#! /usr/bin/env bash # More info at: # - https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect # - https://git.selfprivacy.org/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-nixos-infect : "${API_TOKEN:?API_TOKEN variable is not set}" : "${DOMAIN:?DOMAIN variable is not set}" : "${LUSER:?LUSER variable is not set}" : "${HOSTNAME:?HOSTNAME variable is not set}" : "${PROVIDER:?PROVIDER variable is not set}" : "${DNS_PROVIDER_TYPE:?DNS_PROVIDER_TYPE variable is not set}" : "${STAGING_ACME:?STAGING_ACME variable is not set}" : "${DNS_PROVIDER_TOKEN:?DNS_PROVIDER_TOKEN variable is not set}" : "${DB_PASSWORD:?DB_PASSWORD variable is not set}" : "${USER_PASS:?USER_PASS variable is not set}" : "${NIX_VERSION:?NIX_VERSION variable is not set}" : "${NIXOS_CONFIG_ID:?NIXOS_CONFIG_ID variable is not set}" : "${CONFIG_URL:?CONFIG_URL variable is not set}" : "${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY:=}" readonly NL=$'\n' readonly LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR="/etc/nixos" readonly SECRETS_FILEPATH="/etc/selfprivacy/secrets.json" readonly NIX="/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix" readonly NIX_OPTS=(--extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes") DoNetConf= genOptionalSsh() { [ -n "${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY}" ] && cat << EOF "ssh": { "rootKeys": [ "${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY}" ] }, EOF } # Merge original userdata.json with deployment specific fields and print result. genUserdata() { local HASHED_PASSWORD userdata_infect release HASHED_PASSWORD="$(mkpasswd -m sha-512 "$USER_PASS")" userdata_infect=$(cat << EOF { $(genOptionalSsh) "dns": { "provider": "$DNS_PROVIDER_TYPE", "useStagingACME": $STAGING_ACME }, "server": { "provider": "$PROVIDER" }, "domain": "$DOMAIN", "hashedMasterPassword": "$HASHED_PASSWORD", "hostname": "$HOSTNAME", "username": "$LUSER" } EOF ) jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' \ "${1:?no userdata.json given to merge with}" <(printf "%s" "$userdata_infect") } genSecrets() { cat << EOF { "api": { "token": "$API_TOKEN", "skippedMigrations": ["migrate_to_selfprivacy_channel", "mount_volume"] }, "databasePassword": "$DB_PASSWORD", "dns": { "apiKey": "$DNS_PROVIDER_TOKEN" }, "modules": { "nextcloud": { "adminPassword": "$USER_PASS", "databasePassword": "$USER_PASS" } } } EOF } genHardwareConfiguration() { local bootcfg if ((isEFI)); then bootcfg=$(cat << EOF boot.loader.grub = { efiSupport = true; efiInstallAsRemovable = true; device = "nodev"; }; fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "$ESP"; fsType = "vfat"; }; EOF ) else bootcfg=$(cat << EOF boot.loader.grub.device = "$GRUBDEV"; EOF ) fi local currentSystem if ! currentSystem="$($NIX "${NIX_OPTS[@]}" eval --impure --raw --expr builtins.currentSystem)" then echo "cannot determine Nix currentSystem identifier" return 1 fi # FIXME it's questionable whether these modules are needed at all... declare -a availableKernelModules=() [ "$PROVIDER" == "digitalocean" ] \ && availableKernelModules+=('"ata_piix"' '"uhci_hcd"' '"xen_blkfront"') [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ] \ && availableKernelModules+=('"vmw_pvscsi"') # TODO try nixos-generate-config first, resorting to the way below if failed # FIXME "nvme" is not needed for hetzner? cat << EOF { modulesPath, ... }: { imports = [ (modulesPath + "/profiles/qemu-guest.nix") ]; $bootcfg boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "nvme" ]; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ ${availableKernelModules[@]} ]; fileSystems."/" = { device = "$ROOTFSDEV"; fsType = "$ROOTFSTYPE"; }; nixpkgs.hostPlatform = "${currentSystem}"; } EOF } genDeploymentConfiguration() { local release if ! release="$($NIX "${NIX_OPTS[@]}" eval --impure --raw --expr "(builtins.getFlake (builtins.toString ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR})).inputs.selfprivacy-nixos-config.inputs.nixpkgs.lib.trivial.release")" then echo "cannot determine NixOS release version" return 1 fi cat << EOF { lib, ... }: { # The content below is static and belongs to this deployment only! # Do not copy this configuration file to another NixOS installation! system.stateVersion = lib.mkDefault "$release";` `$(if [ "$DoNetConf" == "y" ]; then echo -e "$NL"; genNetworkingConf; fi) } EOF } setupConf() { mkdir -p ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR} if ! curl "${CONFIG_URL}" \ | tar -xz -C ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR} --strip-components=1 --exclude=".