from json import JSONDecodeError from typing import Any, Optional, Union import subprocess import re import logging import requests # type: ignore from import Group from selfprivacy_api.repositories.users.exceptions import ( NoPasswordResetLinkFoundInResponse, UserAlreadyExists, UserNotFound, ) from selfprivacy_api.repositories.users.exceptions_kanidm import ( FailedToGetValidKanidmToken, KanidmCliSubprocessError, KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword, KanidmQueryError, KanidmReturnEmptyResponse, KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType, ) from import KANIDM_A_RECORD from selfprivacy_api.utils import get_domain, temporary_env_var from selfprivacy_api.utils.redis_pool import RedisPool from selfprivacy_api.models.user import UserDataUser, UserDataUserOrigin from selfprivacy_api.repositories.users.abstract_user_repository import ( AbstractUserRepository, ) REDIS_TOKEN_KEY = "kanidm:token" KANIDM_URL = "" ADMIN_KANIDM_GROUPS = ["sp.admin"] redis = RedisPool().get_connection() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KanidmAdminToken: """ Manages the administrative token for Kanidm. Methods: get() -> str: Retrieves the current administrative token. If absent, resets the admin password and creates a new token. _create_and_save_token(kanidm_admin_password: str) -> str: Creates a new token using the admin password and saves it to Redis. _reset_and_save_idm_admin_password() -> str: Resets the Kanidm admin password and returns the new password. _delete_kanidm_token_from_db() -> None: Deletes the admin token from Redis. _is_token_valid() -> bool: Sends a request to kanidm to check the validity of the token. """ @staticmethod def get() -> str: kanidm_admin_token = str(redis.get(REDIS_TOKEN_KEY)) if kanidm_admin_token is None or not KanidmAdminToken._is_token_valid( kanidm_admin_token ): kanidm_admin_password = ( KanidmAdminToken._reset_and_save_idm_admin_password() ) kanidm_admin_token = KanidmAdminToken._create_and_save_token( kanidm_admin_password=kanidm_admin_password ) return kanidm_admin_token @staticmethod def _create_and_save_token(kanidm_admin_password: str) -> str: with temporary_env_var(key="KANIDM_PASSWORD", value=kanidm_admin_password): try:["kanidm", "login", "-D", "idm_admin"], check=True) output = subprocess.check_output( [ "kanidm", "service-account", "api-token", "generate", "--rw", "selfprivacy", "token2", ], text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: logger.error(f"Error creating Kanidm token: {str(error.output)}") raise KanidmCliSubprocessError(error=str(error.output)) kanidm_admin_token = output.splitlines()[-1] redis.set("kanidm:token", kanidm_admin_token) return kanidm_admin_token @staticmethod def _reset_and_save_idm_admin_password() -> str: output = subprocess.check_output( [ "kanidmd", "recover-account", "-c", "/etc/kanidm/server.toml", "idm_admin", "-o", "json", ], text=True, ) match ='"password":"([^"]+)"', output) if match: new_kanidm_admin_password = 1 ) # we have many non-JSON strings in output else: raise KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword return new_kanidm_admin_password @staticmethod def _is_token_valid(token: str) -> bool: endpoint = f"{KANIDM_URL}/v1/person/root" try: response = requests.get( endpoint, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, timeout=1, verify=False, # TODO: REMOVE THIS NOT HALAL!!!!! ) except ( requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, ) as error: raise KanidmQueryError( error_text=f"Kanidm is not responding to requests. Error: {str(error)}", endpoint=endpoint, ) except Exception as error: raise KanidmQueryError(error_text=error, endpoint=endpoint) response_data = response.json() # we do not handle the other errors, this is handled by the main function in KanidmUserRepository._send_query if response.status_code != 200: if isinstance(response_data, str) and response_data == "notauthenticated": logger.error("Kanidm token is not valid") return False return True @staticmethod def _delete_kanidm_token_from_db() -> None: redis.delete("kanidm:token") class KanidmUserRepository(AbstractUserRepository): """ Repository for managing users through Kanidm. """ @staticmethod def _check_response_type_and_not_empty(data_type: str, response_data: Any) -> None: """ Validates the type and that content of the response data is not empty. Args: data_type (str): Expected type of response data ('list' or 'dict'). response_data (Any): Response data to validate. Raises: KanidmReturnEmptyResponse: If the response data is empty. KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType: If the response data is not of the expected type. """ if not response_data or response_data is None: raise KanidmReturnEmptyResponse if data_type == "list": if not isinstance(response_data, list): raise KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType(response_data=response_data) elif data_type == "dict": if not isinstance(response_data, dict): raise KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType(response_data=response_data) @staticmethod def _check_user_origin_by_memberof( memberof: list[str] = [], ) -> UserDataUserOrigin: """ Determines the origin of the user based on their group memberships. Args: memberof (List[str]): List of groups the user belongs to. Returns: UserDataUserOrigin: The origin type of the user (PRIMARY or NORMAL). """ if all(group in memberof for group in ADMIN_KANIDM_GROUPS): return UserDataUserOrigin.PRIMARY else: return UserDataUserOrigin.NORMAL @staticmethod def _send_query(endpoint: str, method: str = "GET", data=None) -> Union[dict, list]: """ Sends a request to the Kanidm API. Args: endpoint (str): The API endpoint. method (str, optional): The HTTP method (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE). Defaults to "GET". data (Optional[dict], optional): The data to send in the request body. Defaults to None. Returns: Union[dict, list]: The response data. