutableUsers = false; users = { users = { #begin "$LUSER" = { isNormalUser = true; hashedPassword = "$HASHED_PASSWORD"; }; #end }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/mailserver/system/mailserver.nix << EOF { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ (builtins.fetchTarball { # Pick a commit from the branch you are interested in url = "https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/-/archive/5675b122/nixos-mailserver-5675b122.tar.gz"; # And set its hash sha256 = "1fwhb7a5v9c98nzhf3dyqf3a5ianqh7k50zizj8v5nmj3blxw4pi"; }) ]; services.dovecot2 = { enablePAM = lib.mkForce true; showPAMFailure = lib.mkForce true; }; users.users = { virtualMail = { isNormalUser = false; }; }; mailserver = { enable = true; fqdn = "$DOMAIN"; domains = [ "$DOMAIN" ]; # A list of all login accounts. To create the password hashes, use # mkpasswd -m sha-512 "super secret password" loginAccounts = { "$LUSER@$DOMAIN" = { hashedPassword = "$HASHED_PASSWORD"; catchAll = [ "$DOMAIN" ]; sieveScript = '' require ["fileinto", "mailbox"]; if header :contains "Chat-Version" "1.0" { fileinto :create "DeltaChat"; stop; } ''; }; }; extraVirtualAliases = { "admin@$DOMAIN" = "$LUSER@$DOMAIN"; }; certificateScheme = 1; certificateFile = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; keyFile = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; # Enable IMAP and POP3 enableImap = true; enableImapSsl = true; enablePop3 = false; enablePop3Ssl = false; dkimSelector = "selector"; # Enable the ManageSieve protocol enableManageSieve = true; virusScanning = false; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/letsencrypt/acme.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { users.groups.acmerecievers = { members = [ "nginx" "dovecot2" "postfix" "virtualMail" "ocserv" ]; }; security.acme = { acceptTerms = true; email = "$LUSER@$DOMAIN"; certs = { "$DOMAIN" = { domain = "*.$DOMAIN"; extraDomainNames = [ "$DOMAIN" ]; group = "acmerecievers"; dnsProvider = "cloudflare"; credentialsFile = "/var/cloudflareCredentials.ini"; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/letsencrypt/resolve.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { systemd = { services = { "acme-$DOMAIN" = { serviceConfig = { StartLimitBurst = 5; StartLimitIntervalSec = 5; Restart = "on-failure"; }; }; "nginx-config-reload" = { serviceConfig = { After = [ "acme-$DOMAIN.service" ]; }; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/backup/restic.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.restic.backups = { options = { passwordFile = "/etc/restic/resticPasswd"; repository = "s3:s3.anazonaws.com/$S3_BUCKET"; initialize = true; paths = [ "/var/dkim" "/var/vmail" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = [ "daily" ]; }; user = "restic"; pruneOpts = [ "--keep-daily 5" ]; }; }; users.users.restic = { isNormalUser = false; isSystemUser = true; }; environment.etc."restic/resticPasswd".text = '' $PASSWORD ''; environment.etc."restic/s3Passwd".text = '' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ''; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/passmgr/bitwarden.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.bitwarden_rs = { enable = true; dbBackend = "sqlite"; backupDir = "/var/bitwarden/backup"; config = { domain = "https://password.$DOMAIN/"; signupsAllowed = true; rocketPort = 8222; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/webserver/nginx.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.nginx = { enable = true; enableReload = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedProxySettings = true; recommendedTlsSettings = true; clientMaxBodySize = "1024m"; virtualHosts = { "$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; }; "vpn.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; }; "git.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; }; "cloud.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; }; "meet.$DOMAIN" = { forceSSL = true; sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; root = pkgs.jitsi-meet; extraConfig = '' ssi on; ''; locations = { "@root_path" = { extraConfig = '' rewrite ^/(.*)$ / break; ''; }; "~ ^/([^/\\\\?&:'\\"]+)$" = { tryFiles = "\$uri @root_path"; }; "=/http-bind" = { proxyPass = "http://localhost:5280/http-bind"; extraConfig = '' proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host \$host; ''; }; "=/external_api.js" = { alias = "\${pkgs.jitsi-meet}/libs/external_api.min.js"; }; "=/config.js" = { alias = "\${pkgs.jitsi-meet}/config.js"; }; "=/interface_config.js" = { alias = "\${pkgs.jitsi-meet}/interface_config.js"; }; }; }; "password.