*" then echo "Error downloading/extracting top level flake configuration!" exit 1 fi # generate and write hardware-configuration.nix if ! genHardwareConfiguration > ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/hardware-configuration.nix then echo "error generating ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/hardware-configuration.nix" exit 1 fi # generate and write deployment.nix if ! genDeploymentConfiguration > ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/deployment.nix then echo "error generating ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/deployment.nix" exit 1 fi # generate infected userdata based on original local userdataInfected userdataInfected="$(genUserdata ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/userdata.json)" printf "%s" "$userdataInfected" > ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/userdata.json # generate and write secrets local secrets secrets="$(genSecrets)" install -m0600 <(printf "%s" "$secrets") -DT ${SECRETS_FILEPATH} } # shellcheck disable=SC2207 genNetworkingConf() { # XXX It'd be better if we used procfs for all this... local IFS=$'\n' local eth0_name eth0_ip4s eth0_ip6s gateway gateway6 ether0 eth1_name local interfaces1 extraRules1 predictable_inames eth0_name="$(ip address show | grep '^2:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')" eth0_ip4s=($(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep 'inet ' | sed -r 's|.*inet ([0-9.]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|')) eth0_ip6s=($(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep 'inet6 ' | sed -r 's|.*inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|')) || true gateway="$(ip route show dev "$eth0_name" | grep default | sed -r 's|default via ([0-9.]+).*|\1|')" gateway6="$(ip -6 route show dev "$eth0_name" | grep default | sed -r 's|default via ([0-9a-f:]+).*|\1|')" || true ether0="$(ip address show dev "$eth0_name" | grep link/ether | sed -r 's|.*link/ether ([0-9a-f:]+) .*|\1|')" eth1_name="$(ip address show | grep '^3:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')" || true if [ -n "$eth1_name" ]; then local eth1_ip4s eth1_ip6s ether1 eth1_ip4s="$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep 'inet ' | sed -r 's|.*inet ([0-9.]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|')" eth1_ip6s="$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep 'inet6 ' | sed -r 's|.*inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+)/([0-9]+).*|{ address="\1"; prefixLength=\2; }|')" || true ether1="$(ip address show dev "$eth1_name" | grep link/ether | sed -r 's|.*link/ether ([0-9a-f:]+) .*|\1|')" interfaces1=$(cat << EOF $eth1_name = { ipv4.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth1_ip4s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv6.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth1_ip6s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; }; EOF ) extraRules1="ATTR{address}==\"${ether1}\", NAME=\"${eth1_name}\"" else interfaces1="" extraRules1="" fi if [[ "$eth0_name" = eth* ]]; then predictable_inames="usePredictableInterfaceNames = lib.mkForce false;" else predictable_inames="usePredictableInterfaceNames = lib.mkForce true;" fi local defaultGateway6=${gateway6:+defaultGateway6 = \{ address = "${gateway6}"; interface = "${eth0_name}"; \};} local ipv6routes=${gateway6:+ipv6.routes = \[ \{ address = "${gateway6}"; prefixLength = 128; \} \];} cat << EOF # Networking configuration was populated by nixos-infect with the networking # details gathered from the running system. networking = { defaultGateway = "${gateway}";` `${defaultGateway6:+ defaultGateway6} dhcpcd.enable = false; $predictable_inames interfaces = { $eth0_name = { ipv4.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth0_ip4s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv6.addresses = [$(for a in "${eth0_ip6s[@]}"; do echo -n " $a"; done) ]; ipv4.routes = [ { address = "${gateway}"; prefixLength = 32; } ];` `${ipv6routes:+ $ipv6routes} };` `${interfaces1:+ $interfaces1} }; }; services.udev.extraRules = '' ATTR{address}=="${ether0}", NAME="${eth0_name}"` `${extraRules1:+ $extraRules1} ''; EOF } makeSwap() { # TODO check currently available swapspace first swapFile=$(mktemp /tmp/nixos-infect.XXXXX.swp) dd if=/dev/zero "of=$swapFile" bs=1M count=$((1*1024)) chmod 0600 "$swapFile" mkswap "$swapFile" swapon -v "$swapFile" } removeSwap() { swapoff -a rm -vf /tmp/nixos-infect.