{ description = "SelfPrivacy API flake"; inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs"; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }: let system = "x86_64-linux"; pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; selfprivacy-graphql-api = pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix { pythonPackages = pkgs.python310Packages; rev = self.shortRev or self.dirtyShortRev or "dirty"; }; in { packages.${system}.default = selfprivacy-graphql-api; nixosModules.default = { imports = [ (import ./nixos/module.nix self.packages.${system}.default) ./nixos/config.nix ]; }; devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell { packages = let # TODO is there a better way to get environment for VS Code? python3 = nixpkgs.lib.findFirst (p: p.pname == "python3") (abort "wtf") self.packages.${system}.default.propagatedBuildInputs; python-env = python3.withPackages (_: self.packages.${system}.default.propagatedBuildInputs); in with pkgs; [ python-env black rclone redis restic ]; shellHook = '' # envs set with export and as attributes are treated differently. # for example. printenv will not fetch the value of an attribute. export USE_REDIS_PORT=6379 pkill redis-server sleep 2 setsid redis-server --bind --port $USE_REDIS_PORT >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & # maybe set more env-vars ''; }; }; nixConfig.bash-prompt = ''\n\[\e[1;32m\][\[\e[0m\]\[\e[1;34m\]SP devshell\[\e[0m\]\[\e[1;32m\]:\w]\$\[\[\e[0m\] ''; }