"""Actions to manage the system.""" import os import subprocess import pytz from typing import Optional, List from pydantic import BaseModel from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Job, JobStatus, Jobs from selfprivacy_api.jobs.upgrade_system import rebuild_system_task from selfprivacy_api.utils import WriteUserData, ReadUserData from selfprivacy_api.utils import UserDataFiles from selfprivacy_api.graphql.queries.providers import DnsProvider def get_timezone() -> str: """Get the timezone of the server""" with ReadUserData() as user_data: if "timezone" in user_data: return user_data["timezone"] return "Etc/UTC" class InvalidTimezone(Exception): """Invalid timezone""" pass def change_timezone(timezone: str) -> None: """Change the timezone of the server""" if timezone not in pytz.all_timezones: raise InvalidTimezone(f"Invalid timezone: {timezone}") with WriteUserData() as user_data: user_data["timezone"] = timezone class UserDataAutoUpgradeSettings(BaseModel): """Settings for auto-upgrading user data""" enable: bool = True allowReboot: bool = False def set_dns_provider(provider: DnsProvider, token: str): with WriteUserData() as user_data: if "dns" not in user_data.keys(): user_data["dns"] = {} user_data["dns"]["provider"] = provider.value with WriteUserData(file_type=UserDataFiles.SECRETS) as secrets: if "dns" not in secrets.keys(): secrets["dns"] = {} secrets["dns"]["apiKey"] = token def get_auto_upgrade_settings() -> UserDataAutoUpgradeSettings: """Get the auto-upgrade settings""" with ReadUserData() as user_data: if "autoUpgrade" in user_data: return UserDataAutoUpgradeSettings(**user_data["autoUpgrade"]) return UserDataAutoUpgradeSettings() def set_auto_upgrade_settings( enable: Optional[bool] = None, allowReboot: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: """Set the auto-upgrade settings""" with WriteUserData() as user_data: if "autoUpgrade" not in user_data: user_data["autoUpgrade"] = {} if enable is not None: user_data["autoUpgrade"]["enable"] = enable if allowReboot is not None: user_data["autoUpgrade"]["allowReboot"] = allowReboot class ShellException(Exception): """Something went wrong when calling another process""" pass def run_blocking(cmd: List[str], new_session: bool = False) -> str: """Run a process, block until done, return output, complain if failed""" process_handle = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=False, start_new_session=new_session, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout_raw, stderr_raw = process_handle.communicate() stdout = stdout_raw.decode("utf-8") if stderr_raw is not None: stderr = stderr_raw.decode("utf-8") else: stderr = "" output = stdout + "\n" + stderr if process_handle.returncode != 0: raise ShellException( f"Shell command failed, command array: {cmd}, output: {output}" ) return stdout def add_rebuild_job() -> Job: return Jobs.add( type_id="system.nixos.rebuild", name="Rebuild system", description="Applying the new system configuration by building the new NixOS generation.", status=JobStatus.CREATED, ) def rebuild_system() -> Job: """Rebuild the system""" job = add_rebuild_job() rebuild_system_task(job) return job def rollback_system() -> int: """Rollback the system""" run_blocking(["systemctl", "start", "sp-nixos-rollback.service"], new_session=True) return 0 def upgrade_system() -> Job: """Upgrade the system""" job = Jobs.add( type_id="system.nixos.upgrade", name="Upgrade system", description="Upgrading the system to the latest version.", status=JobStatus.CREATED, ) rebuild_system_task(job, upgrade=True) return job def reboot_system() -> None: """Reboot the system""" run_blocking(["reboot"], new_session=True) def get_system_version() -> str: """Get system version""" return subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-a"]).decode("utf-8").strip() def get_python_version() -> str: """Get Python version""" return subprocess.check_output(["python", "-V"]).decode("utf-8").strip() class SystemActionResult(BaseModel): """System action result""" status: int message: str data: str def pull_repository_changes() -> SystemActionResult: """Pull repository changes""" git_pull_command = ["git", "pull"] current_working_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/etc/nixos") git_pull_process_descriptor = subprocess.Popen( git_pull_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, ) data = git_pull_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") os.chdir(current_working_directory) if git_pull_process_descriptor.returncode == 0: return SystemActionResult( status=0, message="Pulled repository changes", data=data, ) return SystemActionResult( status=git_pull_process_descriptor.returncode, message="Failed to pull repository changes", data=data, )