*.swp } findESP() { local esp for d in /boot/EFI /boot/efi /boot; do [[ ! -d "$d" ]] && continue [[ "$d" == "$(df "$d" --output=target | sed 1d)" ]] \ && esp="$(df "$d" --output=source | sed 1d)" \ && break done [[ -z "$esp" ]] && { echo "ERROR: No ESP mount point found"; return 1; } for uuid in /dev/disk/by-uuid/*; do [[ $(readlink -f "$uuid") == "$esp" ]] && echo "$uuid" && return 0 done } prepareEnv() { isEFI=0 [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && isEFI=1 if ((isEFI)); then ESP="$(findESP)" else for GRUBDEV in /dev/vda /dev/sda /dev/nvme0n1; do [[ -e $GRUBDEV ]] && break; done fi # Retrieve root fs block device # (get root mount) (get partition or logical volume) ROOTFSDEV=$(mount | grep "on / type" | awk '{print $1;}') ROOTFSTYPE=$(df "$ROOTFSDEV" --output=fstype | sed 1d) # DigitalOcean doesn't seem to set USER while running user data export USER="root" export HOME="/root" # Nix installer tries to use sudo regardless of whether we're already uid 0 #which sudo || { sudo() { eval "$@"; }; export -f sudo; } # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix } fakeCurlUsingWget() { # Use adapted wget if curl is missing which wget && { \ curl() { eval "wget $( (local isStdout=1 for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in "-o") echo "-O"; isStdout=0 ;; "-O") isStdout=0 ;; "-L") ;; *) echo "$arg" ;; esac done; [[ $isStdout -eq 1 ]] && echo "-O-" )| tr '\n' ' ' )" }; export -f curl; } } req() { type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || which "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } checkEnv() { [[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]] || { echo "ERROR: Must run as root"; return 1; } # Perform some easy fixups before checking # TODO prevent multiple calls to apt-get update (which dnf && dnf install -y perl-Digest-SHA) || true # Fedora 24 which xzcat || (which yum && yum install -y xz-utils) \ || (which apt-get && apt-get update && apt-get install -y xz-utils) \ || true which curl || fakeCurlUsingWget \ || (which apt-get && apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl) \ || true req curl || req wget || { echo "ERROR: Missing both curl and wget"; return 1; } req xzcat || { echo "ERROR: Missing xzcat"; return 1; } req awk || { echo "ERROR: Missing awk"; return 1; } req cut || req df || { echo "ERROR: Missing coreutils (cut, df)"; return 1; } req mkpasswd || { echo "ERROR: Missing mkpasswd"; return 1; } } # Download and execute the nix installer script. installNix() { # install multiuser (system-wide with nix-daemon) Nix in the current system local nixReleaseBase='https://releases.nixos.org' local installURL="${nixReleaseBase}/nix/nix-${NIX_VERSION}/install" local shaURL="${installURL}.sha256" local sha tmpNixInstall # temporary destination for install script tmpNixInstall="$(mktemp -t nix-install-XXXXXXXXXX)" if [[ ! -f "${tmpNixInstall}" ]]; then echo "Failed creating a temporary file for Nix install script!" return 1 fi echo "Downloading install script from ${installURL}..." if ! curl "${installURL}" -o "${tmpNixInstall}" &>/dev/null; then echo "Failure while downloading Nix install script!" return 1 fi if ! sha="$(curl "${shaURL}")"; then echo "Failure while downloading Nix install script sha!" return 1 fi echo "Validating Nix install script checksum..." if ! echo "${sha} ${tmpNixInstall}" | sha256sum -c; then echo "Checksum validation failed!" return 1 fi echo "Running nix installer..." if $SHELL "${tmpNixInstall}" \ --daemon --no-channel-add --daemon-user-count 4; then echo "Nix is installed" rm "${tmpNixInstall}" else echo "Nix installation script failed!" return 1 fi } infect() { # this is needed solely for accepting the sp-module sub-flake # see https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3978#issuecomment-952418478 $NIX "${NIX_OPTS[@]}" flake lock ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR} --update-input sp-modules echo "nix build the configuration flake..." if ! $NIX "${NIX_OPTS[@]}" build \ --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system \ ${LOCAL_FLAKE_DIR}/#nixosConfigurations."$NIXOS_CONFIG_ID".config.system.build.toplevel then echo "Failed!" exit 1 fi # Reify resolv.conf (???) [[ -L /etc/resolv.conf ]] && mv -v /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.lnk && cat /etc/resolv.conf.lnk > /etc/resolv.conf # Stage the Nix coup d'état touch /etc/NIXOS echo etc/nixos > /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE echo etc/resolv.conf >> /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE echo ${SECRETS_FILEPATH} >> /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE rm -rf /boot.bak ((isEFI)) && umount "$ESP" mv -v /boot /boot.bak if ((isEFI)); then mkdir /boot mount "$ESP" /boot find /boot -depth ! -path /boot -exec rm -rf {} + fi echo "make configuration boot by default..." if ! /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot; then echo "Failed!"; exit 1 fi # Remove nix installed by the "install" script. rm -fv /nix/var/nix/profiles/default* /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/nix-collect-garbage } set -o pipefail set -o nounset set -o errexit set -o xtrace shopt -s inherit_errexit genNetworkingConf # digitalocean requires detailed network config to be generated [ "$PROVIDER" == "digitalocean" ] && DoNetConf="y" apt update apt install -y git tar curl whois jq checkEnv prepareEnv makeSwap # smallest (512MB) droplet needs extra memory! installNix setupConf infect removeSwap if [[ -z "${NO_REBOOT+x}" ]]; then reboot fi