from os import path from tests.test_backup import backups from tests.test_common import raw_dummy_service, dummy_service from tests.common import generate_backup_query from selfprivacy_api.graphql.common_types.service import service_to_graphql_service from selfprivacy_api.graphql.common_types.backup import ( _AutobackupQuotas, AutobackupQuotas, ) from import Jobs, JobStatus API_RELOAD_SNAPSHOTS = """ mutation TestSnapshotsReload { backup { forceSnapshotsReload { success message code } } } """ API_SET_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_MUTATION = """ mutation TestAutobackupPeriod($period: Int) { backup { setAutobackupPeriod(period: $period) { success message code configuration { provider encryptionKey isInitialized autobackupPeriod locationName locationId } } } } """ API_SET_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_MUTATION = """ mutation TestAutobackupQuotas($input: AutobackupQuotasInput!) { backup { setAutobackupQuotas(quotas: $input) { success message code configuration { provider encryptionKey isInitialized autobackupPeriod locationName locationId autobackupQuotas { last daily weekly monthly yearly } } } } } """ API_REMOVE_REPOSITORY_MUTATION = """ mutation TestRemoveRepo { backup { removeRepository { success message code configuration { provider encryptionKey isInitialized autobackupPeriod locationName locationId } } } } """ API_INIT_MUTATION = """ mutation TestInitRepo($input: InitializeRepositoryInput!) { backup { initializeRepository(repository: $input) { success message code configuration { provider encryptionKey isInitialized autobackupPeriod locationName locationId } } } } """ API_RESTORE_MUTATION = """ mutation TestRestoreService($snapshot_id: String!) { backup { restoreBackup(snapshotId: $snapshot_id) { success message code job { uid status } } } } """ API_FORGET_MUTATION = """ mutation TestForgetSnapshot($snapshot_id: String!) { backup { forgetSnapshot(snapshotId: $snapshot_id) { success message code } } } """ API_SNAPSHOTS_QUERY = """ allSnapshots { id service { id } createdAt reason } """ API_BACK_UP_MUTATION = """ mutation TestBackupService($service_id: String!) { backup { startBackup(serviceId: $service_id) { success message code job { uid status } } } } """ def api_restore(authorized_client, snapshot_id): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_RESTORE_MUTATION, "variables": {"snapshot_id": snapshot_id}, }, ) return response def api_backup(authorized_client, service): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_BACK_UP_MUTATION, "variables": {"service_id": service.get_id()}, }, ) return response def api_forget(authorized_client, snapshot_id): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_FORGET_MUTATION, "variables": {"snapshot_id": snapshot_id}, }, ) return response def api_set_period(authorized_client, period): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_SET_AUTOBACKUP_PERIOD_MUTATION, "variables": {"period": period}, }, ) return response def api_set_quotas(authorized_client, quotas: _AutobackupQuotas): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_SET_AUTOBACKUP_QUOTAS_MUTATION, "variables": {"input": quotas.dict()}, }, ) return response def api_remove(authorized_client): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_REMOVE_REPOSITORY_MUTATION, "variables": {}, }, ) return response def api_reload_snapshots(authorized_client): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_RELOAD_SNAPSHOTS, "variables": {}, }, ) return response def api_init_without_key( authorized_client, kind, login, password, location_name, location_id ): response = "/graphql", json={ "query": API_INIT_MUTATION, "variables": { "input": { "provider": kind, "locationId": location_id, "locationName": location_name, "login": login, "password": password, } }, }, ) return response def assert_ok(data): if data["success"] is False: # convenience for debugging, this should display error # if empty, consider adding helpful messages raise ValueError(data["code"], data["message"]) assert data["code"] == 200 assert data["success"] is True def get_data(response): assert response.status_code == 200 response = response.json() if ( "errors" in response.keys() ): # convenience for debugging, this will display error assert response["errors"] == [] assert response["data"] is not None data = response["data"] return data def api_snapshots(authorized_client): response = "/graphql", json={"query": generate_backup_query([API_SNAPSHOTS_QUERY])}, ) data = get_data(response) result = data["backup"]["allSnapshots"] assert result is not None return result def test_dummy_service_convertible_to_gql(dummy_service): gql_service = service_to_graphql_service(dummy_service) assert gql_service is not None def test_snapshots_empty(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert snaps == [] def test_start_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): response = api_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["startBackup"] assert data["success"] is True job = data["job"] assert Jobs.get_job(job["uid"]).status == JobStatus.FINISHED snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 1 snap = snaps[0] assert snap["id"] is not None