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs during the request. UserAlreadyExists: If the user already exists. UserNotFound: If the user is not found. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ request_method = getattr(requests, method.lower(), None) if not request_method: logger.error(f"HTTP method '{method}' is not supported.") raise ValueError(f"Unsupported HTTP method: {method}") full_endpoint = f"{KANIDM_URL}/v1/{endpoint}" try: response = request_method( full_endpoint, json=data, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {KanidmAdminToken.get()}", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, timeout=1, verify=False, # TODO: REMOVE THIS NOT HALAL!!!!! ) response_data = response.json() except JSONDecodeError as error: logger.error(f"Kanidm query error: {str(error)}") raise KanidmQueryError( error_text=f"No JSON found in Kanidm response. Error: {str(error)}", endpoint=full_endpoint, ) except ( requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, ) as error: raise KanidmQueryError( error_text=f"Kanidm is not responding to requests. Error: {str(error)}", endpoint=endpoint, ) except Exception as error: logger.error(f"Kanidm query error: {str(error)}") raise KanidmQueryError(error_text=error, endpoint=full_endpoint) if response.status_code != 200: if isinstance(response_data, dict): plugin_error = response_data.get("plugin", {}) if plugin_error.get("attrunique") == "duplicate value detected": raise UserAlreadyExists # does it work only for user? NO ONE KNOWS if isinstance(response_data, str): if response_data == "nomatchingentries": raise UserNotFound # does it work only for user? elif response_data == "accessdenied": raise KanidmQueryError( error_text="Kanidm access issue", endpoint=full_endpoint ) elif response_data == "notauthenticated": raise FailedToGetValidKanidmToken logger.error(f"Kanidm query error: {response.text}") raise KanidmQueryError(error_text=response.text, endpoint=full_endpoint) return response_data @staticmethod def create_user( username: str, directmemberof: Optional[list[str]] = None, displayname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a new user. ! "password" is a legacy field, please use generate_password_reset_link() instead ! Args: username (str): The username. directmemberof (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of direct group memberships. Defaults to None. memberof (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of indirect group memberships. Defaults to None. displayname (Optional[str], optional): If displayname is None, it will default to the username. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while creating the user. UserAlreadyExists: If the user already exists. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ data = { "attrs": { "name": [username], "displayname": [displayname if displayname else username], "mail": [f"{username}@{get_domain()}"], "class": ["user"], # TODO read more about it } } if directmemberof: data["attrs"]["directmemberof"] = directmemberof KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint="person", method="POST", data=data, ) @staticmethod def get_users( exclude_primary: bool = False, exclude_root: bool = False, # never return root ) -> list[UserDataUser]: """ Gets a list of users with options to exclude specific user groups. ! The root user will never return ! Args: exclude_primary (bool, optional): Exclude users with PRIMARY type. Defaults to False. exclude_root (bool, optional): Not working for Kanidm. The root user will never return. Returns: List[UserDataUser]: The list of users. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while retrieving users. KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType: If response type is unknown. KanidmReturnEmptyResponse: If response is empty. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ users_data = KanidmUserRepository._send_query(endpoint="person", method="GET") KanidmUserRepository._check_response_type_and_not_empty( data_type="list", response_data=users_data ) users = [] for user in users_data: user_attrs = user.get("attrs", {}) user_type = KanidmUserRepository._check_user_origin_by_memberof( memberof=user_attrs.get("memberof", []) ) if exclude_primary and user_type == UserDataUserOrigin.PRIMARY: continue filled_user = UserDataUser( username=user_attrs["name"][0], user_type=user_type, ssh_keys=[], # actions layer will full in this field directmemberof=user_attrs.get("directmemberof", []), memberof=user_attrs.get("memberof", []), displayname=user_attrs.get("displayname", None)[0], email=user_attrs.get("mail", None)[0], ) users.append(filled_user) return users @staticmethod def delete_user(username: str) -> None: """ Deletes an existing user from Kanidm. Args: username (str): The username to delete. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while deleting the user. UserNotFound: If the user does not exist. