""" Redis pool module for selfprivacy_api """ import redis from selfprivacy_api.utils.singleton_metaclass import SingletonMetaclass from os import environ REDIS_SOCKET = "/run/redis-sp-api/redis.sock" class RedisPool(metaclass=SingletonMetaclass): """ Redis connection pool singleton. """ def __init__(self): if "USE_REDIS_PORT" in environ.keys(): self._pool = redis.ConnectionPool( host="", port=int(environ["USE_REDIS_PORT"]), decode_responses=True, ) else: self._pool = redis.ConnectionPool.from_url( f"unix://{REDIS_SOCKET}", decode_responses=True, ) self._pubsub_connection = self.get_connection() def get_connection(self): """ Get a connection from the pool. """ return redis.Redis(connection_pool=self._pool) def get_pubsub(self): """ Get a pubsub connection from the pool. """ return self._pubsub_connection.pubsub()