From 62db476575b68cea4f7506a535a109c8fac998db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NaiJi <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 21:18:07 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Fix ipv4 bug

 .../schema/disk_volumes.graphql.dart          | 1369 +++++++-
 .../graphql_maps/schema/schema.graphql.dart   |  415 ++-
 .../schema/server_api.graphql.dart            | 2816 +++++++++++++++--
 .../schema/server_settings.graphql.dart       | 1085 ++++++-
 .../schema/server_settings.graphql.g.dart     |    2 +-
 .../graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.dart | 1715 +++++++++-
 .../schema/services.graphql.g.dart            |    2 +-
 .../graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.dart    | 1618 +++++++++-
 .../graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.g.dart  |   12 +-
 .../server_providers/hetzner/hetzner.dart     |   12 +-
 .../server_installation_cubit.dart            |    2 -
 lib/logic/models/json/backup.g.dart           |    2 +-
 .../models/json/hetzner_server_info.dart      |    2 +-
 .../models/json/hetzner_server_info.g.dart    |    6 +-
 lib/logic/models/json/server_job.g.dart       |   16 +-
 .../components/progress_bar/progress_bar.dart |    2 -
 .../pages/server_storage/data_migration.dart  |   39 +-
 ...service_storage_consumption_list_item.dart |    1 -
 lib/ui/pages/services/service_page.dart       |  132 +-
 19 files changed, 8261 insertions(+), 987 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/disk_volumes.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/disk_volumes.graphql.dart
index c435da09..b7d6acac 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/disk_volumes.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/disk_volumes.graphql.dart
@@ -61,13 +61,62 @@ class Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
 extension UtilityExtension$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields
     on Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
-  Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields instance,
+          TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 const fragmentDefinitionbasicMutationReturnFields = FragmentDefinitionNode(
@@ -175,11 +224,58 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes copyWith(
-          {Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage? storage, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(
-          storage: storage == null ? : storage,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes;
+  TRes call({Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage? storage, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> get storage;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? storage = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(
+          storage: storage == _undefined || storage == null
+              ?
+              : (storage as Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> get storage {
+    final local$storage =;
+    return CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(
+        local$storage, (e) => call(storage: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage? storage, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> get storage =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryGetServerDiskVolumes = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -480,12 +576,73 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>? volumes,
+      String? $__typename});
+  TRes volumes(
+      Iterable<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<
+                      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? volumes = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(
+          volumes: volumes == _undefined || volumes == null
+              ? _instance.volumes
+              : (volumes as List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes volumes(
+          Iterable<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<
+                          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          volumes: _fn( =>
+              CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(
+                  e, (i) => i))).toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>? volumes,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage(
-          volumes: volumes == null ? this.volumes : volumes,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  volumes(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -602,28 +759,121 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? freeSpace,
+      String? model,
+      String? name,
+      bool? root,
+      String? serial,
+      String? totalSpace,
+      String? type,
+      List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>? usages,
+      String? usedSpace,
+      String? $__typename});
+  TRes usages(
+      Iterable<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<
+                      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? freeSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? model = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? root = _undefined,
+          Object? serial = _undefined,
+          Object? totalSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? type = _undefined,
+          Object? usages = _undefined,
+          Object? usedSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(
+          freeSpace: freeSpace == _undefined || freeSpace == null
+              ? _instance.freeSpace
+              : (freeSpace as String),
+          model: model == _undefined ? _instance.model : (model as String?),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          root: root == _undefined || root == null
+              ? _instance.root
+              : (root as bool),
+          serial: serial == _undefined ? _instance.serial : (serial as String?),
+          totalSpace: totalSpace == _undefined || totalSpace == null
+              ? _instance.totalSpace
+              : (totalSpace as String),
+          type: type == _undefined || type == null
+              ? _instance.type
+              : (type as String),
+          usages: usages == _undefined || usages == null
+              ? _instance.usages
+              : (usages
+                  as List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>),
+          usedSpace: usedSpace == _undefined || usedSpace == null
+              ? _instance.usedSpace
+              : (usedSpace as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes usages(
+          Iterable<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<
+                          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          usages: _fn( =>
+              CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+                  e, (i) => i))).toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? freeSpace,
-          String? Function()? model,
+          String? model,
           String? name,
           bool? root,
-          String? Function()? serial,
+          String? serial,
           String? totalSpace,
           String? type,
           List<Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>? usages,
           String? usedSpace,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes(
-          freeSpace: freeSpace == null ? this.freeSpace : freeSpace,
-          model: model == null ? this.model : model(),
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          root: root == null ? this.root : root,
-          serial: serial == null ? this.serial : serial(),
-          totalSpace: totalSpace == null ? this.totalSpace : totalSpace,
-          type: type == null ? this.type : type,
-          usages: usages == null ? this.usages : usages,
-          usedSpace: usedSpace == null ? this.usedSpace : usedSpace,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  usages(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -682,12 +932,65 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages copyWith(
-          {String? title, String? usedSpace, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
-          title: title == null ? this.title : title,
-          usedSpace: usedSpace == null ? this.usedSpace : usedSpace,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages;
+  TRes call({String? title, String? usedSpace, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? title = _undefined,
+          Object? usedSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+          title: title == _undefined || title == null
+              ? _instance.title
+              : (title as String),
+          usedSpace: usedSpace == _undefined || usedSpace == null
+              ? _instance.usedSpace
+              : (usedSpace as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? title, String? usedSpace, String? $__typename}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -750,18 +1053,106 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage
+              instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? title,
+      String? usedSpace,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service?
+          service});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+      TRes> get service;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage
+      _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? title = _undefined,
+          Object? usedSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? service = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
+          title: title == _undefined || title == null
+              ? _instance.title
+              : (title as String),
+          usedSpace: usedSpace == _undefined || usedSpace == null
+              ? _instance.usedSpace
+              : (usedSpace as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          service: service == _undefined
+              ? _instance.service
+              : (service
+                  as Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service?)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+      TRes> get service {
+    final local$service = _instance.service;
+    return local$service == null
+        ? CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
+            .stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service(
+            local$service, (e) => call(service: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? title,
           String? usedSpace,
           String? $__typename,
-                  Function()?
               service}) =>
-      Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage(
-          title: title == null ? this.title : title,
-          usedSpace: usedSpace == null ? this.usedSpace : usedSpace,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          service: service == null ? this.service : service());
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+          TRes>
+      get service =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
+              .stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -822,18 +1213,85 @@ class Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$ser
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
     on Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service {
-  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
-      copyWith(
-              {String? id,
-              bool? isMovable,
-              String? displayName,
-              String? $__typename}) =>
+  CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
+              instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? id, bool? isMovable, String? displayName, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service
+      _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+          Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? id = _undefined,
+          Object? isMovable = _undefined,
+          Object? displayName = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(
-              id: id == null ? : id,
-              isMovable: isMovable == null ? this.isMovable : isMovable,
-              displayName: displayName == null ? this.displayName : displayName,
-              $__typename:
-                  $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+              id: id == _undefined || id == null
+                  ?
+                  : (id as String),
+              isMovable: isMovable == _undefined || isMovable == null
+                  ? _instance.isMovable
+                  : (isMovable as bool),
+              displayName: displayName == _undefined || displayName == null
+                  ? _instance.displayName
+                  : (displayName as String),
+              $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+                  ? _instance.$__typename
+                  : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetServerDiskVolumes$storage$volumes$usages$$ServiceStorageUsage$service(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
+          {String? id,
+          bool? isMovable,
+          String? displayName,
+          String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -863,8 +1321,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$MountVolume {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$MountVolume copyWith({String? name}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(name: name == null ? : name);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<Variables$Mutation$MountVolume>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(
+          Variables$Mutation$MountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume;
+  TRes call({String? name});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$MountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? name = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? name}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -903,12 +1399,60 @@ class Mutation$MountVolume {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MountVolume on Mutation$MountVolume {
-  Mutation$MountVolume copyWith(
-          {Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume? mountVolume,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MountVolume(
-          mountVolume: mountVolume == null ? this.mountVolume : mountVolume,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume<Mutation$MountVolume> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume(Mutation$MountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume? mountVolume, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> get mountVolume;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? mountVolume = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MountVolume(
+          mountVolume: mountVolume == _undefined || mountVolume == null
+              ? _instance.mountVolume
+              : (mountVolume as Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> get mountVolume {
+    final local$mountVolume = _instance.mountVolume;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(
+        local$mountVolume, (e) => call(mountVolume: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume? mountVolume, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> get mountVolume =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationMountVolume = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1097,13 +1641,60 @@ class Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume
     on Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume {
-  Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(
+          Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MountVolume$mountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1134,8 +1725,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume copyWith({String? name}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(name: name == null ? : name);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(
+          Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume;
+  TRes call({String? name});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? name = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? name}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1175,12 +1804,62 @@ class Mutation$ResizeVolume {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ResizeVolume on Mutation$ResizeVolume {
-  Mutation$ResizeVolume copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume<Mutation$ResizeVolume> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume(Mutation$ResizeVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$ResizeVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume? resizeVolume, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> get resizeVolume;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ResizeVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$ResizeVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? resizeVolume = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ResizeVolume(
+          resizeVolume: resizeVolume == _undefined || resizeVolume == null
+              ? _instance.resizeVolume
+              : (resizeVolume as Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> get resizeVolume {
+    final local$resizeVolume = _instance.resizeVolume;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(
+        local$resizeVolume, (e) => call(resizeVolume: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume? resizeVolume,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$ResizeVolume(
-          resizeVolume: resizeVolume == null ? this.resizeVolume : resizeVolume,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> get resizeVolume =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationResizeVolume = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1372,13 +2051,62 @@ class Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume
     on Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume {
-  Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<
+          Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(
+          Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ResizeVolume$resizeVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1410,8 +2138,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume copyWith({String? name}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(name: name == null ? : name);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(
+          Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume;
+  TRes call({String? name});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? name = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? name}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1451,13 +2217,63 @@ class Mutation$UnmountVolume {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UnmountVolume on Mutation$UnmountVolume {
-  Mutation$UnmountVolume copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume<Mutation$UnmountVolume> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume(Mutation$UnmountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UnmountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume? unmountVolume,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> get unmountVolume;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UnmountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UnmountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? unmountVolume = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UnmountVolume(
+          unmountVolume: unmountVolume == _undefined || unmountVolume == null
+              ? _instance.unmountVolume
+              : (unmountVolume as Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> get unmountVolume {
+    final local$unmountVolume = _instance.unmountVolume;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(
+        local$unmountVolume, (e) => call(unmountVolume: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume? unmountVolume,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$UnmountVolume(
-          unmountVolume:
