"""Class representing Bitwarden service"""
import base64
import typing
import subprocess

from typing import List
from os import path

# from enum import Enum

from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Job
from selfprivacy_api.services.service import Service, ServiceStatus
from selfprivacy_api.utils.block_devices import BlockDevice

from selfprivacy_api.services.test_service.icon import BITWARDEN_ICON


class DummyService(Service):
    """A test service"""

    folders: List[str] = []
    startstop_delay = 0.0
    backuppable = True
    movable = True
    # if False, we try to actually move
    simulate_moving = True
    drive = "sda1"

    def __init_subclass__(cls, folders: List[str]):
        cls.folders = folders

    def __init__(self):
        with open(self.status_file(), "w") as file:

    def get_id() -> str:
        """Return service id."""
        return "testservice"

    def get_display_name() -> str:
        """Return service display name."""
        return "Test Service"

    def get_description() -> str:
        """Return service description."""
        return "A small service used for test purposes. Does nothing."

    def get_svg_icon() -> str:
        """Read SVG icon from file and return it as base64 encoded string."""
        # return ""
        return base64.b64encode(BITWARDEN_ICON.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

    def get_url(cls) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        """Return service url."""
        domain = "test.com"
        return f"https://password.{domain}"

    def get_subdomain(cls) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        return "password"

    def is_movable(cls) -> bool:
        return cls.movable

    def is_required() -> bool:
        return False

    def get_backup_description() -> str:
        return "How did we get here?"

    def status_file(cls) -> str:
        dir = cls.folders[0]
        # we do not REALLY want to store our state in our declared folders
        return path.join(dir, "..", "service_status")

    def set_status(cls, status: ServiceStatus):
        with open(cls.status_file(), "w") as file:

    def get_status(cls) -> ServiceStatus:
        with open(cls.status_file(), "r") as file:
            status_string = file.read().strip()
        return ServiceStatus[status_string]

    def change_status_with_async_delay(
        cls, new_status: ServiceStatus, delay_sec: float
        """simulating a delay on systemd side"""
        if delay_sec == 0:

        status_file = cls.status_file()
        command = [
            f" sleep {delay_sec} && echo {new_status.value} > {status_file}",

    def set_backuppable(cls, new_value: bool) -> None:
        """For tests: because can_be_backed_up is static,
        we can only set it up dynamically for tests via a classmethod"""
        cls.backuppable = new_value

    def set_movable(cls, new_value: bool) -> None:
        """For tests: because is_movale is static,
        we can only set it up dynamically for tests via a classmethod"""
        cls.movable = new_value

    def can_be_backed_up(cls) -> bool:
        """`True` if the service can be backed up."""
        return cls.backuppable

    def set_delay(cls, new_delay_sec: float) -> None:
        cls.startstop_delay = new_delay_sec

    def set_drive(cls, new_drive: str) -> None:
        cls.drive = new_drive

    def set_simulated_moves(cls, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """If True, this service will not actually call moving code
        when moved"""
        cls.simulate_moving = enabled

    def stop(cls):
        # simulate a failing service unable to stop
        if not cls.get_status() == ServiceStatus.FAILED:
                ServiceStatus.INACTIVE, cls.startstop_delay

    def start(cls):
        cls.change_status_with_async_delay(ServiceStatus.ACTIVE, cls.startstop_delay)

    def restart(cls):
        cls.set_status(ServiceStatus.RELOADING)  # is a correct one?
        cls.change_status_with_async_delay(ServiceStatus.ACTIVE, cls.startstop_delay)

    def get_configuration(cls):
        return {}

    def set_configuration(cls, config_items):
        return super().set_configuration(config_items)

    def get_logs():
        return ""

    def get_storage_usage() -> int:
        storage_usage = 0
        return storage_usage

    def get_drive(cls) -> str:
        return cls.drive

    def get_folders(cls) -> List[str]:
        return cls.folders

    def do_move_to_volume(self, volume: BlockDevice, job: Job) -> Job:
        if self.simulate_moving is False:
            return super(DummyService, self).do_move_to_volume(volume, job)
            return job