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; }; "api.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; forceSSL = true; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; }; "social.$DOMAIN" = { sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem"; sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem"; root = "/var/www/social.$DOMAIN"; forceSSL = true; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; extraConfig = '' client_max_body_size 1024m; ''; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/webserver/memcached.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services = { memcached = { enable = true; user = "memcached"; listen = ""; port = 11211; maxMemory = 64; maxConnections = 1024; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/nextcloud/nextcloud.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.nextcloud = { enable = true; package = pkgs.nextcloud21; hostName = "cloud.$DOMAIN"; # Use HTTPS for links https = false; # Auto-update Nextcloud Apps autoUpdateApps.enable = true; # Set what time makes sense for you autoUpdateApps.startAt = "05:00:00"; config = { # Further forces Nextcloud to use HTTPS overwriteProtocol = "http"; # Nextcloud PostegreSQL database configuration, recommended over using SQLite dbtype = "sqlite"; dbuser = "nextcloud"; dbhost = "/run/postgresql"; # nextcloud will add /.s.PGSQL.5432 by itself dbname = "nextcloud"; dbpassFile = "/var/nextcloud-db-pass"; adminpassFile = "/var/nextcloud-admin-pass"; adminuser = "admin"; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/git/gitea.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services = { gitea = { enable = true; stateDir = "/var/lib/gitea"; log = { rootPath = "/var/lib/gitea/log"; level = "Warn"; }; user = "gitea"; database = { type = "sqlite3"; host = ""; name = "gitea"; user = "gitea"; path = "/var/lib/gitea/data/gitea.db"; createDatabase = true; }; ssh = { enable = true; clonePort = 22; }; lfs = { enable = true; contentDir = "/var/lib/gitea/lfs"; }; appName = "SelfPrivacy git Service"; repositoryRoot = "/var/lib/gitea/repositories"; domain = "git.$DOMAIN"; rootUrl = "https://$DOMAIN/"; httpAddress = ""; httpPort = 3000; cookieSecure = true; settings = { mailer = { ENABLED = false; }; ui = { DEFAULT_THEME = "arc-green"; }; picture = { DISABLE_GRAVATAR = true; }; admin = { ENABLE_KANBAN_BOARD = true; }; repository = { FORCE_PRIVATE = false; }; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/resources/limits.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { systemd.services = { dovecot2 = { serviceConfig = { cpuAccounting = true; cpuQuota = "20%"; memoryAccounting = true; memoryMax = "256M"; startLimitIntervalSec = 500; startLimitBurst = 5; blockIOWeigth = 25; }; }; postfix = { serviceConfig = { cpuAccounting = true; cpuQuota = "20%"; memoryAccounting = true; memoryMax = "256M"; startLimitIntervalSec = 500; startLimitBurst = 5; blockIOWeigth = 25; }; }; ocserv = { serviceConfig = { cpuAccounting = true; cpuQuota = "70%"; memoryAccounting = true; memoryMax = "512M"; startLimitIntervalSec = 500; startLimitBurst = 5; }; }; nginx = { serviceConfig = { cpuAccounting = true; cpuQuota = "70%"; memoryAccounting = true; memoryMax = "768M"; startLimitIntervalSec = 500; startLimitBurst = 5; blockIOWeigth = 10; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/videomeet/jitsi.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.jitsi-meet = { enable = false; hostName = "meet.$DOMAIN"; nginx.enable = false; interfaceConfig = { SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK = false; SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS = false; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/api/api.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { services.selfprivacy-api = { enable = true; }; users.users."selfprivacy-api" = { isNormalUser = false; isSystemUser = true; extraGroups = [ "opendkim" ]; }; users.groups."selfprivacy-api" = { members = [ "selfprivacy-api" ]; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/api/api-package.nix << EOF { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, pythonPkgs ? nixpkgs.pkgs.python37Packages }: let inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs; inherit pythonPkgs; selfprivacy-api = { buildPythonPackage, flask, flask-restful, pandas }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "selfprivacy-api"; version = "1.0"; src = builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://git.selfprivacy.org/ilchub/selfprivacy-rest-api.git"; rev = "2885fe4356cf257ba5d64b9bad091aceba104883"; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ flask flask-restful pandas ]; meta = { description = '' SelfPrivacy Server Management API ''; }; }; drv = pythonPkgs.callPackage selfprivacy-api {}; in if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv EOF cat > /etc/nixos/api/api-module.nix << EOF { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let selfprivacy-api = pkgs.callPackage ./api-package.nix {}; cfg = config.services.selfprivacy-api; directionArg = if cfg.direction == "" then "" else "--direction=\${cfg.direction}"; in { options.services.selfprivacy-api = { enable = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' Enable SelfPrivacy API service ''; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { systemd.services.selfprivacy-api = { description = "API Server used to control system from the mobile application"; environment = { PYTHONUNBUFFERED = "1"; }; path = [ "/var/" "/var/dkim/" pkgs.coreutils pkgs.gnutar pkgs.xz.bin pkgs.gzip pkgs.gitMinimal config.nix.package.out pkgs.nixos-rebuild ]; after = [ "network-online.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "network-online.target" ]; serviceConfig = { User = "root"; ExecStart = "\${selfprivacy-api}/bin/main.py"; Restart = "always"; RestartSec = "5"; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/vpn/ocserv.nix << EOF { pkgs, ...}: { users.groups.ocserv = { members = [ "ocserv" ]; }; users.users.ocserv = { isNormalUser = false; isSystemUser = true; extraGroups = [ "ocserv" "acmerecievers" ]; }; services.ocserv = { enable = true; config = '' socket-file = /var/run/ocserv-socket auth = "pam" tcp-port = 8443 udp-port = 8443 server-cert = /var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem server-key = /var/lib/acme/$DOMAIN/key.pem compression = true max-clients = 0 max-same-clients = 6 try-mtu-discovery = true idle-timeout=1200 mobile-idle-timeout=2400 default-domain = vpn.$DOMAIN device = vpn0 ipv4-network = ipv4-netmask = tunnel-all-dns = true dns = dns = route = default ''; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/social/pleroma-package.nix << EOF { lib , stdenv , autoPatchelfHook , fetchurl , file , makeWrapper , ncurses , nixosTests , openssl , unzip , zlib }: stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "pleroma-otp"; version = "2.3.0"; # To find the latest binary release stable link, have a look at # the CI pipeline for the latest commit of the stable branch # https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/-/tree/stable src = { aarch64-linux = fetchurl { url = "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/-/jobs/182392/artifacts/download"; sha256 = "1drpd6xh7m2damxi5impb8jwvjl6m3qv5yxynl12i8g66vi3rbwf"; }; x86_64-linux = fetchurl { url = "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/-/jobs/182388/artifacts/download"; sha256 = "1c6l04gga9iigm249ywwcrjg6wzy8iiid652mws3j9dnl71w2sim"; }; }."\${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}"; nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ]; buildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook file makeWrapper ncurses openssl zlib ]; # mkDerivation fails to detect the zip nature of $src due to the # missing .zip extension. # Let's unpack the archive explicitely. unpackCmd = "unzip \$curSrc"; installPhase = '' mkdir \$out cp -r * \$out''; # Pleroma is using the project's root path (here the store path) # as its TMPDIR. # Patching it to move the tmp dir to the actual tmpdir postFixup = '' wrapProgram \$out/bin/pleroma \ --set-default RELEASE_TMP "/tmp" wrapProgram \$out/bin/pleroma_ctl \ --set-default RELEASE_TMP "/tmp"''; passthru.tests = { pleroma = nixosTests.pleroma; }; meta = with lib; { description = "ActivityPub microblogging server"; homepage = https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma; license = licenses.agpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ninjatrappeur ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ]; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/social/pleroma-module.nix << EOF { config, options, lib, pkgs, stdenv, ... }: let cfg = config.services.pleroma; in { options = { services.pleroma = with lib; { enable = mkEnableOption "pleroma"; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.pleroma-otp; description = "Pleroma package to use."; }; user = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "pleroma"; description = "User account under which pleroma runs."; }; group = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "pleroma"; description = "Group account under which pleroma runs."; }; stateDir = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "/var/lib/pleroma"; readOnly = true; description = "Directory where the pleroma service will save the uploads and static files."; }; configs = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; description = '' Pleroma public configuration. This list gets appended from left to right into /etc/pleroma/config.exs. Elixir evaluates its configuration imperatively, meaning you can override a setting by appending a new str to this NixOS option list. <emphasis>DO NOT STORE ANY PLEROMA SECRET HERE</emphasis>, use <link linkend="opt-services.pleroma.secretConfigFile">services.pleroma.secretConfigFile</link> instead. This setting is going to be stored in a file part of the Nix store. The Nix store being world-readable, it's not the right place to store any secret Have a look to Pleroma section in the NixOS manual for more informations. ''; }; secretConfigFile = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "/var/lib/pleroma/secrets.exs"; description = '' Path to the file containing your secret pleroma configuration. <emphasis>DO NOT POINT THIS OPTION TO THE NIX STORE</emphasis>, the store being world-readable, it'll compromise all your secrets. ''; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { users = { users."\${cfg.user}" = { description = "Pleroma user"; home = cfg.stateDir; extraGroups = [ cfg.group ]; }; groups."\${cfg.group}" = {}; }; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ]; environment.etc."/pleroma/config.exs".text = '' \${lib.concatMapStrings (x: "\${x}") cfg.configs} # The lau/tzdata library is trying to download the latest # timezone database in the OTP priv directory by default. # This directory being in the store, it's read-only. # Setting that up to a more appropriate location. config :tzdata, :data_dir, "/var/lib/pleroma/elixir_tzdata_data" import_config "\${cfg.secretConfigFile}" ''; systemd.services.pleroma = { description = "Pleroma social network"; after = [ "network-online.target" "postgresql.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."/pleroma/config.exs".source ]; serviceConfig = { User = cfg.user; Group = cfg.group; Type = "exec"; WorkingDirectory = "~"; StateDirectory = "pleroma pleroma/static pleroma/uploads"; StateDirectoryMode = "700"; # Checking the conf file is there then running the database # migration before each service start, just in case there are # some pending ones. # # It's sub-optimal as we'll always run this, even if pleroma # has not been updated. But the no-op process is pretty fast. # Better be safe than sorry migration-wise. ExecStartPre = let preScript = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "pleromaStartPre" "\${cfg.package}/bin/pleroma_ctl migrate"; in "\${preScript}/bin/pleromaStartPre"; ExecStart = "\${cfg.package}/bin/pleroma start"; ExecStop = "\${cfg.package}/bin/pleroma stop"; ExecReload = "\${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID"; # Systemd sandboxing directives. # Taken from the upstream contrib systemd service at # pleroma/installation/pleroma.service PrivateTmp = true; ProtectHome = true; ProtectSystem = "full"; PrivateDevices = false; NoNewPrivileges = true; CapabilityBoundingSet = "~CAP_SYS_ADMIN"; }; }; }; meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ninjatrappeur ]; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/social/pleroma.nix << EOF { pkgs, ... }: { nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: { pleroma-otp = self.callPackage ./pleroma-package.nix {}; })]; services = { pleroma = { enable = true; user = "pleroma"; group = "pleroma"; configs = [ (builtins.readFile ./config.exs) ]; }; postgresql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.postgresql_12; initialScript = "/etc/setup.psql"; }; }; environment.etc."setup.psql".text = '' CREATE USER pleroma WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$DB_PASSWORD'; CREATE DATABASE pleroma OWNER pleroma; \\c pleroma; --Extensions made by ecto.migrate that need superuser access CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; ''; users.users.pleroma = { extraGroups = [ "postgres" ]; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/social/config.exs << EOF import Config config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, url: [host: "social.$DOMAIN", scheme: "https", port: 443], http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4000] #secret_key_base: "", #signing_salt: "" config :pleroma, :instance, name: "social.