-              unmountVolume == null ? this.unmountVolume : unmountVolume,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> get unmountVolume =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationUnmountVolume = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1649,13 +2465,63 @@ class Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume
     on Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume {
-  Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<
+          Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(
+          Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UnmountVolume$unmountVolume(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1687,10 +2553,47 @@ class Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds copyWith(
-          {Input$MigrateToBindsInput? input}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(
-          input: input == null ? this.input : input);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(
+          Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds;
+  TRes call({Input$MigrateToBindsInput? input});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? input = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(
+          input: input == _undefined || input == null
+              ? _instance.input
+              : (input as Input$MigrateToBindsInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$MigrateToBindsInput? input}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1730,13 +2633,63 @@ class Mutation$MigrateToBinds {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MigrateToBinds on Mutation$MigrateToBinds {
-  Mutation$MigrateToBinds copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<Mutation$MigrateToBinds> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(Mutation$MigrateToBinds instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds? migrateToBinds,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> get migrateToBinds;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MigrateToBinds _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? migrateToBinds = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MigrateToBinds(
+          migrateToBinds: migrateToBinds == _undefined || migrateToBinds == null
+              ? _instance.migrateToBinds
+              : (migrateToBinds as Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> get migrateToBinds {
+    final local$migrateToBinds = _instance.migrateToBinds;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(
+        local$migrateToBinds, (e) => call(migrateToBinds: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds? migrateToBinds,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MigrateToBinds(
-          migrateToBinds:
-              migrateToBinds == null ? this.migrateToBinds : migrateToBinds,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> get migrateToBinds =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationMigrateToBinds = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2014,18 +2967,88 @@ class Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds
     on Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds {
-  Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<
+          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(
+          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job? job});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> get job;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? job = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          job: job == _undefined
+              ? _instance.job
+              : (job as Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> get job {
+    final local$job = _instance.job;
+    return local$job == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job.stub(
+            _then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(
+            local$job, (e) => call(job: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job? Function()? job}) =>
-      Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          job: job == null ? this.job : job());
+          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job? job}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> get job =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2156,32 +3179,114 @@ class Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job
     on Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job {
-  Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<
+          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(
+          Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job;
+  TRes call(
+      {DateTime? createdAt,
+      String? description,
+      String? error,
+      DateTime? finishedAt,
+      String? name,
+      int? progress,
+      String? result,
+      String? status,
+      String? statusText,
+      String? uid,
+      DateTime? updatedAt,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? createdAt = _undefined,
+          Object? description = _undefined,
+          Object? error = _undefined,
+          Object? finishedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? progress = _undefined,
+          Object? result = _undefined,
+          Object? status = _undefined,
+          Object? statusText = _undefined,
+          Object? uid = _undefined,
+          Object? updatedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(
+          createdAt: createdAt == _undefined || createdAt == null
+              ? _instance.createdAt
+              : (createdAt as DateTime),
+          description: description == _undefined || description == null
+              ? _instance.description
+              : (description as String),
+          error: error == _undefined ? _instance.error : (error as String?),
+          finishedAt: finishedAt == _undefined
+              ? _instance.finishedAt
+              : (finishedAt as DateTime?),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          progress:
+              progress == _undefined ? _instance.progress : (progress as int?),
+          result: result == _undefined ? _instance.result : (result as String?),
+          status: status == _undefined || status == null
+              ? _instance.status
+              : (status as String),
+          statusText: statusText == _undefined
+              ? _instance.statusText
+              : (statusText as String?),
+          uid: uid == _undefined || uid == null
+              ? _instance.uid
+              : (uid as String),
+          updatedAt: updatedAt == _undefined || updatedAt == null
+              ? _instance.updatedAt
+              : (updatedAt as DateTime),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {DateTime? createdAt,
           String? description,
-          String? Function()? error,
-          DateTime? Function()? finishedAt,
+          String? error,
+          DateTime? finishedAt,
           String? name,
-          int? Function()? progress,
-          String? Function()? result,
+          int? progress,
+          String? result,
           String? status,
-          String? Function()? statusText,
+          String? statusText,
           String? uid,
           DateTime? updatedAt,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MigrateToBinds$migrateToBinds$job(
-          createdAt: createdAt == null ? this.createdAt : createdAt,
-          description: description == null ? this.description : description,
-          error: error == null ? this.error : error(),
-          finishedAt: finishedAt == null ? this.finishedAt : finishedAt(),
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          progress: progress == null ? this.progress : progress(),
-          result: result == null ? this.result : result(),
-          status: status == null ? this.status : status,
-          statusText: statusText == null ? this.statusText : statusText(),
-          uid: uid == null ? this.uid : uid,
-          updatedAt: updatedAt == null ? this.updatedAt : updatedAt,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 DateTime? _nullable$dateTimeFromJson(dynamic data) =>
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/schema.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/schema.graphql.dart
index cd86d73a..aa2d2c1e 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/schema.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/schema.graphql.dart
@@ -35,14 +35,51 @@ class Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput {
     return true;
-  Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput copyWith(
-          {bool? Function()? enableAutoUpgrade,
-          bool? Function()? allowReboot}) =>
-      Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(
-          enableAutoUpgrade: enableAutoUpgrade == null
-              ? this.enableAutoUpgrade
-              : enableAutoUpgrade(),
-          allowReboot: allowReboot == null ? this.allowReboot : allowReboot());
+  CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(
+          Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput;
+  TRes call({bool? enableAutoUpgrade, bool? allowReboot});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? enableAutoUpgrade = _undefined,
+          Object? allowReboot = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(
+          enableAutoUpgrade: enableAutoUpgrade == _undefined
+              ? _instance.enableAutoUpgrade
+              : (enableAutoUpgrade as bool?),
+          allowReboot: allowReboot == _undefined
+              ? _instance.allowReboot
+              : (allowReboot as bool?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({bool? enableAutoUpgrade, bool? allowReboot}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -107,28 +144,78 @@ class Input$MigrateToBindsInput {
     return true;
-  Input$MigrateToBindsInput copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<Input$MigrateToBindsInput> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput(Input$MigrateToBindsInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$MigrateToBindsInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? emailBlockDevice,
+      String? bitwardenBlockDevice,
+      String? giteaBlockDevice,
+      String? nextcloudBlockDevice,
+      String? pleromaBlockDevice});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$MigrateToBindsInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$MigrateToBindsInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? emailBlockDevice = _undefined,
+          Object? bitwardenBlockDevice = _undefined,
+          Object? giteaBlockDevice = _undefined,
+          Object? nextcloudBlockDevice = _undefined,
+          Object? pleromaBlockDevice = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$MigrateToBindsInput(
+          emailBlockDevice:
+              emailBlockDevice == _undefined || emailBlockDevice == null
+                  ? _instance.emailBlockDevice
+                  : (emailBlockDevice as String),
+          bitwardenBlockDevice:
+              bitwardenBlockDevice == _undefined || bitwardenBlockDevice == null
+                  ? _instance.bitwardenBlockDevice
+                  : (bitwardenBlockDevice as String),
+          giteaBlockDevice:
+              giteaBlockDevice == _undefined || giteaBlockDevice == null
+                  ? _instance.giteaBlockDevice
+                  : (giteaBlockDevice as String),
+          nextcloudBlockDevice:
+              nextcloudBlockDevice == _undefined || nextcloudBlockDevice == null
+                  ? _instance.nextcloudBlockDevice
+                  : (nextcloudBlockDevice as String),
+          pleromaBlockDevice:
+              pleromaBlockDevice == _undefined || pleromaBlockDevice == null
+                  ? _instance.pleromaBlockDevice
+                  : (pleromaBlockDevice as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$MigrateToBindsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MigrateToBindsInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? emailBlockDevice,
           String? bitwardenBlockDevice,
           String? giteaBlockDevice,
           String? nextcloudBlockDevice,
           String? pleromaBlockDevice}) =>
-      Input$MigrateToBindsInput(
-          emailBlockDevice: emailBlockDevice == null
-              ? this.emailBlockDevice
-              : emailBlockDevice,
-          bitwardenBlockDevice: bitwardenBlockDevice == null
-              ? this.bitwardenBlockDevice
-              : bitwardenBlockDevice,
-          giteaBlockDevice: giteaBlockDevice == null
-              ? this.giteaBlockDevice
-              : giteaBlockDevice,
-          nextcloudBlockDevice: nextcloudBlockDevice == null
-              ? this.nextcloudBlockDevice
-              : nextcloudBlockDevice,
-          pleromaBlockDevice: pleromaBlockDevice == null
-              ? this.pleromaBlockDevice
-              : pleromaBlockDevice);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -164,10 +251,48 @@ class Input$MoveServiceInput {
     return true;
-  Input$MoveServiceInput copyWith({String? serviceId, String? location}) =>
-      Input$MoveServiceInput(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId,
-          location: location == null ? this.location : location);
+  CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput<Input$MoveServiceInput> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput(Input$MoveServiceInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$MoveServiceInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId, String? location});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$MoveServiceInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$MoveServiceInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined, Object? location = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$MoveServiceInput(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String),
+          location: location == _undefined || location == null
+              ? _instance.location
+              : (location as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$MoveServiceInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$MoveServiceInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId, String? location}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -205,12 +330,47 @@ class Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput {
     return true;
-  Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput copyWith(
-          {DateTime? Function()? expirationDate, int? Function()? uses}) =>
-      Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(
-          expirationDate:
-              expirationDate == null ? this.expirationDate : expirationDate(),
-          uses: uses == null ? this.uses : uses());
+  CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(
+          Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput;
+  TRes call({DateTime? expirationDate, int? uses});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? expirationDate = _undefined, Object? uses = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(
+          expirationDate: expirationDate == _undefined
+              ? _instance.expirationDate
+              : (expirationDate as DateTime?),
+          uses: uses == _undefined ? _instance.uses : (uses as int?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({DateTime? expirationDate, int? uses}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -246,10 +406,48 @@ class Input$SshMutationInput {
     return true;
-  Input$SshMutationInput copyWith({String? username, String? sshKey}) =>
-      Input$SshMutationInput(
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          sshKey: sshKey == null ? this.sshKey : sshKey);
+  CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput<Input$SshMutationInput> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput(Input$SshMutationInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$SshMutationInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$SshMutationInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$SshMutationInput;
+  TRes call({String? username, String? sshKey});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$SshMutationInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$SshMutationInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$SshMutationInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$SshMutationInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? username = _undefined, Object? sshKey = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$SshMutationInput(
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          sshKey: sshKey == _undefined || sshKey == null
+              ? _instance.sshKey
+              : (sshKey as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$SshMutationInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$SshMutationInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$SshMutationInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? username, String? sshKey}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -285,10 +483,49 @@ class Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput {
     return true;
-  Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput copyWith({String? key, String? deviceName}) =>
-      Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(
-          key: key == null ? this.key : key,
-          deviceName: deviceName == null ? this.deviceName : deviceName);
+  CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(
+          Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput;
+  TRes call({String? key, String? deviceName});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? key = _undefined, Object? deviceName = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(
+          key: key == _undefined || key == null
+              ? _instance.key
+              : (key as String),
+          deviceName: deviceName == _undefined || deviceName == null
+              ? _instance.deviceName
+              : (deviceName as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? key, String? deviceName}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -324,10 +561,48 @@ class Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput {
     return true;
-  Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput copyWith({String? key, String? deviceName}) =>
-      Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(
-          key: key == null ? this.key : key,
-          deviceName: deviceName == null ? this.deviceName : deviceName);
+  CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput;
+  TRes call({String? key, String? deviceName});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? key = _undefined, Object? deviceName = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(
+          key: key == _undefined || key == null
+              ? _instance.key
+              : (key as String),
+          deviceName: deviceName == _undefined || deviceName == null
+              ? _instance.deviceName
+              : (deviceName as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? key, String? deviceName}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -363,10 +638,48 @@ class Input$UserMutationInput {
     return true;
-  Input$UserMutationInput copyWith({String? username, String? password}) =>
-      Input$UserMutationInput(
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          password: password == null ? this.password : password);
+  CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput<Input$UserMutationInput> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput(Input$UserMutationInput instance,
+          TRes Function(Input$UserMutationInput) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Input$UserMutationInput;
+  factory CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UserMutationInput;