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ KanidmUserRepository._send_query(endpoint=f"person/{username}", method="DELETE") @staticmethod def update_user( username: str, displayname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Update user information. ! Do not update the password, please use generate_password_reset_link() instead ! Args: username (str): The username to update. directmemberof (Optional[List[str]], optional): New list of direct group memberships. Defaults to None. displayname (Optional[str], optional): New display name. Defaults to username if not provided. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while updating the user. UserNotFound: If the user does not exist. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ data = { "attrs": { "mail": [f"{username}@{get_domain()}"], "class": ["user"], # TODO read more about it } } if displayname: data["attrs"]["displayname"] = [displayname] KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint=f"person/{username}", method="PATCH", data=data, ) @staticmethod def get_user_by_username(username: str) -> UserDataUser: """ Retrieves user data by username. Args: username (str): The username to search for. Returns: UserDataUser: The user data. Raises: UserNotFound: If the user does not exist. KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while retrieving the user data. KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType: If response type is unknown. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ user_data = KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint=f"person/{username}", method="GET", ) try: KanidmUserRepository._check_response_type_and_not_empty( data_type="dict", response_data=user_data ) except KanidmReturnEmptyResponse: raise UserNotFound attrs = user_data["attrs"] # type: ignore return UserDataUser( username=attrs["name"][0], user_type=KanidmUserRepository._check_user_origin_by_memberof( memberof=attrs.get("memberof", []) ), ssh_keys=[], # Actions layer will fill this field directmemberof=attrs.get("directmemberof", []), memberof=attrs.get("memberof", []), displayname=attrs.get("displayname", [None])[0], email=attrs.get("mail", [None])[0], ) # ! Not implemented in JsonUserRepository ! # | | # \|/ \|/ @staticmethod def generate_password_reset_link(username: str) -> str: """ Do not reset the password, just generate a link to reset the password. Args: username (str): The username for which to generate the reset link. Returns: str: The password reset link. Raises: NoPasswordResetLinkFoundInResponse: If no token is found in the response. KanidmReturnEmptyResponse: If the response from Kanidm is empty. KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while generating the link. KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType: If response type is unknown. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ data = KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint=f"person/{username}/_credential/_update_intent", method="GET", ) KanidmUserRepository._check_response_type_and_not_empty( data_type="dict", response_data=data ) token = data.get("token", None) # type: ignore if not token: raise KanidmReturnEmptyResponse if token: return f"https://{KANIDM_A_RECORD}.{get_domain()}/ui/reset?token={token}" raise NoPasswordResetLinkFoundInResponse @staticmethod def get_groups() -> list[Group]: """ Return Kanidm groups. Returns: list[Group] Raises: KanidmReturnEmptyResponse: If the response from Kanidm is empty. KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while generating the link. KanidmReturnUnknownResponseType: If response type is unknown. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ groups_list_data = KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint="group", method="GET", ) KanidmUserRepository._check_response_type_and_not_empty( data_type="list", response_data=groups_list_data ) groups = [] for group_data in groups_list_data: attrs = group_data.get("attrs", {}) group = Group( name=attrs["name"][0], group_class=attrs.get("class", []), member=attrs.get("member", []), memberof=attrs.get("memberof", []), directmemberof=attrs.get("directmemberof", []), spn=attrs.get("spn", [None])[0], description=attrs.get("description", [None])[0], ) groups.append(group) return groups @staticmethod def add_users_to_group(users: list[str], group_name: str) -> None: """ Add users to a specified group in Kanidm. Args: users (list[str]): A list of usernames to add to the group. group_name (str): The name of the group to which the users will be added. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while adding users to the group. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint=f"group/{group_name}/_attr/member", method="POST", data=users, ) @staticmethod def remove_users_from_group(users: list[str], group_name: str) -> None: """ Remove users from a specified group in Kanidm. Args: users (list[str]): A list of usernames to remove from the group. group_name (str): The name of the group from which the users will be removed. Raises: KanidmQueryError: If an error occurs while removing users from the group. Raises from KanidmAdminToken: KanidmCliSubprocessError: If there is an error with the Kanidm CLI subprocess. KanidmDidNotReturnAdminPassword: If Kanidm did not return the admin password. FailedToGetValidKanidmToken: If a valid Kanidm token could not be retrieved. """ KanidmUserRepository._send_query( endpoint=f"group/{group_name}/_attr/member", method="DELETE", data=users, )