$DOMAIN", email: "$LUSER@$DOMAIN", notify_email: "$LUSER@$DOMAIN", limit: 5000, upload_limit: 1073741824, registrations_open: true config :pleroma, :media_proxy, enabled: false, redirect_on_failure: true #base_url: "https://cache.pleroma.social" config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, username: "pleroma", password: "$DB_PASSWORD", database: "pleroma", hostname: "localhost", pool_size: 10 #config :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details, #subject: "", #public_key: "", #private_key: "" config :pleroma, :database, rum_enabled: false config :pleroma, :instance, static_dir: "/var/lib/pleroma/static" config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "/var/lib/pleroma/uploads" config :pleroma, :http_security, sts: true #config :joken, default_signer: "" config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: false EOF cat > /etc/nixos/mailserver/system/alps.nix << EOF { pkgs, lib, fetchgit, buildGoModule, ... }: { nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { alps = self.callPackage ./alps-package.nix { }; }) ]; systemd.services = { alps = { path = [ pkgs.alps pkgs.coreutils ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "\${pkgs.alps}/bin/alps -theme sourcehut imaps://$DOMAIN:993 smtps://$DOMAIN:465"; WorkingDirectory = "\${pkgs.alps}/bin"; }; }; }; } EOF cat > /etc/nixos/mailserver/system/alps-package.nix << EOF { lib, fetchgit, buildGoModule, ... }: buildGoModule rec { pname = "alps"; version = "v1.0.0"; # latest available tag at the moment src = fetchGit { url = "https://git.selfprivacy.org/ilchub/selfprivacy-alps"; rev = "dc2109ca2fdabfbda5d924faa4947f5694d5d758"; }; vendorSha256 = "0bqg0qjam4mvh07wfil6l5spz32mk5a7kfxxnwfyva805pzmn6dk"; deleteVendor = false; runVend = true; buildPhase = '' go build ./cmd/alps ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p \$out/bin cp -r * \$out/bin ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Webmail application for the dovecot/postfix mailserver"; homepage = "https://git.selfprivacy.org/ilchub/selfprivacy-alps"; license = licenses.mit; }; } EOF [[ -n "$doNetConf" ]] && makeNetworkingConf || true } makeNetworkingConf() { # XXX It'd be better if we used procfs for all this... local IFS=$'\n' eth0_name=$(ip address show | grep '^2:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') eth0_ip4s=$(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep 'inet ' | sed -r 's|.*inet ([0-9.]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|') eth0_ip6s=$(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep 'inet6 ' | sed -r 's|.*inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|' || '') gateway=$(ip route show dev "$eth0_name" | grep default | sed -r 's|default via ([0-9.]+).*|\1|') gateway6=$(ip -6 route show dev "$eth0_name" | grep default | sed -r 's|default via ([0-9a-f:]+).*|\1|' || true) ether0=$(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep link/ether | sed -r 's|.*link/ether ([0-9a-f:]+) .*|\1|') eth1_name=$(ip address show | grep '^3:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')||true if [ -n "$eth1_name" ];then eth1_ip4s=$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep 'inet ' | sed -r 's|.*inet ([0-9.]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|') eth1_ip6s=$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep 'inet6 ' | sed -r 's|.*inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|' || '') ether1=$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep link/ether | sed -r 's|.*link/ether ([0-9a-f:]+) .*|\1|') interfaces1=<< EOF $eth1_name = { ipv4.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth1_ip4s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv6.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth1_ip6s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; EOF extraRules1="ATTR{address}==\"${ether1}\", NAME=\"${eth1_name}\"" else interfaces1="" extraRules1="" fi readarray nameservers < <(grep ^nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed -r 's/^nameserver[[:space:]]+([0-9.a-fA-F]+).*/"\1"/') if [[ "$eth0_name" = eth* ]]; then predictable_inames="usePredictableInterfaceNames = lib.mkForce false;" else predictable_inames="usePredictableInterfaceNames = lib.mkForce true;" fi cat > /etc/nixos/networking.nix << EOF { lib, ... }: { # This file was populated at runtime with the networking # details gathered from the active system. networking = { nameservers = [ ${nameservers[@]} ]; defaultGateway = "${gateway}"; defaultGateway6 = "${gateway6}"; dhcpcd.enable = false; $predictable_inames interfaces = { $eth0_name = { ipv4.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth0_ip4s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv6.