+  TRes call({String? username, String? password});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Input$UserMutationInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Input$UserMutationInput(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Input$UserMutationInput _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Input$UserMutationInput) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? username = _undefined, Object? password = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Input$UserMutationInput(
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          password: password == _undefined || password == null
+              ? _instance.password
+              : (password as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UserMutationInput<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Input$UserMutationInput<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Input$UserMutationInput(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? username, String? password}) => _res;
 enum Enum$DnsProvider {
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_api.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_api.graphql.dart
index c9d6fe1a..7e99910c 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_api.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_api.graphql.dart
@@ -62,13 +62,62 @@ class Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
 extension UtilityExtension$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields
     on Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
-  Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields instance,
+          TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 const fragmentDefinitionbasicMutationReturnFields = FragmentDefinitionNode(
@@ -174,11 +223,55 @@ class Query$GetApiVersion {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiVersion on Query$GetApiVersion {
-  Query$GetApiVersion copyWith(
-          {Query$GetApiVersion$api? api, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiVersion(
-          api: api == null ? this.api : api,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion<Query$GetApiVersion> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion(Query$GetApiVersion instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiVersion) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion;
+  TRes call({Query$GetApiVersion$api? api, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> get api;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiVersion _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiVersion) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? api = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiVersion(
+          api: api == _undefined || api == null
+              ? _instance.api
+              : (api as Query$GetApiVersion$api),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> get api {
+    final local$api = _instance.api;
+    return CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api(local$api, (e) => call(api: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetApiVersion$api? api, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> get api =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryGetApiVersion = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -336,10 +429,48 @@ class Query$GetApiVersion$api {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiVersion$api on Query$GetApiVersion$api {
-  Query$GetApiVersion$api copyWith({String? version, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiVersion$api(
-          version: version == null ? this.version : version,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<Query$GetApiVersion$api> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api(Query$GetApiVersion$api instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiVersion$api) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api;
+  TRes call({String? version, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiVersion$api _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiVersion$api) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? version = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiVersion$api(
+          version: version == _undefined || version == null
+              ? _instance.version
+              : (version as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiVersion$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiVersion$api(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? version, String? $__typename}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -378,11 +509,55 @@ class Query$GetApiJobs {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiJobs on Query$GetApiJobs {
-  Query$GetApiJobs copyWith(
-          {Query$GetApiJobs$jobs? jobs, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiJobs(
-          jobs: jobs == null ? : jobs,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs<Query$GetApiJobs> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs(
+          Query$GetApiJobs instance, TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs;
+  TRes call({Query$GetApiJobs$jobs? jobs, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> get jobs;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiJobs _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? jobs = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiJobs(
+          jobs: jobs == _undefined || jobs == null
+              ?
+              : (jobs as Query$GetApiJobs$jobs),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> get jobs {
+    final local$jobs =;
+    return CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(local$jobs, (e) => call(jobs: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetApiJobs$jobs? jobs, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> get jobs =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryGetApiJobs = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -617,12 +792,67 @@ class Query$GetApiJobs$jobs {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs on Query$GetApiJobs$jobs {
-  Query$GetApiJobs$jobs copyWith(
-          {List<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>? getJobs,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(
-          getJobs: getJobs == null ? this.getJobs : getJobs,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>? getJobs, String? $__typename});
+  TRes getJobs(
+      Iterable<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<
+                      Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiJobs$jobs _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? getJobs = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(
+          getJobs: getJobs == _undefined || getJobs == null
+              ? _instance.getJobs
+              : (getJobs as List<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes getJobs(
+          Iterable<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<
+                          Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          getJobs: _fn(
+                  (e) => CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(e, (i) => i)))
+              .toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({List<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>? getJobs, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  getJobs(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -751,32 +981,111 @@ class Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs
     on Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs {
-  Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(
+          Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs;
+  TRes call(
+      {DateTime? createdAt,
+      String? description,
+      String? error,
+      DateTime? finishedAt,
+      String? name,
+      int? progress,
+      String? result,
+      String? status,
+      String? statusText,
+      String? uid,
+      DateTime? updatedAt,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? createdAt = _undefined,
+          Object? description = _undefined,
+          Object? error = _undefined,
+          Object? finishedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? progress = _undefined,
+          Object? result = _undefined,
+          Object? status = _undefined,
+          Object? statusText = _undefined,
+          Object? uid = _undefined,
+          Object? updatedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(
+          createdAt: createdAt == _undefined || createdAt == null
+              ? _instance.createdAt
+              : (createdAt as DateTime),
+          description: description == _undefined || description == null
+              ? _instance.description
+              : (description as String),
+          error: error == _undefined ? _instance.error : (error as String?),
+          finishedAt: finishedAt == _undefined
+              ? _instance.finishedAt
+              : (finishedAt as DateTime?),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          progress:
+              progress == _undefined ? _instance.progress : (progress as int?),
+          result: result == _undefined ? _instance.result : (result as String?),
+          status: status == _undefined || status == null
+              ? _instance.status
+              : (status as String),
+          statusText: statusText == _undefined
+              ? _instance.statusText
+              : (statusText as String?),
+          uid: uid == _undefined || uid == null
+              ? _instance.uid
+              : (uid as String),
+          updatedAt: updatedAt == _undefined || updatedAt == null
+              ? _instance.updatedAt
+              : (updatedAt as DateTime),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {DateTime? createdAt,
           String? description,
-          String? Function()? error,
-          DateTime? Function()? finishedAt,
+          String? error,
+          DateTime? finishedAt,
           String? name,
-          int? Function()? progress,
-          String? Function()? result,
+          int? progress,
+          String? result,
           String? status,
-          String? Function()? statusText,
+          String? statusText,
           String? uid,
           DateTime? updatedAt,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiJobs$jobs$getJobs(
-          createdAt: createdAt == null ? this.createdAt : createdAt,
-          description: description == null ? this.description : description,
-          error: error == null ? this.error : error(),
-          finishedAt: finishedAt == null ? this.finishedAt : finishedAt(),
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          progress: progress == null ? this.progress : progress(),
-          result: result == null ? this.result : result(),
-          status: status == null ? this.status : status,
-          statusText: statusText == null ? this.statusText : statusText(),
-          uid: uid == null ? this.uid : uid,
-          updatedAt: updatedAt == null ? this.updatedAt : updatedAt,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -806,8 +1115,45 @@ class Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob copyWith({String? jobId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(jobId: jobId == null ? this.jobId : jobId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(
+          Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob;
+  TRes call({String? jobId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? jobId = _undefined}) => _then(Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(
+      jobId: jobId == _undefined || jobId == null
+          ? _instance.jobId
+          : (jobId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveJob(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? jobId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -846,11 +1192,57 @@ class Mutation$RemoveJob {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RemoveJob on Mutation$RemoveJob {
-  Mutation$RemoveJob copyWith(
-          {Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob? removeJob, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RemoveJob(
-          removeJob: removeJob == null ? this.removeJob : removeJob,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob<Mutation$RemoveJob> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob(
+          Mutation$RemoveJob instance, TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveJob) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob;
+  TRes call({Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob? removeJob, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> get removeJob;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RemoveJob _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveJob) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? removeJob = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RemoveJob(
+          removeJob: removeJob == _undefined || removeJob == null
+              ? _instance.removeJob
+              : (removeJob as Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> get removeJob {
+    final local$removeJob = _instance.removeJob;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(
+        local$removeJob, (e) => call(removeJob: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob? removeJob, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> get removeJob =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRemoveJob = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1036,13 +1428,60 @@ class Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob
     on Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob {
-  Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(
+          Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveJob$removeJob(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1083,14 +1522,68 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemRebuild {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild
     on Mutation$RunSystemRebuild {
-  Mutation$RunSystemRebuild copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<Mutation$RunSystemRebuild> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild? runSystemRebuild,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes>
+      get runSystemRebuild;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemRebuild _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? runSystemRebuild = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(
+          runSystemRebuild:
+              runSystemRebuild == _undefined || runSystemRebuild == null
+                  ? _instance.runSystemRebuild
+                  : (runSystemRebuild
+                      as Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes>
+      get runSystemRebuild {
+    final local$runSystemRebuild = _instance.runSystemRebuild;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(
+        local$runSystemRebuild, (e) => call(runSystemRebuild: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild? runSystemRebuild,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemRebuild(
-          runSystemRebuild: runSystemRebuild == null
-              ? this.runSystemRebuild
-              : runSystemRebuild,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes>
+      get runSystemRebuild =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRunSystemRebuild = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1269,13 +1762,63 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild
     on Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild {
-  Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<
+          Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(
+          Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRebuild$runSystemRebuild(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1316,14 +1859,69 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemRollback {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemRollback
     on Mutation$RunSystemRollback {
-  Mutation$RunSystemRollback copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<Mutation$RunSystemRollback>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback(
+          Mutation$RunSystemRollback instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRollback) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback? runSystemRollback,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes>
+      get runSystemRollback;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemRollback _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRollback) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? runSystemRollback = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemRollback(
+          runSystemRollback:
+              runSystemRollback == _undefined || runSystemRollback == null
+                  ? _instance.runSystemRollback
+                  : (runSystemRollback
+                      as Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes>
+      get runSystemRollback {
+    final local$runSystemRollback = _instance.runSystemRollback;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(
+        local$runSystemRollback, (e) => call(runSystemRollback: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback? runSystemRollback,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemRollback(
-          runSystemRollback: runSystemRollback == null
-              ? this.runSystemRollback
-              : runSystemRollback,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes>
+      get runSystemRollback =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRunSystemRollback = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1502,13 +2100,63 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback
     on Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback {
-  Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<
+          Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(
+          Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemRollback$runSystemRollback(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1549,14 +2197,68 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade
     on Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade {
-  Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade? runSystemUpgrade,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+      get runSystemUpgrade;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? runSystemUpgrade = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(
+          runSystemUpgrade:
+              runSystemUpgrade == _undefined || runSystemUpgrade == null
+                  ? _instance.runSystemUpgrade
+                  : (runSystemUpgrade
+                      as Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+      get runSystemUpgrade {
+    final local$runSystemUpgrade = _instance.runSystemUpgrade;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(
+        local$runSystemUpgrade, (e) => call(runSystemUpgrade: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade? runSystemUpgrade,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade(
-          runSystemUpgrade: runSystemUpgrade == null
-              ? this.runSystemUpgrade
-              : runSystemUpgrade,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+      get runSystemUpgrade =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRunSystemUpgrade = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1735,13 +2437,63 @@ class Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade
     on Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade {
-  Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<
+          Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(
+          Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RunSystemUpgrade$runSystemUpgrade(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1783,15 +2535,72 @@ class Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges
     on Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges {
-  Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(
+          Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges?
