import asyncio import pytest from selfprivacy_api.utils.redis_pool import RedisPool TEST_KEY = "test:test" @pytest.fixture() def empty_redis(): r = RedisPool().get_connection() r.flushdb() yield r r.flushdb() async def write_to_test_key(): r = RedisPool().get_connection_async() async with r.pipeline(transaction=True) as pipe: ok1, ok2 = await pipe.set(TEST_KEY, "value1").set(TEST_KEY, "value2").execute() assert ok1 assert ok2 assert await r.get(TEST_KEY) == "value2" await r.close() def test_async_connection(empty_redis): r = RedisPool().get_connection() assert not r.exists(TEST_KEY) # It _will_ report an error if it arises # Confirming that we can read result from sync connection too assert r.get(TEST_KEY) == "value2"