"""App tokens actions""" from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from mnemonic import Mnemonic from selfprivacy_api.repositories.tokens.json_tokens_repository import ( JsonTokensRepository, ) from selfprivacy_api.repositories.tokens.exceptions import ( TokenNotFound, RecoveryKeyNotFound, InvalidMnemonic, NewDeviceKeyNotFound, ) TOKEN_REPO = JsonTokensRepository() class TokenInfoWithIsCaller(BaseModel): """Token info""" name: str date: datetime is_caller: bool def get_api_tokens_with_caller_flag(caller_token: str) -> list[TokenInfoWithIsCaller]: """Get the tokens info""" caller_name = TOKEN_REPO.get_token_by_token_string(caller_token).device_name tokens = TOKEN_REPO.get_tokens() return [ TokenInfoWithIsCaller( name=token.device_name, date=token.created_at, is_caller=token.device_name == caller_name, ) for token in tokens ] class NotFoundException(Exception): """Not found exception""" class CannotDeleteCallerException(Exception): """Cannot delete caller exception""" def delete_api_token(caller_token: str, token_name: str) -> None: """Delete the token""" if TOKEN_REPO.is_token_name_pair_valid(token_name, caller_token): raise CannotDeleteCallerException("Cannot delete caller's token") if not TOKEN_REPO.is_token_name_exists(token_name): raise NotFoundException("Token not found") token = TOKEN_REPO.get_token_by_name(token_name) TOKEN_REPO.delete_token(token) def refresh_api_token(caller_token: str) -> str: """Refresh the token""" try: old_token = TOKEN_REPO.get_token_by_token_string(caller_token) new_token = TOKEN_REPO.refresh_token(old_token) except TokenNotFound: raise NotFoundException("Token not found") return new_token.token class RecoveryTokenStatus(BaseModel): """Recovery token status""" exists: bool valid: bool date: Optional[datetime] = None expiration: Optional[datetime] = None uses_left: Optional[int] = None def get_api_recovery_token_status() -> RecoveryTokenStatus: """Get the recovery token status""" token = TOKEN_REPO.get_recovery_key() if token is None: return RecoveryTokenStatus(exists=False, valid=False) is_valid = TOKEN_REPO.is_recovery_key_valid() return RecoveryTokenStatus( exists=True, valid=is_valid, date=token.created_at, expiration=token.expires_at, uses_left=token.uses_left, ) class InvalidExpirationDate(Exception): """Invalid expiration date exception""" class InvalidUsesLeft(Exception): """Invalid uses left exception""" def get_new_api_recovery_key( expiration_date: Optional[datetime] = None, uses_left: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: """Get new recovery key""" if expiration_date is not None: current_time = datetime.now().timestamp() if expiration_date.timestamp() < current_time: raise InvalidExpirationDate("Expiration date is in the past") if uses_left is not None: if uses_left <= 0: raise InvalidUsesLeft("Uses must be greater than 0") key = TOKEN_REPO.create_recovery_key(expiration_date, uses_left) mnemonic_phrase = Mnemonic(language="english").to_mnemonic(bytes.fromhex(key.key)) return mnemonic_phrase def use_mnemonic_recovery_token(mnemonic_phrase, name): """Use the recovery token by converting the mnemonic word list to a byte array. If the recovery token if invalid itself, return None If the binary representation of phrase not matches the byte array of the recovery token, return None. If the mnemonic phrase is valid then generate a device token and return it. Substract 1 from uses_left if it exists. mnemonic_phrase is a string representation of the mnemonic word list. """ try: token = TOKEN_REPO.use_mnemonic_recovery_key(mnemonic_phrase, name) return token.token except (RecoveryKeyNotFound, InvalidMnemonic): return None def delete_new_device_auth_token() -> None: TOKEN_REPO.delete_new_device_key() def get_new_device_auth_token() -> str: """Generate and store a new device auth token which is valid for 10 minutes and return a mnemonic phrase representation """ key = TOKEN_REPO.get_new_device_key() return Mnemonic(language="english").to_mnemonic(bytes.fromhex(key.key)) def use_new_device_auth_token(mnemonic_phrase, name) -> str: """Use the new device auth token by converting the mnemonic string to a byte array. If the mnemonic phrase is valid then generate a device token and return it. New device auth token must be deleted. """ try: token = TOKEN_REPO.use_mnemonic_new_device_key(mnemonic_phrase, name) return token.token except (NewDeviceKeyNotFound, InvalidMnemonic): return None