+          pullRepositoryChanges,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+      get pullRepositoryChanges;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? pullRepositoryChanges = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(
+          pullRepositoryChanges: pullRepositoryChanges == _undefined ||
+                  pullRepositoryChanges == null
+              ? _instance.pullRepositoryChanges
+              : (pullRepositoryChanges
+                  as Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+      get pullRepositoryChanges {
+    final local$pullRepositoryChanges = _instance.pullRepositoryChanges;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+        local$pullRepositoryChanges, (e) => call(pullRepositoryChanges: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges(
-          pullRepositoryChanges: pullRepositoryChanges == null
-              ? this.pullRepositoryChanges
-              : pullRepositoryChanges,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+      get pullRepositoryChanges =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges.stub(
+              _res);
 const documentNodeMutationPullRepositoryChanges = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1974,13 +2783,72 @@ class Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges
     on Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges {
-  Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<
+          Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+          Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$PullRepositoryChanges$pullRepositoryChanges(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2020,12 +2888,62 @@ class Mutation$RebootSystem {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RebootSystem on Mutation$RebootSystem {
-  Mutation$RebootSystem copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem<Mutation$RebootSystem> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem(Mutation$RebootSystem instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RebootSystem) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem? rebootSystem, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> get rebootSystem;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RebootSystem _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RebootSystem) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? rebootSystem = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RebootSystem(
+          rebootSystem: rebootSystem == _undefined || rebootSystem == null
+              ? _instance.rebootSystem
+              : (rebootSystem as Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> get rebootSystem {
+    final local$rebootSystem = _instance.rebootSystem;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(
+        local$rebootSystem, (e) => call(rebootSystem: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem? rebootSystem,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RebootSystem(
-          rebootSystem: rebootSystem == null ? this.rebootSystem : rebootSystem,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> get rebootSystem =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRebootSystem = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2202,13 +3120,62 @@ class Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem
     on Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem {
-  Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<
+          Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(
+          Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RebootSystem$rebootSystem(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2247,11 +3214,55 @@ class Query$GetApiTokens {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiTokens on Query$GetApiTokens {
-  Query$GetApiTokens copyWith(
-          {Query$GetApiTokens$api? api, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiTokens(
-          api: api == null ? this.api : api,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens<Query$GetApiTokens> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens(
+          Query$GetApiTokens instance, TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens;
+  TRes call({Query$GetApiTokens$api? api, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> get api;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiTokens _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? api = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiTokens(
+          api: api == _undefined || api == null
+              ? _instance.api
+              : (api as Query$GetApiTokens$api),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> get api {
+    final local$api = _instance.api;
+    return CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api(local$api, (e) => call(api: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetApiTokens$api? api, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> get api =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryGetApiTokens = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2441,12 +3452,67 @@ class Query$GetApiTokens$api {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiTokens$api on Query$GetApiTokens$api {
-  Query$GetApiTokens$api copyWith(
-          {List<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>? devices,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiTokens$api(
-          devices: devices == null ? this.devices : devices,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<Query$GetApiTokens$api> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api(Query$GetApiTokens$api instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens$api) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>? devices, String? $__typename});
+  TRes devices(
+      Iterable<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<
+                      Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiTokens$api _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens$api) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? devices = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiTokens$api(
+          devices: devices == _undefined || devices == null
+              ? _instance.devices
+              : (devices as List<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes devices(
+          Iterable<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<
+                          Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          devices: _fn(
+                  (e) => CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(e, (i) => i)))
+              .toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({List<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>? devices, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  devices(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2503,16 +3569,68 @@ class Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices
     on Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices {
-  Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(
+          Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices;
+  TRes call(
+      {DateTime? creationDate,
+      bool? isCaller,
+      String? name,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? creationDate = _undefined,
+          Object? isCaller = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(
+          creationDate: creationDate == _undefined || creationDate == null
+              ? _instance.creationDate
+              : (creationDate as DateTime),
+          isCaller: isCaller == _undefined || isCaller == null
+              ? _instance.isCaller
+              : (isCaller as bool),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {DateTime? creationDate,
           bool? isCaller,
           String? name,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetApiTokens$api$devices(
-          creationDate: creationDate == null ? this.creationDate : creationDate,
-          isCaller: isCaller == null ? this.isCaller : isCaller,
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2551,11 +3669,55 @@ class Query$RecoveryKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$RecoveryKey on Query$RecoveryKey {
-  Query$RecoveryKey copyWith(
-          {Query$RecoveryKey$api? api, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$RecoveryKey(
-          api: api == null ? this.api : api,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey<Query$RecoveryKey> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey(
+          Query$RecoveryKey instance, TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey;
+  TRes call({Query$RecoveryKey$api? api, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> get api;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$RecoveryKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? api = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$RecoveryKey(
+          api: api == _undefined || api == null
+              ? _instance.api
+              : (api as Query$RecoveryKey$api),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> get api {
+    final local$api = _instance.api;
+    return CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api(local$api, (e) => call(api: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$RecoveryKey$api? api, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> get api =>
+      CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryRecoveryKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2748,12 +3910,60 @@ class Query$RecoveryKey$api {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$RecoveryKey$api on Query$RecoveryKey$api {
-  Query$RecoveryKey$api copyWith(
-          {Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey? recoveryKey,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$RecoveryKey$api(
-          recoveryKey: recoveryKey == null ? this.recoveryKey : recoveryKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<Query$RecoveryKey$api> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api(Query$RecoveryKey$api instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey$api) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api;
+  TRes call(
+      {Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey? recoveryKey, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> get recoveryKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$RecoveryKey$api _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey$api) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? recoveryKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$RecoveryKey$api(
+          recoveryKey: recoveryKey == _undefined || recoveryKey == null
+              ? _instance.recoveryKey
+              : (recoveryKey as Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> get recoveryKey {
+    final local$recoveryKey = _instance.recoveryKey;
+    return CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(
+        local$recoveryKey, (e) => call(recoveryKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey? recoveryKey, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> get recoveryKey =>
+      CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2836,22 +4046,80 @@ class Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey
     on Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey {
-  Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey copyWith(
-          {DateTime? Function()? creationDate,
+  CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(
+          Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {DateTime? creationDate,
+      bool? exists,
+      DateTime? expirationDate,
+      int? usesLeft,
+      bool? valid,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? creationDate = _undefined,
+          Object? exists = _undefined,
+          Object? expirationDate = _undefined,
+          Object? usesLeft = _undefined,
+          Object? valid = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(
+          creationDate: creationDate == _undefined
+              ? _instance.creationDate
+              : (creationDate as DateTime?),
+          exists: exists == _undefined || exists == null
+              ? _instance.exists
+              : (exists as bool),
+          expirationDate: expirationDate == _undefined
+              ? _instance.expirationDate
+              : (expirationDate as DateTime?),
+          usesLeft:
+              usesLeft == _undefined ? _instance.usesLeft : (usesLeft as int?),
+          valid: valid == _undefined || valid == null
+              ? _instance.valid
+              : (valid as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
+          {DateTime? creationDate,
           bool? exists,
-          DateTime? Function()? expirationDate,
-          int? Function()? usesLeft,
+          DateTime? expirationDate,
+          int? usesLeft,
           bool? valid,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$RecoveryKey$api$recoveryKey(
-          creationDate:
-              creationDate == null ? this.creationDate : creationDate(),
-          exists: exists == null ? this.exists : exists,
-          expirationDate:
-              expirationDate == null ? this.expirationDate : expirationDate(),
-          usesLeft: usesLeft == null ? this.usesLeft : usesLeft(),
-          valid: valid == null ? this.valid : valid,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2883,10 +4151,49 @@ class Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
-          {Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput? Function()? limits}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
-          limits: limits == null ? this.limits : limits());
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<
+          Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call({Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput? limits});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? limits = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          limits: limits == _undefined
+              ? _instance.limits
+              : (limits as Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$RecoveryKeyLimitsInput? limits}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2927,15 +4234,71 @@ class Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey
     on Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey {
-  Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey? getNewRecoveryApiKey,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewRecoveryApiKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? getNewRecoveryApiKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          getNewRecoveryApiKey:
+              getNewRecoveryApiKey == _undefined || getNewRecoveryApiKey == null
+                  ? _instance.getNewRecoveryApiKey
+                  : (getNewRecoveryApiKey
+                      as Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewRecoveryApiKey {
+    final local$getNewRecoveryApiKey = _instance.getNewRecoveryApiKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+        local$getNewRecoveryApiKey, (e) => call(getNewRecoveryApiKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey(
-          getNewRecoveryApiKey: getNewRecoveryApiKey == null
-              ? this.getNewRecoveryApiKey
-              : getNewRecoveryApiKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewRecoveryApiKey =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey.stub(
+              _res);
 const documentNodeMutationGetNewRecoveryApiKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -3146,18 +4509,82 @@ class Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey
     on Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey {
-  Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<
+          Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? key});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? key = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          key: key == _undefined ? _instance.key : (key as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? key}) =>
-      Mutation$GetNewRecoveryApiKey$getNewRecoveryApiKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          key: key == null ? this.key : key());
+          String? key}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -3189,10 +4616,49 @@ class Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
-          {Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput? input}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
-          input: input == null ? this.input : input);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<
+          Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
+          Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call({Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput? input});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? input = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
+          input: input == _undefined || input == null
+              ? _instance.input
+              : (input as Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$UseRecoveryKeyInput? input}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -3233,14 +4699,69 @@ class Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey
     on Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey {
-  Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
+          Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey? useRecoveryApiKey,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get useRecoveryApiKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? useRecoveryApiKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
+          useRecoveryApiKey:
+              useRecoveryApiKey == _undefined || useRecoveryApiKey == null
+                  ? _instance.useRecoveryApiKey
+                  : (useRecoveryApiKey
+                      as Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get useRecoveryApiKey {
+    final local$useRecoveryApiKey = _instance.useRecoveryApiKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(
+        local$useRecoveryApiKey, (e) => call(useRecoveryApiKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey? useRecoveryApiKey,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey(
-          useRecoveryApiKey: useRecoveryApiKey == null
-              ? this.useRecoveryApiKey
-              : useRecoveryApiKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+      get useRecoveryApiKey =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationUseRecoveryApiKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -3448,18 +4969,75 @@ class Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey
     on Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey {
-  Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<
+          Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(
+          Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? token});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? token = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          token: token == _undefined ? _instance.token : (token as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? token}) =>
-      Mutation$UseRecoveryApiKey$useRecoveryApiKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          token: token == null ? this.token : token());
+          String? token}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -3501,15 +5079,72 @@ class Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken
     on Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken {
-  Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(
+          Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken?
