""" Module for storing backup related data in redis. """ from typing import List, Optional from datetime import datetime from selfprivacy_api.models.backup.snapshot import Snapshot from selfprivacy_api.models.backup.provider import BackupProviderModel from selfprivacy_api.graphql.common_types.backup import ( AutobackupQuotas, _AutobackupQuotas, ) from selfprivacy_api.utils.redis_pool import RedisPool from selfprivacy_api.utils.redis_model_storage import ( store_model_as_hash, hash_as_model, ) from selfprivacy_api.backup.providers.provider import AbstractBackupProvider from selfprivacy_api.backup.providers import get_kind # a hack to store file path. REDIS_SNAPSHOT_CACHE_EXPIRE_SECONDS = 24 * 60 * 60 # one day REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX = "backups:snapshots:" REDIS_LAST_BACKUP_PREFIX = "backups:last-backed-up:" REDIS_INITTED_CACHE = "backups:repo_initted" REDIS_PROVIDER_KEY = "backups:provider" REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY = "backups:autobackup_period" REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_KEY = "backups:autobackup_quotas_key" redis = RedisPool().get_connection() class Storage: """Static class for storing backup related data in redis""" @staticmethod def reset() -> None: """Deletes all backup related data from redis""" redis.delete(REDIS_PROVIDER_KEY) redis.delete(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY) redis.delete(REDIS_INITTED_CACHE) redis.delete(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_KEY) prefixes_to_clean = [ REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX, REDIS_LAST_BACKUP_PREFIX, ] for prefix in prefixes_to_clean: for key in redis.keys(prefix + "*"): redis.delete(key) @staticmethod def invalidate_snapshot_storage() -> None: """Deletes all cached snapshots from redis""" for key in redis.keys(REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + "*"): redis.delete(key) @staticmethod def __last_backup_key(service_id: str) -> str: return REDIS_LAST_BACKUP_PREFIX + service_id @staticmethod def __snapshot_key(snapshot: Snapshot) -> str: return REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + snapshot.id @staticmethod def get_last_backup_time(service_id: str) -> Optional[datetime]: """Returns last backup time for a service or None if it was never backed up""" key = Storage.__last_backup_key(service_id) if not redis.exists(key): return None snapshot = hash_as_model(redis, key, Snapshot) if not snapshot: return None return snapshot.created_at @staticmethod def store_last_timestamp(service_id: str, snapshot: Snapshot) -> None: """Stores last backup time for a service""" store_model_as_hash( redis, Storage.__last_backup_key(service_id), snapshot, ) @staticmethod def cache_snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) -> None: """Stores snapshot metadata in redis for caching purposes""" snapshot_key = Storage.__snapshot_key(snapshot) store_model_as_hash(redis, snapshot_key, snapshot) redis.expire(snapshot_key, REDIS_SNAPSHOT_CACHE_EXPIRE_SECONDS) @staticmethod def delete_cached_snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) -> None: """Deletes snapshot metadata from redis""" snapshot_key = Storage.__snapshot_key(snapshot) redis.delete(snapshot_key) @staticmethod def get_cached_snapshot_by_id(snapshot_id: str) -> Optional[Snapshot]: """Returns cached snapshot by id or None if it doesn't exist""" key = REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + snapshot_id if not redis.exists(key): return None return hash_as_model(redis, key, Snapshot) @staticmethod def get_cached_snapshots() -> List[Snapshot]: """Returns all cached snapshots stored in redis""" keys: list[str] = redis.keys(REDIS_SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + "*") # type: ignore result: list[Snapshot] = [] for key in keys: snapshot = hash_as_model(redis, key, Snapshot) if snapshot: result.append(snapshot) return result @staticmethod def autobackup_period_minutes() -> Optional[int]: """None means autobackup is disabled""" if not redis.exists(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY): return None return int(redis.get(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY)) # type: ignore @staticmethod def store_autobackup_period_minutes(minutes: int) -> None: """Set the new autobackup period in minutes""" redis.set(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY, minutes) @staticmethod def delete_backup_period() -> None: """Set the autobackup period to none, effectively disabling autobackup""" redis.delete(REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_KEY) @staticmethod def store_provider(provider: AbstractBackupProvider) -> None: """Stores backup stroage provider auth data in redis""" store_model_as_hash( redis, REDIS_PROVIDER_KEY, BackupProviderModel( kind=get_kind(provider), login=provider.login, key=provider.key, location=provider.location, repo_id=provider.repo_id, ), ) @staticmethod def load_provider() -> Optional[BackupProviderModel]: """Loads backup storage provider auth data from redis""" provider_model = hash_as_model( redis, REDIS_PROVIDER_KEY, BackupProviderModel, ) return provider_model @staticmethod def has_init_mark() -> bool: """Returns True if the repository was initialized""" if redis.exists(REDIS_INITTED_CACHE): return True return False @staticmethod def mark_as_init(): """Marks the repository as initialized""" redis.set(REDIS_INITTED_CACHE, 1) @staticmethod def mark_as_uninitted(): """Marks the repository as initialized""" redis.delete(REDIS_INITTED_CACHE) @staticmethod def set_autobackup_quotas(quotas: AutobackupQuotas) -> None: store_model_as_hash(redis, REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_KEY, quotas.to_pydantic()) @staticmethod def autobackup_quotas() -> AutobackupQuotas: quotas_model = hash_as_model( redis, REDIS_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_KEY, _AutobackupQuotas ) if quotas_model is None: unlimited_quotas = AutobackupQuotas( daily=-1, weekly=-1, monthly=-1, yearly=-1, total=-1, ) return unlimited_quotas return AutobackupQuotas.from_pydantic(quotas_model)