assert snap["id"] != "" assert snap["service"]["id"] == "testservice" def test_restore(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): api_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service) snap = api_snapshots(authorized_client)[0] assert snap["id"] is not None response = api_restore(authorized_client, snap["id"]) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["restoreBackup"] assert data["success"] is True job = data["job"] assert Jobs.get_job(job["uid"]).status == JobStatus.FINISHED def test_reinit(authorized_client, dummy_service, tmpdir, backups): test_repo_path = path.join(tmpdir, "not_at_all_sus") response = api_init_without_key( authorized_client, "FILE", "", "", test_repo_path, "" ) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["initializeRepository"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["provider"] == "FILE" assert configuration["locationId"] == "" assert configuration["locationName"] == test_repo_path assert len(configuration["encryptionKey"]) > 1 assert configuration["isInitialized"] is True response = api_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["startBackup"] assert data["success"] is True job = data["job"] assert Jobs.get_job(job["uid"]).status == JobStatus.FINISHED def test_remove(authorized_client, generic_userdata, backups): response = api_remove(authorized_client) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["removeRepository"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["provider"] == "NONE" assert configuration["locationId"] == "" assert configuration["locationName"] == "" # still generated every time it is missing assert len(configuration["encryptionKey"]) > 1 assert configuration["isInitialized"] is False def test_autobackup_quotas_nonzero(authorized_client, backups): quotas = _AutobackupQuotas( last=3, daily=2, weekly=4, monthly=13, yearly=14, ) response = api_set_quotas(authorized_client, quotas) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["setAutobackupQuotas"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["autobackupQuotas"] == quotas def test_autobackup_period_nonzero(authorized_client, backups): new_period = 11 response = api_set_period(authorized_client, new_period) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["setAutobackupPeriod"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == new_period def test_autobackup_period_zero(authorized_client, backups): new_period = 0 # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11) # and now we nullify it response = api_set_period(authorized_client, new_period) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["setAutobackupPeriod"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None def test_autobackup_period_none(authorized_client, backups): # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11) # and now we nullify it response = api_set_period(authorized_client, None) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["setAutobackupPeriod"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None def test_autobackup_period_negative(authorized_client, backups): # since it is none by default, we better first set it to something non-negative response = api_set_period(authorized_client, 11) # and now we nullify it response = api_set_period(authorized_client, -12) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["setAutobackupPeriod"] assert_ok(data) configuration = data["configuration"] assert configuration["autobackupPeriod"] == None # We cannot really check the effect at this level, we leave it to backend tests # But we still make it run in both empty and full scenarios and ask for snaps afterwards def test_reload_snapshots_bare_bare_bare(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): api_remove(authorized_client) response = api_reload_snapshots(authorized_client) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["forceSnapshotsReload"] assert_ok(data) snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert snaps == [] def test_reload_snapshots(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): response = api_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["startBackup"] response = api_reload_snapshots(authorized_client) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["forceSnapshotsReload"] assert_ok(data) snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 1 def test_forget_snapshot(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): response = api_backup(authorized_client, dummy_service) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["startBackup"] snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 1 response = api_forget(authorized_client, snaps[0]["id"]) data = get_data(response)["backup"]["forgetSnapshot"] assert_ok(data) snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 0 def test_forget_nonexistent_snapshot(authorized_client, dummy_service, backups): snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 0 response = api_forget(authorized_client, "898798uekiodpjoiweoiwuoeirueor") data = get_data(response)["backup"]["forgetSnapshot"] assert data["code"] == 404 assert data["success"] is False snaps = api_snapshots(authorized_client) assert len(snaps) == 0