+          refreshDeviceApiToken,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get refreshDeviceApiToken;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? refreshDeviceApiToken = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(
+          refreshDeviceApiToken: refreshDeviceApiToken == _undefined ||
+                  refreshDeviceApiToken == null
+              ? _instance.refreshDeviceApiToken
+              : (refreshDeviceApiToken
+                  as Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get refreshDeviceApiToken {
+    final local$refreshDeviceApiToken = _instance.refreshDeviceApiToken;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+        local$refreshDeviceApiToken, (e) => call(refreshDeviceApiToken: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken(
-          refreshDeviceApiToken: refreshDeviceApiToken == null
-              ? this.refreshDeviceApiToken
-              : refreshDeviceApiToken,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get refreshDeviceApiToken =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken.stub(
+              _res);
 const documentNodeMutationRefreshDeviceApiToken = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -3706,18 +5341,84 @@ class Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken
     on Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken {
-  Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<
+          Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+          Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? token});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? token = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          token: token == _undefined ? _instance.token : (token as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? token}) =>
-      Mutation$RefreshDeviceApiToken$refreshDeviceApiToken(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          token: token == null ? this.token : token());
+          String? token}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -3749,9 +5450,49 @@ class Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken copyWith({String? device}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
-          device: device == null ? this.device : device);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<
+          Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
+          Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken;
+  TRes call({String? device});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? device = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
+          device: device == _undefined || device == null
+              ? _instance.device
+              : (device as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? device}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -3792,15 +5533,71 @@ class Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken
     on Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken {
-  Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
+          Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken? deleteDeviceApiToken,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get deleteDeviceApiToken;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? deleteDeviceApiToken = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
+          deleteDeviceApiToken:
+              deleteDeviceApiToken == _undefined || deleteDeviceApiToken == null
+                  ? _instance.deleteDeviceApiToken
+                  : (deleteDeviceApiToken
+                      as Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get deleteDeviceApiToken {
+    final local$deleteDeviceApiToken = _instance.deleteDeviceApiToken;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+        local$deleteDeviceApiToken, (e) => call(deleteDeviceApiToken: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken(
-          deleteDeviceApiToken: deleteDeviceApiToken == null
-              ? this.deleteDeviceApiToken
-              : deleteDeviceApiToken,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+      get deleteDeviceApiToken =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken.stub(
+              _res);
 const documentNodeMutationDeleteDeviceApiToken = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -3996,13 +5793,70 @@ class Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken
     on Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken {
-  Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<
+          Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+          Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteDeviceApiToken$deleteDeviceApiToken(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -4043,14 +5897,69 @@ class Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey? getNewDeviceApiKey,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewDeviceApiKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? getNewDeviceApiKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(
+          getNewDeviceApiKey:
+              getNewDeviceApiKey == _undefined || getNewDeviceApiKey == null
+                  ? _instance.getNewDeviceApiKey
+                  : (getNewDeviceApiKey
+                      as Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewDeviceApiKey {
+    final local$getNewDeviceApiKey = _instance.getNewDeviceApiKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
+        local$getNewDeviceApiKey, (e) => call(getNewDeviceApiKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey? getNewDeviceApiKey,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey(
-          getNewDeviceApiKey: getNewDeviceApiKey == null
-              ? this.getNewDeviceApiKey
-              : getNewDeviceApiKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get getNewDeviceApiKey =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationGetNewDeviceApiKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -4242,18 +6151,76 @@ class Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
+          this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? key});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? key = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          key: key == _undefined ? _instance.key : (key as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? key}) =>
-      Mutation$GetNewDeviceApiKey$getNewDeviceApiKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          key: key == null ? this.key : key());
+          String? key}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -4298,15 +6265,75 @@ class Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey?
+          invalidateNewDeviceApiKey,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get invalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? invalidateNewDeviceApiKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+          invalidateNewDeviceApiKey: invalidateNewDeviceApiKey == _undefined ||
+                  invalidateNewDeviceApiKey == null
+              ? _instance.invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
+              : (invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
+                  as Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get invalidateNewDeviceApiKey {
+    final local$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey = _instance.invalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+        local$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey,
+        (e) => call(invalidateNewDeviceApiKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
-          invalidateNewDeviceApiKey: invalidateNewDeviceApiKey == null
-              ? this.invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
-              : invalidateNewDeviceApiKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+      get invalidateNewDeviceApiKey =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
+              .stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationInvalidateNewDeviceApiKey =
@@ -4493,13 +6520,76 @@ class Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+      Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$InvalidateNewDeviceApiKey$invalidateNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -4531,10 +6621,50 @@ class Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
-          {Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput? input}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
-          input: input == null ? this.input : input);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call({Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput? input});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? input = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          input: input == _undefined || input == null
+              ? _instance.input
+              : (input as Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$UseNewDeviceKeyInput? input}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -4580,15 +6710,79 @@ class Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey?
+          authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+      TRes> get authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey: authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey ==
+                      _undefined ||
+                  authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey == null
+              ? _instance.authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
+              : (authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
+                  as Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+      TRes> get authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey {
+    final local$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey =
+        _instance.authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+        local$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey,
+        (e) => call(authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
-          authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey: authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey == null
-              ? this.authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
-              : authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+          TRes>
+      get authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
+              .stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationAuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey =
@@ -4804,18 +6998,90 @@ class Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
     on Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey {
-  Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+          Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
+              instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? token});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey
+      _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+      Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? token = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          token: token == _undefined ? _instance.token : (token as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? token}) =>
-      Mutation$AuthorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey$authorizeWithNewDeviceApiKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          token: token == null ? this.token : token());
+          String? token}) =>
+      _res;
 DateTime? _nullable$dateTimeFromJson(dynamic data) =>
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.dart
index c37a1a9c..4a920a4d 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.dart
@@ -61,13 +61,62 @@ class Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
 extension UtilityExtension$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields
     on Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
-  Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields instance,
+          TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 const fragmentDefinitionbasicMutationReturnFields = FragmentDefinitionNode(
@@ -173,11 +222,56 @@ class Query$SystemSettings {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$SystemSettings on Query$SystemSettings {
-  Query$SystemSettings copyWith(
-          {Query$SystemSettings$system? system, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$SystemSettings(
-          system: system == null ? this.system : system,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings<Query$SystemSettings> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings(Query$SystemSettings instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings;
+  TRes call({Query$SystemSettings$system? system, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> get system;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$SystemSettings _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? system = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$SystemSettings(
+          system: system == _undefined || system == null
+              ? _instance.system
+              : (system as Query$SystemSettings$system),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> get system {
+    final local$system = _instance.system;
+    return CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system(
+        local$system, (e) => call(system: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$SystemSettings$system? system, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> get system =>
+      CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQuerySystemSettings = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -408,12 +502,60 @@ class Query$SystemSettings$system {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$SystemSettings$system
     on Query$SystemSettings$system {
-  Query$SystemSettings$system copyWith(
-          {Query$SystemSettings$system$settings? settings,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$SystemSettings$system(
-          settings: settings == null ? this.settings : settings,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<Query$SystemSettings$system>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system(
+          Query$SystemSettings$system instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system;
+  TRes call(
+      {Query$SystemSettings$system$settings? settings, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> get settings;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$SystemSettings$system _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? settings = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$SystemSettings$system(
+          settings: settings == _undefined || settings == null
+              ? _instance.settings
+              : (settings as Query$SystemSettings$system$settings),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> get settings {
+    final local$settings = _instance.settings;
+    return CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(
+        local$settings, (e) => call(settings: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$SystemSettings$system$settings? settings, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> get settings =>
+      CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -471,16 +613,92 @@ class Query$SystemSettings$system$settings {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings
     on Query$SystemSettings$system$settings {
-  Query$SystemSettings$system$settings copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings;
+  TRes call(
+      {Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade? autoUpgrade,
+      Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh? ssh,
+      String? timezone,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes>
+      get autoUpgrade;
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> get ssh;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$SystemSettings$system$settings _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? autoUpgrade = _undefined,
+          Object? ssh = _undefined,
+          Object? timezone = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(
+          autoUpgrade: autoUpgrade == _undefined || autoUpgrade == null
+              ? _instance.autoUpgrade
+              : (autoUpgrade
+                  as Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade),
+          ssh: ssh == _undefined || ssh == null
+              ? _instance.ssh
+              : (ssh as Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh),
+          timezone: timezone == _undefined || timezone == null
+              ? _instance.timezone
+              : (timezone as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes>
+      get autoUpgrade {
+    final local$autoUpgrade = _instance.autoUpgrade;
+    return CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
+        local$autoUpgrade, (e) => call(autoUpgrade: e));
+  }
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> get ssh {
+    final local$ssh = _instance.ssh;
+    return CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(
+        local$ssh, (e) => call(ssh: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade? autoUpgrade,
           Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh? ssh,
           String? timezone,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$SystemSettings$system$settings(
-          autoUpgrade: autoUpgrade == null ? this.autoUpgrade : autoUpgrade,
-          ssh: ssh == null ? this.ssh : ssh,
-          timezone: timezone == null ? this.timezone : timezone,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes>
+      get autoUpgrade =>
+          CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade.stub(_res);
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> get ssh =>
+      CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -531,12 +749,60 @@ class Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade
     on Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade {
-  Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade copyWith(
-          {bool? allowReboot, bool? enable, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
-          allowReboot: allowReboot == null ? this.allowReboot : allowReboot,
-          enable: enable == null ? this.enable : enable,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
+          this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade;
+  TRes call({bool? allowReboot, bool? enable, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? allowReboot = _undefined,
+          Object? enable = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(
+          allowReboot: allowReboot == _undefined || allowReboot == null
+              ? _instance.allowReboot
+              : (allowReboot as bool),
+          enable: enable == _undefined || enable == null
+              ? _instance.enable
+              : (enable as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$autoUpgrade(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({bool? allowReboot, bool? enable, String? $__typename}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -605,18 +871,72 @@ class Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh
     on Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh {
-  Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(
+          Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh;
+  TRes call(
+      {bool? enable,
+      bool? passwordAuthentication,
+      List<String>? rootSshKeys,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? enable = _undefined,
+          Object? passwordAuthentication = _undefined,
+          Object? rootSshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(
+          enable: enable == _undefined || enable == null
+              ? _instance.enable
+              : (enable as bool),
+          passwordAuthentication: passwordAuthentication == _undefined ||
+                  passwordAuthentication == null
+              ? _instance.passwordAuthentication
+              : (passwordAuthentication as bool),
+          rootSshKeys: rootSshKeys == _undefined || rootSshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.rootSshKeys
+              : (rootSshKeys as List<String>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {bool? enable,
           bool? passwordAuthentication,
           List<String>? rootSshKeys,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$SystemSettings$system$settings$ssh(
-          enable: enable == null ? this.enable : enable,
-          passwordAuthentication: passwordAuthentication == null
-              ? this.passwordAuthentication
-              : passwordAuthentication,
-          rootSshKeys: rootSshKeys == null ? this.rootSshKeys : rootSshKeys,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -655,11 +975,56 @@ class Query$DomainInfo {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$DomainInfo on Query$DomainInfo {
-  Query$DomainInfo copyWith(
-          {Query$DomainInfo$system? system, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$DomainInfo(
-          system: system == null ? this.system : system,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo<Query$DomainInfo> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo(
+          Query$DomainInfo instance, TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo;
+  TRes call({Query$DomainInfo$system? system, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> get system;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$DomainInfo _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? system = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$DomainInfo(
+          system: system == _undefined || system == null
+              ? _instance.system
+              : (system as Query$DomainInfo$system),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> get system {
+    final local$system = _instance.system;
+    return CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system(
+        local$system, (e) => call(system: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$DomainInfo$system? system, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> get system =>
+      CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryDomainInfo = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -883,12 +1248,60 @@ class Query$DomainInfo$system {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$DomainInfo$system on Query$DomainInfo$system {
-  Query$DomainInfo$system copyWith(
-          {Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo? domainInfo,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$DomainInfo$system(
-          domainInfo: domainInfo == null ? this.domainInfo : domainInfo,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<Query$DomainInfo$system> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system(Query$DomainInfo$system instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system;
+  TRes call(
+      {Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo? domainInfo, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> get domainInfo;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$DomainInfo$system _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? domainInfo = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$DomainInfo$system(
+          domainInfo: domainInfo == _undefined || domainInfo == null
+              ? _instance.domainInfo
+              : (domainInfo as Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> get domainInfo {
+    final local$domainInfo = _instance.domainInfo;
+    return CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(
+        local$domainInfo, (e) => call(domainInfo: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo? domainInfo, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> get domainInfo =>
+      CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -969,21 +1382,97 @@ class Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo
     on Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo {
-  Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<
+          Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(
+          Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? domain,
+      String? hostname,
+      Enum$DnsProvider? provider,
+      List<Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords>?
