diff --git a/selfprivacy_api/graphql/mutations/backup_mutations.py b/selfprivacy_api/graphql/mutations/backup_mutations.py
index 1488a2c..ad7c0c6 100644
--- a/selfprivacy_api/graphql/mutations/backup_mutations.py
+++ b/selfprivacy_api/graphql/mutations/backup_mutations.py
@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ class BackupMutations:
         self, period: typing.Optional[int] = None
     ) -> GenericBackupConfigReturn:
         """Set autobackup period. None is to disable autobackup"""
-        Backups.set_autobackup_period_minutes(period)
+        if period is not None:
+            Backups.set_autobackup_period_minutes(period)
+        else:
+            Backups.set_autobackup_period_minutes(0)
         return GenericBackupConfigReturn(
             success=True, message="", code="200", configuration=Backup().configuration()
diff --git a/tests/test_graphql/test_api_backup.py b/tests/test_graphql/test_api_backup.py
index d65d6f1..b8c09dc 100644
--- a/tests/test_graphql/test_api_backup.py
+++ b/tests/test_graphql/test_api_backup.py
@@ -6,6 +6,24 @@ from tests.common import generate_backup_query
 from selfprivacy_api.graphql.common_types.service import service_to_graphql_service
 from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Jobs, JobStatus
+mutation TestAutobackupPeriod($period: Int) {
+        setAutobackupPeriod(period: $period) {
+            success
+            message
+            code
+            configuration { 
+                provider
+                encryptionKey
+                isInitialized
+                autobackupPeriod
+                locationName
+                locationId
+            }
+        }
 mutation TestRemoveRepo {
         removeRepository {
@@ -103,6 +121,17 @@ def api_backup(authorized_client, service):
     return response
+def api_set_period(authorized_client, period):
+    response = authorized_client.post(
+        "/graphql",
+        json={
+            "variables": {"period": period},
+        },
+    )
+    return response
 def api_remove(authorized_client):
     response = authorized_client.post(
@@ -236,3 +265,50 @@ def test_remove(authorized_client, generic_userdata):
     # still generated every time it is missing
     assert len(configuration["encryptionKey"]) > 1
     assert configuration["isInitialized"] is False
+def test_autobackup_period_nonzero(authorized_client):
+    new_period = 11
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, new_period)
+    data = get_data(response)["setAutobackupPeriod"]
+    assert_ok(data)
+    configuration = data["configuration"]
+    assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == new_period
+def test_autobackup_period_zero(authorized_client):
+    new_period = 0
+    # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11)
+    # and now we nullify it
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, new_period)
+    data = get_data(response)["setAutobackupPeriod"]
+    assert_ok(data)
+    configuration = data["configuration"]
+    assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None
+def test_autobackup_period_none(authorized_client):
+    # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11)
+    # and now we nullify it
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, None)
+    data = get_data(response)["setAutobackupPeriod"]
+    assert_ok(data)
+    configuration = data["configuration"]
+    assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None
+def test_autobackup_period_negative(authorized_client):
+    # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11)
+    # and now we nullify it
+    response = api_set_period(authorized_client, -12)
+    data = get_data(response)["setAutobackupPeriod"]
+    assert_ok(data)
+    configuration = data["configuration"]
+    assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None