"""Restic singleton controller.""" from datetime import datetime import json import subprocess import os from enum import Enum import portalocker from selfprivacy_api.utils import ReadUserData from selfprivacy_api.utils.singleton_metaclass import SingletonMetaclass class ResticStates(Enum): """Restic states enum.""" NO_KEY = 0 NOT_INITIALIZED = 1 INITIALIZED = 2 BACKING_UP = 3 RESTORING = 4 ERROR = 5 INITIALIZING = 6 class ResticController(metaclass=SingletonMetaclass): """ States in wich the restic_controller may be - no backblaze key - backblaze key is provided, but repository is not initialized - backblaze key is provided, repository is initialized - fetching list of snapshots - creating snapshot, current progress can be retrieved - recovering from snapshot Any ongoing operation acquires the lock Current state can be fetched with get_state() """ _initialized = False def __init__(self): if self._initialized: return self.state = ResticStates.NO_KEY self.lock = False self.progress = 0 self._backblaze_account = None self._backblaze_key = None self._repository_name = None self.snapshot_list = [] self.error_message = None self._initialized = True self.load_configuration() self.write_rclone_config() self.load_snapshots() def load_configuration(self): """Load current configuration from user data to singleton.""" with ReadUserData() as user_data: self._backblaze_account = user_data["backblaze"]["accountId"] self._backblaze_key = user_data["backblaze"]["accountKey"] self._repository_name = user_data["backblaze"]["bucket"] if self._backblaze_account and self._backblaze_key and self._repository_name: self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZING else: self.state = ResticStates.NO_KEY def write_rclone_config(self): """ Open /root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf with portalocker and write configuration in the following format: [backblaze] type = b2 account = {self.backblaze_account} key = {self.backblaze_key} """ with portalocker.Lock( "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf", "w", timeout=None ) as rclone_config: rclone_config.write( f"[backblaze]\n" f"type = b2\n" f"account = {self._backblaze_account}\n" f"key = {self._backblaze_key}\n" ) def load_snapshots(self): """ Load list of snapshots from repository """ backup_listing_command = [ "restic", "-o", self.rclone_args(), "-r", self.restic_repo(), "snapshots", "--json", ] if self.state in (ResticStates.BACKING_UP, ResticStates.RESTORING): return with subprocess.Popen( backup_listing_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as backup_listing_process_descriptor: snapshots_list = backup_listing_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode( "utf-8" ) try: starting_index = snapshots_list.find("[") json.loads(snapshots_list[starting_index:]) self.snapshot_list = json.loads(snapshots_list[starting_index:]) self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED print(snapshots_list) except ValueError: if "Is there a repository at the following location?" in snapshots_list: self.state = ResticStates.NOT_INITIALIZED return self.state = ResticStates.ERROR self.error_message = snapshots_list return def restic_repo(self): return f"rclone:backblaze:{self._repository_name}/sfbackup" def rclone_args(self): return "rclone.args=serve restic --stdio" + self.backend_rclone_args() def backend_rclone_args(self): return f"--b2-account {self._backblaze_account} --b2-key {self._backblaze_key}" def initialize_repository(self): """ Initialize repository with restic """ initialize_repository_command = [ "restic", "-o", self.rclone_args(), "-r", self.restic_repo(), "init", ] with subprocess.Popen( initialize_repository_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as initialize_repository_process_descriptor: msg = initialize_repository_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode( "utf-8" ) if initialize_repository_process_descriptor.returncode == 0: self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED else: self.state = ResticStates.ERROR self.error_message = msg self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED def start_backup(self): """ Start backup with restic """ backup_command = [ "restic", "-o", self.rclone_args(), "-r", self.restic_repo(), "--verbose", "--json", "backup", "/var", ] with open("/var/backup.log", "w", encoding="utf-8") as log_file: subprocess.Popen( backup_command, shell=False, stdout=log_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.state = ResticStates.BACKING_UP self.progress = 0 def check_progress(self): """ Check progress of ongoing backup operation """ backup_status_check_command = ["tail", "-1", "/var/backup.log"] if self.state in (ResticStates.NO_KEY, ResticStates.NOT_INITIALIZED): return # If the log file does not exists if os.path.exists("/var/backup.log") is False: self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED with subprocess.Popen( backup_status_check_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as backup_status_check_process_descriptor: backup_process_status = ( backup_status_check_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") ) try: status = json.loads(backup_process_status) except ValueError: print(backup_process_status) self.error_message = backup_process_status return if status["message_type"] == "status": self.progress = status["percent_done"] self.state = ResticStates.BACKING_UP elif status["message_type"] == "summary": self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED self.progress = 0 self.snapshot_list.append( { "short_id": status["snapshot_id"], # Current time in format 2021-12-02T00:02:51.086452543+03:00 "time": datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"), } ) def restore_from_backup(self, snapshot_id): """ Restore from backup with restic """ backup_restoration_command = [ "restic", "-o", self.rclone_args(), "-r", self.restic_repo(), "restore", snapshot_id, "--target", "/", ] self.state = ResticStates.RESTORING subprocess.run(backup_restoration_command, shell=False) self.state = ResticStates.INITIALIZED