+          requiredDnsRecords,
+      String? $__typename});
+  TRes requiredDnsRecords(
+      Iterable<Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<
+                      Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? domain = _undefined,
+          Object? hostname = _undefined,
+          Object? provider = _undefined,
+          Object? requiredDnsRecords = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(
+          domain: domain == _undefined || domain == null
+              ? _instance.domain
+              : (domain as String),
+          hostname: hostname == _undefined || hostname == null
+              ? _instance.hostname
+              : (hostname as String),
+          provider: provider == _undefined || provider == null
+              ? _instance.provider
+              : (provider as Enum$DnsProvider),
+          requiredDnsRecords:
+              requiredDnsRecords == _undefined || requiredDnsRecords == null
+                  ? _instance.requiredDnsRecords
+                  : (requiredDnsRecords as List<
+                      Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes requiredDnsRecords(
+          Iterable<Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<
+                          Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          requiredDnsRecords: _fn( =>
+              CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+                  e, (i) => i))).toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? domain,
           String? hostname,
           Enum$DnsProvider? provider,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo(
-          domain: domain == null ? this.domain : domain,
-          hostname: hostname == null ? this.hostname : hostname,
-          provider: provider == null ? this.provider : provider,
-          requiredDnsRecords: requiredDnsRecords == null
-              ? this.requiredDnsRecords
-              : requiredDnsRecords,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  requiredDnsRecords(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1056,20 +1545,89 @@ class Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords
     on Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords {
-  Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<
+          Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+          Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? content,
+      String? name,
+      int? priority,
+      String? recordType,
+      int? ttl,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? content = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? priority = _undefined,
+          Object? recordType = _undefined,
+          Object? ttl = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+          content: content == _undefined || content == null
+              ? _instance.content
+              : (content as String),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          priority:
+              priority == _undefined ? _instance.priority : (priority as int?),
+          recordType: recordType == _undefined || recordType == null
+              ? _instance.recordType
+              : (recordType as String),
+          ttl: ttl == _undefined || ttl == null ? _instance.ttl : (ttl as int),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? content,
           String? name,
-          int? Function()? priority,
+          int? priority,
           String? recordType,
           int? ttl,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfo$requiredDnsRecords(
-          content: content == null ? this.content : content,
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          priority: priority == null ? this.priority : priority(),
-          recordType: recordType == null ? this.recordType : recordType,
-          ttl: ttl == null ? this.ttl : ttl,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1101,9 +1659,47 @@ class Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone copyWith({String? timezone}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(
-          timezone: timezone == null ? this.timezone : timezone);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(
+          Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone;
+  TRes call({String? timezone});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? timezone = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(
+          timezone: timezone == _undefined || timezone == null
+              ? _instance.timezone
+              : (timezone as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? timezone}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1143,13 +1739,63 @@ class Mutation$ChangeTimezone {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ChangeTimezone on Mutation$ChangeTimezone {
-  Mutation$ChangeTimezone copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<Mutation$ChangeTimezone> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(Mutation$ChangeTimezone instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeTimezone) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone? changeTimezone,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> get changeTimezone;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ChangeTimezone _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeTimezone) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? changeTimezone = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ChangeTimezone(
+          changeTimezone: changeTimezone == _undefined || changeTimezone == null
+              ? _instance.changeTimezone
+              : (changeTimezone as Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> get changeTimezone {
+    final local$changeTimezone = _instance.changeTimezone;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(
+        local$changeTimezone, (e) => call(changeTimezone: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone? changeTimezone,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$ChangeTimezone(
-          changeTimezone:
-              changeTimezone == null ? this.changeTimezone : changeTimezone,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> get changeTimezone =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationChangeTimezone = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1355,18 +2001,77 @@ class Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone
     on Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone {
-  Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<
+          Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(
+          Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      String? timezone});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? timezone = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          timezone: timezone == _undefined
+              ? _instance.timezone
+              : (timezone as String?)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          String? Function()? timezone}) =>
-      Mutation$ChangeTimezone$changeTimezone(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          timezone: timezone == null ? this.timezone : timezone());
+          String? timezone}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1398,10 +2103,49 @@ class Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings copyWith(
-          {Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput? settings}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
-          settings: settings == null ? this.settings : settings);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+          Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  TRes call({Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput? settings});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? settings = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          settings: settings == _undefined || settings == null
+              ? _instance.settings
+              : (settings as Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$AutoUpgradeSettingsInput? settings}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1446,15 +2190,75 @@ class Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings
     on Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings {
-  Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+          Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings?
+          changeAutoUpgradeSettings,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+      get changeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? changeAutoUpgradeSettings = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          changeAutoUpgradeSettings: changeAutoUpgradeSettings == _undefined ||
+                  changeAutoUpgradeSettings == null
+              ? _instance.changeAutoUpgradeSettings
+              : (changeAutoUpgradeSettings
+                  as Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+      get changeAutoUpgradeSettings {
+    final local$changeAutoUpgradeSettings = _instance.changeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+        local$changeAutoUpgradeSettings,
+        (e) => call(changeAutoUpgradeSettings: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings(
-          changeAutoUpgradeSettings: changeAutoUpgradeSettings == null
-              ? this.changeAutoUpgradeSettings
-              : changeAutoUpgradeSettings,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<TRes>
+      get changeAutoUpgradeSettings =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings
+              .stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationChangeAutoUpgradeSettings =
@@ -1688,20 +2492,95 @@ class Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings
     on Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings {
-  Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+          Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      bool? allowReboot,
+      bool? enableAutoUpgrade});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+      Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? allowReboot = _undefined,
+          Object? enableAutoUpgrade = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          allowReboot: allowReboot == _undefined || allowReboot == null
+              ? _instance.allowReboot
+              : (allowReboot as bool),
+          enableAutoUpgrade:
+              enableAutoUpgrade == _undefined || enableAutoUpgrade == null
+                  ? _instance.enableAutoUpgrade
+                  : (enableAutoUpgrade as bool)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
           bool? allowReboot,
           bool? enableAutoUpgrade}) =>
-      Mutation$ChangeAutoUpgradeSettings$changeAutoUpgradeSettings(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          allowReboot: allowReboot == null ? this.allowReboot : allowReboot,
-          enableAutoUpgrade: enableAutoUpgrade == null
-              ? this.enableAutoUpgrade
-              : enableAutoUpgrade);
+      _res;
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.g.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.g.dart
index bbca8052..d3e51515 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/server_settings.graphql.g.dart
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Query$DomainInfo$system$domainInfoToJson(
     <String, dynamic>{
       'domain': instance.domain,
       'hostname': instance.hostname,
-      'provider': _$Enum$DnsProviderEnumMap[instance.provider],
+      'provider': _$Enum$DnsProviderEnumMap[instance.provider]!,
  => e.toJson()).toList(),
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.dart
index 2a415115..49dbc91f 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.dart
@@ -62,13 +62,62 @@ class Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
 extension UtilityExtension$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields
     on Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
-  Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields instance,
+          TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 const fragmentDefinitionbasicMutationReturnFields = FragmentDefinitionNode(
@@ -174,11 +223,57 @@ class Query$AllServices {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices on Query$AllServices {
-  Query$AllServices copyWith(
-          {Query$AllServices$services? services, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices(
-          services: services == null ? : services,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices<Query$AllServices> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$AllServices(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices(
+          Query$AllServices instance, TRes Function(Query$AllServices) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices;
+  TRes call({Query$AllServices$services? services, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> get services;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllServices) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? services = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices(
+          services: services == _undefined || services == null
+              ?
+              : (services as Query$AllServices$services),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> get services {
+    final local$services =;
+    return CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services(
+        local$services, (e) => call(services: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$AllServices$services? services, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> get services =>
+      CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryAllServices = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -491,12 +586,73 @@ class Query$AllServices$services {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services
     on Query$AllServices$services {
-  Query$AllServices$services copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<Query$AllServices$services>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services(
+          Query$AllServices$services instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices>? allServices,
+      String? $__typename});
+  TRes allServices(
+      Iterable<Query$AllServices$services$allServices> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<
+                      Query$AllServices$services$allServices>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices$services _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? allServices = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices$services(
+          allServices: allServices == _undefined || allServices == null
+              ? _instance.allServices
+              : (allServices as List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes allServices(
+          Iterable<Query$AllServices$services$allServices> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<
+                          Query$AllServices$services$allServices>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          allServices: _fn( =>
+                  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices(e, (i) => i)))
+              .toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices>? allServices,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices$services(
-          allServices: allServices == null ? this.allServices : allServices,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  allServices(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -634,11 +790,131 @@ class Query$AllServices$services$allServices {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services$allServices
     on Query$AllServices$services$allServices {
-  Query$AllServices$services$allServices copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices(
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? description,
+      String? displayName,
+      List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>? dnsRecords,
+      String? id,
+      bool? isEnabled,
+      bool? isMovable,
+      bool? isRequired,
+      Enum$ServiceStatusEnum? status,
+      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage? storageUsage,
+      String? svgIcon,
+      String? url,
+      String? $__typename});
+  TRes dnsRecords(
+      Iterable<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>? Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<
+                      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>>?)
