"""Class representing Roundcube service"""

import base64
import subprocess
from typing import List, Optional

from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Job
from selfprivacy_api.utils.systemd import (
from selfprivacy_api.services.service import Service, ServiceStatus
from selfprivacy_api.utils import ReadUserData, get_domain
from selfprivacy_api.utils.block_devices import BlockDevice
from selfprivacy_api.services.roundcube.icon import ROUNDCUBE_ICON

class Roundcube(Service):
    """Class representing roundcube service"""

    def get_id() -> str:
        """Return service id."""
        return "roundcube"

    def get_display_name() -> str:
        """Return service display name."""
        return "Roundcube"

    def get_description() -> str:
        """Return service description."""
        return "Roundcube is an open source webmail software."

    def get_svg_icon() -> str:
        """Read SVG icon from file and return it as base64 encoded string."""
        return base64.b64encode(ROUNDCUBE_ICON.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

    def get_url(cls) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return service url."""
        domain = get_domain()
        subdomain = cls.get_subdomain()
        return f"https://{subdomain}.{domain}"

    def get_subdomain(cls) -> Optional[str]:
        with ReadUserData() as data:
            if "roundcube" in data["modules"]:
                return data["modules"]["roundcube"]["subdomain"]

        return "roundcube"

    def is_movable() -> bool:
        return False

    def is_required() -> bool:
        return False

    def can_be_backed_up() -> bool:
        return False

    def get_backup_description() -> str:
        return "Nothing to backup."

    def get_status() -> ServiceStatus:
        return get_service_status_from_several_units(["phpfpm-roundcube.service"])

    def stop():
            ["systemctl", "stop", "phpfpm-roundcube.service"],

    def start():
            ["systemctl", "start", "phpfpm-roundcube.service"],

    def restart():
            ["systemctl", "restart", "phpfpm-roundcube.service"],

    def get_configuration():
        return {}

    def set_configuration(config_items):
        return super().set_configuration(config_items)

    def get_logs():
        return ""

    def get_folders() -> List[str]:
        return []

    def move_to_volume(self, volume: BlockDevice) -> Job:
        raise NotImplementedError("roundcube service is not movable")