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth0_ip6s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv4.routes = [ { address = "${gateway}"; prefixLength = 32; } ]; ipv6.routes = [ { address = "${gateway6}"; prefixLength = 32; } ]; }; $interfaces1 }; }; services.udev.extraRules = '' ATTR{address}=="${ether0}", NAME="${eth0_name}" $extraRules1 ''; } EOF } makeSwap() { # TODO check currently available swapspace first swapFile=$(mktemp /tmp/nixos-infect.XXXXX.swp) dd if=/dev/zero "of=$swapFile" bs=1M count=$((1*1024)) chmod 0600 "$swapFile" mkswap "$swapFile" swapon -v "$swapFile" } removeSwap() { swapoff -a rm -vf /tmp/nixos-infect.*.swp } prepareEnv() { # $grubdev is used in makeConf() for grubdev in /dev/vda /dev/sda; do [[ -e $grubdev ]] && break; done # Retrieve root fs block device # (get root mount) (get partition or logical volume) rootfsdev=$(mount | grep "on / type" | awk '{print $1;}') # DigitalOcean doesn't seem to set USER while running user data export USER="root" export HOME="/root" # Nix installer tries to use sudo regardless of whether we're already uid 0 #which sudo || { sudo() { eval "$@"; }; export -f sudo; } # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix } fakeCurlUsingWget() { # Use adapted wget if curl is missing which wget && { \ curl() { eval "wget $( (local isStdout=1 for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in "-o") echo "-O"; isStdout=0 ;; "-O") isStdout=0 ;; "-L") ;; *) echo "$arg" ;; esac done; [[ $isStdout -eq 1 ]] && echo "-O-" )| tr '\n' ' ' )" }; export -f curl; } } req() { type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || which "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } checkEnv() { # Perform some easy fixups before checking # TODO prevent multiple calls to apt-get update which dnf && dnf install -y perl-Digest-SHA # Fedora 24 which bzcat || (which yum && yum install -y bzip2) \ || (which apt-get && apt-get update && apt-get install -y bzip2) \ || true which xzcat || (which yum && yum install -y xz-utils) \ || (which apt-get && apt-get update && apt-get install -y xz-utils) \ || true which curl || fakeCurlUsingWget \ || (which apt-get && apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl) \ || true [[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]] || { echo "ERROR: Must run as root"; return 1; } req curl || req wget || { echo "ERROR: Missing both curl and wget"; return 1; } req bzcat || { echo "ERROR: Missing bzcat"; return 1; } req xzcat || { echo "ERROR: Missing xzcat"; return 1; } req groupadd || { echo "ERROR: Missing groupadd"; return 1; } req useradd || { echo "ERROR: Missing useradd"; return 1; } req ip || { echo "ERROR: Missing ip"; return 1; } req awk || { echo "ERROR: Missing awk"; return 1; } req cut || { echo "ERROR: Missing cut"; return 1; } } infect() { # Add nix build users # FIXME run only if necessary, rather than defaulting true groupadd nixbld -g 30000 || true for i in {1..10}; do useradd -c "Nix build user $i" -d /var/empty -g nixbld -G nixbld -M -N -r -s "$(which nologin)" "nixbld$i" || true done # TODO use addgroup and adduser as fallbacks #addgroup nixbld -g 30000 || true #for i in {1..10}; do adduser -DH -G nixbld nixbld$i || true; done curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | $SHELL # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh [[ -z "$NIX_CHANNEL" ]] && NIX_CHANNEL="nixos-19.09" nix-channel --remove nixpkgs nix-channel --add "https://nixos.org/channels/$NIX_CHANNEL" nixos nix-channel --update export NIXOS_CONFIG=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix nix-env --set \ -I nixpkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos \ -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' \ -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system \ -A system # Remove nix installed with curl | bash rm -fv /nix/var/nix/profiles/default* /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/nix-collect-garbage # Reify resolv.conf [[ -L /etc/resolv.conf ]] && mv -v /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.lnk && cat /etc/resolv.conf.lnk > /etc/resolv.conf # Stage the Nix coup d'état touch /etc/NIXOS echo etc/nixos > /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE echo etc/resolv.conf >> /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE echo root/.nix-defexpr/channels >> /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE rm -rf /boot.bak mv -v /boot /boot.bak /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot } [ "$PROVIDER" = "digitalocean" ] && doNetConf=y # digitalocean requires detailed network config to be generated apt update apt install -y git whois prepareEnv makeSwap # smallest (512MB) droplet needs extra memory! checkEnv makeConf infect removeSwap if [[ -z "$NO_REBOOT" ]]; then reboot fi