+          _fn);
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes>
+      get storageUsage;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices$services$allServices _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? description = _undefined,
+          Object? displayName = _undefined,
+          Object? dnsRecords = _undefined,
+          Object? id = _undefined,
+          Object? isEnabled = _undefined,
+          Object? isMovable = _undefined,
+          Object? isRequired = _undefined,
+          Object? status = _undefined,
+          Object? storageUsage = _undefined,
+          Object? svgIcon = _undefined,
+          Object? url = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices$services$allServices(
+          description: description == _undefined || description == null
+              ? _instance.description
+              : (description as String),
+          displayName: displayName == _undefined || displayName == null
+              ? _instance.displayName
+              : (displayName as String),
+          dnsRecords: dnsRecords == _undefined
+              ? _instance.dnsRecords
+              : (dnsRecords
+                  as List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>?),
+          id: id == _undefined || id == null ? : (id as String),
+          isEnabled: isEnabled == _undefined || isEnabled == null
+              ? _instance.isEnabled
+              : (isEnabled as bool),
+          isMovable: isMovable == _undefined || isMovable == null
+              ? _instance.isMovable
+              : (isMovable as bool),
+          isRequired: isRequired == _undefined || isRequired == null
+              ? _instance.isRequired
+              : (isRequired as bool),
+          status: status == _undefined || status == null
+              ? _instance.status
+              : (status as Enum$ServiceStatusEnum),
+          storageUsage: storageUsage == _undefined || storageUsage == null
+              ? _instance.storageUsage
+              : (storageUsage
+                  as Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage),
+          svgIcon: svgIcon == _undefined || svgIcon == null
+              ? _instance.svgIcon
+              : (svgIcon as String),
+          url: url == _undefined ? _instance.url : (url as String?),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes dnsRecords(
+          Iterable<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>? Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<
+                          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>>?)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          dnsRecords: _fn(_instance.dnsRecords?.map((e) =>
+              CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+                  e, (i) => i)))?.toList());
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes>
+      get storageUsage {
+    final local$storageUsage = _instance.storageUsage;
+    return CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+        local$storageUsage, (e) => call(storageUsage: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? description,
           String? displayName,
-          List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>? Function()?
-              dnsRecords,
+          List<Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>? dnsRecords,
           String? id,
           bool? isEnabled,
           bool? isMovable,
@@ -646,21 +922,14 @@ extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services$allServices
           Enum$ServiceStatusEnum? status,
           Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage? storageUsage,
           String? svgIcon,
-          String? Function()? url,
+          String? url,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices$services$allServices(
-          description: description == null ? this.description : description,
-          displayName: displayName == null ? this.displayName : displayName,
-          dnsRecords: dnsRecords == null ? this.dnsRecords : dnsRecords(),
-          id: id == null ? : id,
-          isEnabled: isEnabled == null ? this.isEnabled : isEnabled,
-          isMovable: isMovable == null ? this.isMovable : isMovable,
-          isRequired: isRequired == null ? this.isRequired : isRequired,
-          status: status == null ? this.status : status,
-          storageUsage: storageUsage == null ? this.storageUsage : storageUsage,
-          svgIcon: svgIcon == null ? this.svgIcon : svgIcon,
-          url: url == null ? this.url : url(),
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  dnsRecords(_fn) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes>
+      get storageUsage =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage.stub(
+              _res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -733,20 +1002,87 @@ class Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords
     on Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords {
-  Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? content,
+      String? name,
+      int? priority,
+      String? recordType,
+      int? ttl,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? content = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? priority = _undefined,
+          Object? recordType = _undefined,
+          Object? ttl = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+          content: content == _undefined || content == null
+              ? _instance.content
+              : (content as String),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          priority:
+              priority == _undefined ? _instance.priority : (priority as int?),
+          recordType: recordType == _undefined || recordType == null
+              ? _instance.recordType
+              : (recordType as String),
+          ttl: ttl == _undefined || ttl == null ? _instance.ttl : (ttl as int),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? content,
           String? name,
-          int? Function()? priority,
+          int? priority,
           String? recordType,
           int? ttl,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$dnsRecords(
-          content: content == null ? this.content : content,
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          priority: priority == null ? this.priority : priority(),
-          recordType: recordType == null ? this.recordType : recordType,
-          ttl: ttl == null ? this.ttl : ttl,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -804,18 +1140,96 @@ class Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage
     on Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage {
-  Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? title,
+      String? usedSpace,
+      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume? volume,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<TRes>
+      get volume;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage)
+      _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? title = _undefined,
+          Object? usedSpace = _undefined,
+          Object? volume = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+          title: title == _undefined || title == null
+              ? _instance.title
+              : (title as String),
+          usedSpace: usedSpace == _undefined || usedSpace == null
+              ? _instance.usedSpace
+              : (usedSpace as String),
+          volume: volume == _undefined
+              ? _instance.volume
+              : (volume
+                  as Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume?),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<TRes>
+      get volume {
+    final local$volume = _instance.volume;
+    return local$volume == null
+        ? CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume
+            .stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+            local$volume, (e) => call(volume: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? title,
           String? usedSpace,
-          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume?
-                  Function()?
-              volume,
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume? volume,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage(
-          title: title == null ? this.title : title,
-          usedSpace: usedSpace == null ? this.usedSpace : usedSpace,
-          volume: volume == null ? this.volume : volume(),
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<TRes>
+      get volume =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume
+              .stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -860,11 +1274,65 @@ class Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume
     on Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume {
-  Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume copyWith(
-          {String? name, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+              this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+    TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+          Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume instance,
+          TRes Function(
+                  Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume)
+              then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume.stub(
+          TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume;
+  TRes call({String? name, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume _instance;
+  final TRes Function(
+      Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? name = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+        TRes>
+    implements
+        CopyWith$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume<
+            TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllServices$services$allServices$storageUsage$volume(
+      this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? name, String? $__typename}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -896,9 +1364,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$EnableService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$EnableService copyWith({String? serviceId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$EnableService(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<Variables$Mutation$EnableService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService(
+          Variables$Mutation$EnableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$EnableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$EnableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$EnableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$EnableService(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$EnableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -938,13 +1443,63 @@ class Mutation$EnableService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$EnableService on Mutation$EnableService {
-  Mutation$EnableService copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService<Mutation$EnableService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService(Mutation$EnableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$EnableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$EnableService$enableService? enableService,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> get enableService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$EnableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$EnableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? enableService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$EnableService(
+          enableService: enableService == _undefined || enableService == null
+              ? _instance.enableService
+              : (enableService as Mutation$EnableService$enableService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> get enableService {
+    final local$enableService = _instance.enableService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService(
+        local$enableService, (e) => call(enableService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$EnableService$enableService? enableService,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$EnableService(
-          enableService:
-              enableService == null ? this.enableService : enableService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> get enableService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationEnableService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1136,13 +1691,63 @@ class Mutation$EnableService$enableService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$EnableService$enableService
     on Mutation$EnableService$enableService {
-  Mutation$EnableService$enableService copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$EnableService$enableService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<
+          Mutation$EnableService$enableService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService(
+          Mutation$EnableService$enableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$EnableService$enableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$EnableService$enableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$EnableService$enableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$EnableService$enableService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$EnableService$enableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$EnableService$enableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1174,9 +1779,47 @@ class Variables$Mutation$DisableService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$DisableService copyWith({String? serviceId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$DisableService(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<Variables$Mutation$DisableService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService(
+          Variables$Mutation$DisableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DisableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$DisableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DisableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$DisableService(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DisableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1216,13 +1859,63 @@ class Mutation$DisableService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DisableService on Mutation$DisableService {
-  Mutation$DisableService copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService<Mutation$DisableService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService(Mutation$DisableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DisableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$DisableService$disableService? disableService,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> get disableService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DisableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DisableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? disableService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DisableService(
+          disableService: disableService == _undefined || disableService == null
+              ? _instance.disableService
+              : (disableService as Mutation$DisableService$disableService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> get disableService {
+    final local$disableService = _instance.disableService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService(
+        local$disableService, (e) => call(disableService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$DisableService$disableService? disableService,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DisableService(
-          disableService:
-              disableService == null ? this.disableService : disableService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> get disableService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationDisableService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1414,13 +2107,63 @@ class Mutation$DisableService$disableService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DisableService$disableService
     on Mutation$DisableService$disableService {
-  Mutation$DisableService$disableService copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DisableService$disableService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<
+          Mutation$DisableService$disableService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService(
+          Mutation$DisableService$disableService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DisableService$disableService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DisableService$disableService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DisableService$disableService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DisableService$disableService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DisableService$disableService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DisableService$disableService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1450,9 +2193,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$StopService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$StopService copyWith({String? serviceId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$StopService(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService<Variables$Mutation$StopService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService(
+          Variables$Mutation$StopService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$StopService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$StopService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$StopService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$StopService(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StopService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1491,12 +2271,60 @@ class Mutation$StopService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$StopService on Mutation$StopService {
-  Mutation$StopService copyWith(
-          {Mutation$StopService$stopService? stopService,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$StopService(
-          stopService: stopService == null ? this.stopService : stopService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StopService<Mutation$StopService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$StopService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StopService(Mutation$StopService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$StopService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StopService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$StopService$stopService? stopService, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> get stopService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$StopService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$StopService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? stopService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$StopService(
+          stopService: stopService == _undefined || stopService == null
+              ? _instance.stopService
+              : (stopService as Mutation$StopService$stopService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> get stopService {
+    final local$stopService = _instance.stopService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService(
+        local$stopService, (e) => call(stopService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$StopService$stopService? stopService, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> get stopService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationStopService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1685,13 +2513,60 @@ class Mutation$StopService$stopService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$StopService$stopService
     on Mutation$StopService$stopService {
-  Mutation$StopService$stopService copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$StopService$stopService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<Mutation$StopService$stopService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService(
+          Mutation$StopService$stopService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$StopService$stopService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$StopService$stopService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$StopService$stopService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$StopService$stopService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StopService$stopService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StopService$stopService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1722,9 +2597,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$StartService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$StartService copyWith({String? serviceId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$StartService(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService<Variables$Mutation$StartService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService(
+          Variables$Mutation$StartService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$StartService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$StartService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$StartService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$StartService(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$StartService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1764,12 +2676,62 @@ class Mutation$StartService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$StartService on Mutation$StartService {
-  Mutation$StartService copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StartService<Mutation$StartService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$StartService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StartService(Mutation$StartService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$StartService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StartService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$StartService$startService? startService, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> get startService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$StartService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$StartService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? startService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$StartService(
+          startService: startService == _undefined || startService == null
+              ? _instance.startService
+              : (startService as Mutation$StartService$startService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> get startService {
+    final local$startService = _instance.startService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService(
+        local$startService, (e) => call(startService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$StartService$startService? startService,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$StartService(
-          startService: startService == null ? this.startService : startService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> get startService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationStartService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1961,13 +2923,62 @@ class Mutation$StartService$startService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$StartService$startService
     on Mutation$StartService$startService {
-  Mutation$StartService$startService copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$StartService$startService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<
+          Mutation$StartService$startService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService(
+          Mutation$StartService$startService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$StartService$startService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$StartService$startService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$StartService$startService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$StartService$startService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$StartService$startService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$StartService$startService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1999,9 +3010,47 @@ class Variables$Mutation$RestartService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$RestartService copyWith({String? serviceId}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$RestartService(
-          serviceId: serviceId == null ? this.serviceId : serviceId);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<Variables$Mutation$RestartService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService(
+          Variables$Mutation$RestartService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RestartService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService;
+  TRes call({String? serviceId});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$RestartService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RestartService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? serviceId = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$RestartService(
+          serviceId: serviceId == _undefined || serviceId == null
+              ? _instance.serviceId
+              : (serviceId as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RestartService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? serviceId}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2041,13 +3090,63 @@ class Mutation$RestartService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RestartService on Mutation$RestartService {
-  Mutation$RestartService copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService<Mutation$RestartService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService(Mutation$RestartService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RestartService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RestartService$restartService? restartService,
+      String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> get restartService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RestartService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RestartService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? restartService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RestartService(
+          restartService: restartService == _undefined || restartService == null
+              ? _instance.restartService
+              : (restartService as Mutation$RestartService$restartService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> get restartService {
+    final local$restartService = _instance.restartService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService(
+        local$restartService, (e) => call(restartService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RestartService$restartService? restartService,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RestartService(
-          restartService:
-              restartService == null ? this.restartService : restartService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> get restartService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRestartService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2239,13 +3338,63 @@ class Mutation$RestartService$restartService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RestartService$restartService
     on Mutation$RestartService$restartService {
-  Mutation$RestartService$restartService copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RestartService$restartService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<
+          Mutation$RestartService$restartService>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService(
+          Mutation$RestartService$restartService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RestartService$restartService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RestartService$restartService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RestartService$restartService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RestartService$restartService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RestartService$restartService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RestartService$restartService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2275,8 +3424,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$MoveService {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$MoveService copyWith({Input$MoveServiceInput? input}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$MoveService(input: input == null ? this.input : input);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<Variables$Mutation$MoveService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService(
+          Variables$Mutation$MoveService instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MoveService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService;
+  TRes call({Input$MoveServiceInput? input});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$MoveService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$MoveService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? input = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$MoveService(
+          input: input == _undefined || input == null
+              ? _instance.input
+              : (input as Input$MoveServiceInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$MoveService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$MoveServiceInput? input}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2315,12 +3502,60 @@ class Mutation$MoveService {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MoveService on Mutation$MoveService {
-  Mutation$MoveService copyWith(
-          {Mutation$MoveService$moveService? moveService,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MoveService(
-          moveService: moveService == null ? this.moveService : moveService,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService<Mutation$MoveService> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService(Mutation$MoveService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$MoveService$moveService? moveService, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> get moveService;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MoveService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? moveService = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MoveService(
+          moveService: moveService == _undefined || moveService == null
+              ? _instance.moveService
+              : (moveService as Mutation$MoveService$moveService),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> get moveService {
+    final local$moveService = _instance.moveService;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService(
+        local$moveService, (e) => call(moveService: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$MoveService$moveService? moveService, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> get moveService =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationMoveService = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2595,18 +3830,84 @@ class Mutation$MoveService$moveService
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MoveService$moveService
     on Mutation$MoveService$moveService {
-  Mutation$MoveService$moveService copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<Mutation$MoveService$moveService>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService(
+          Mutation$MoveService$moveService instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService$moveService) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job? job});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> get job;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MoveService$moveService _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService$moveService) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? job = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MoveService$moveService(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          job: job == _undefined
+              ? _instance.job
+              : (job as Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> get job {
+    final local$job = _instance.job;
+    return local$job == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job.stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(
+            local$job, (e) => call(job: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job? Function()? job}) =>
-      Mutation$MoveService$moveService(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          job: job == null ? this.job : job());
+          Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job? job}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> get job =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2737,32 +4038,114 @@ class Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job
     on Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job {
-  Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<
+          Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(
+          Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job;
+  TRes call(
+      {DateTime? createdAt,
+      String? description,
+      String? error,
+      DateTime? finishedAt,
+      String? name,
+      int? progress,
+      String? result,
+      String? status,
+      String? statusText,
+      String? uid,
+      DateTime? updatedAt,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? createdAt = _undefined,
+          Object? description = _undefined,
+          Object? error = _undefined,
+          Object? finishedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? name = _undefined,
+          Object? progress = _undefined,
+          Object? result = _undefined,
+          Object? status = _undefined,
+          Object? statusText = _undefined,
+          Object? uid = _undefined,
+          Object? updatedAt = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(
+          createdAt: createdAt == _undefined || createdAt == null
+              ? _instance.createdAt
+              : (createdAt as DateTime),
+          description: description == _undefined || description == null
+              ? _instance.description
+              : (description as String),
+          error: error == _undefined ? _instance.error : (error as String?),
+          finishedAt: finishedAt == _undefined
+              ? _instance.finishedAt
+              : (finishedAt as DateTime?),
+          name: name == _undefined || name == null
+              ?
+              : (name as String),
+          progress:
+              progress == _undefined ? _instance.progress : (progress as int?),
+          result: result == _undefined ? _instance.result : (result as String?),
+          status: status == _undefined || status == null
+              ? _instance.status
+              : (status as String),
+          statusText: statusText == _undefined
+              ? _instance.statusText
+              : (statusText as String?),
+          uid: uid == _undefined || uid == null
+              ? _instance.uid
+              : (uid as String),
+          updatedAt: updatedAt == _undefined || updatedAt == null
+              ? _instance.updatedAt
+              : (updatedAt as DateTime),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {DateTime? createdAt,
           String? description,
-          String? Function()? error,
-          DateTime? Function()? finishedAt,
+          String? error,
+          DateTime? finishedAt,
           String? name,
-          int? Function()? progress,
-          String? Function()? result,
+          int? progress,
+          String? result,
           String? status,
-          String? Function()? statusText,
+          String? statusText,
           String? uid,
           DateTime? updatedAt,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$MoveService$moveService$job(
-          createdAt: createdAt == null ? this.createdAt : createdAt,
-          description: description == null ? this.description : description,
-          error: error == null ? this.error : error(),
-          finishedAt: finishedAt == null ? this.finishedAt : finishedAt(),
-          name: name == null ? : name,
-          progress: progress == null ? this.progress : progress(),
-          result: result == null ? this.result : result(),
-          status: status == null ? this.status : status,
-          statusText: statusText == null ? this.statusText : statusText(),
-          uid: uid == null ? this.uid : uid,
-          updatedAt: updatedAt == null ? this.updatedAt : updatedAt,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 DateTime? _nullable$dateTimeFromJson(dynamic data) =>
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.g.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.g.dart
index c88900b1..405ab468 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/services.graphql.g.dart
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Query$AllServices$services$allServicesToJson(
       'isEnabled': instance.isEnabled,
       'isMovable': instance.isMovable,
       'isRequired': instance.isRequired,
-      'status': _$Enum$ServiceStatusEnumEnumMap[instance.status],
+      'status': _$Enum$ServiceStatusEnumEnumMap[instance.status]!,
       'storageUsage': instance.storageUsage.toJson(),
       'svgIcon': instance.svgIcon,
       'url': instance.url,
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.dart
index 81f3fd8c..4fa5cac1 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.dart
@@ -61,13 +61,62 @@ class Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
 extension UtilityExtension$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields
     on Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields {
-  Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields instance,
+          TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  factory CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Fragment$basicMutationReturnFields(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 const fragmentDefinitionbasicMutationReturnFields = FragmentDefinitionNode(
@@ -164,8 +213,45 @@ class Variables$Mutation$CreateUser {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$CreateUser copyWith({Input$UserMutationInput? user}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(user: user == null ? this.user : user);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<Variables$Mutation$CreateUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(
+          Variables$Mutation$CreateUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$CreateUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser;
+  TRes call({Input$UserMutationInput? user});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$CreateUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$CreateUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? user = _undefined}) => _then(Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(
+      user: user == _undefined || user == null
+          ? _instance.user
+          : (user as Input$UserMutationInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$CreateUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$UserMutationInput? user}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -204,11 +290,59 @@ class Mutation$CreateUser {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$CreateUser on Mutation$CreateUser {
-  Mutation$CreateUser copyWith(
-          {Mutation$CreateUser$createUser? createUser, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$CreateUser(
-          createUser: createUser == null ? this.createUser : createUser,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser<Mutation$CreateUser> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser(Mutation$CreateUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser;
+  TRes call({Mutation$CreateUser$createUser? createUser, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> get createUser;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$CreateUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? createUser = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$CreateUser(
+          createUser: createUser == _undefined || createUser == null
+              ? _instance.createUser
+              : (createUser as Mutation$CreateUser$createUser),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> get createUser {
+    final local$createUser = _instance.createUser;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(
+        local$createUser, (e) => call(createUser: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$CreateUser$createUser? createUser, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> get createUser =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationCreateUser = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -433,18 +567,84 @@ class Mutation$CreateUser$createUser
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser
     on Mutation$CreateUser$createUser {
-  Mutation$CreateUser$createUser copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<Mutation$CreateUser$createUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(
+          Mutation$CreateUser$createUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user? user});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> get user;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$CreateUser$createUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? user = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          user: user == _undefined
+              ? _instance.user
+              : (user as Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> get user {
+    final local$user = _instance.user;
+    return local$user == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user.stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(
+            local$user, (e) => call(user: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user? Function()? user}) =>
-      Mutation$CreateUser$createUser(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          user: user == null ? this.user : user());
+          Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user? user}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> get user =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -514,16 +714,70 @@ class Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user
     on Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user {
-  Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<
+          Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(
+          Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user;
+  TRes call(
+      {String? username,
+      Enum$UserType? userType,
+      List<String>? sshKeys,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {String? username,
           Enum$UserType? userType,
           List<String>? sshKeys,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user(
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -562,10 +816,55 @@ class Query$AllUsers {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllUsers on Query$AllUsers {
-  Query$AllUsers copyWith({Query$AllUsers$users? users, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllUsers(
-          users: users == null ? this.users : users,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers<Query$AllUsers> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$AllUsers(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllUsers<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers(
+          Query$AllUsers instance, TRes Function(Query$AllUsers) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers;
+  TRes call({Query$AllUsers$users? users, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> get users;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllUsers _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllUsers) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? users = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllUsers(
+          users: users == _undefined || users == null
+              ? _instance.users
+              : (users as Query$AllUsers$users),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> get users {
+    final local$users = _instance.users;
+    return CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users(local$users, (e) => call(users: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$AllUsers$users? users, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> get users =>
+      CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryAllUsers = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -751,12 +1050,68 @@ class Query$AllUsers$users {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllUsers$users on Query$AllUsers$users {
-  Query$AllUsers$users copyWith(
-          {List<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>? allUsers,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllUsers$users(
-          allUsers: allUsers == null ? this.allUsers : allUsers,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<Query$AllUsers$users> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users(Query$AllUsers$users instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllUsers$users) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>? allUsers, String? $__typename});
+  TRes allUsers(
+      Iterable<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers> Function(
+              Iterable<
+                  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<
+                      Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>>)
+          _fn);
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllUsers$users _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllUsers$users) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? allUsers = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllUsers$users(
+          allUsers: allUsers == _undefined || allUsers == null
+              ? _instance.allUsers
+              : (allUsers as List<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  TRes allUsers(
+          Iterable<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers> Function(
+                  Iterable<
+                      CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<
+                          Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>>)
+              _fn) =>
+      call(
+          allUsers: _fn(
+                  (e) => CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(e, (i) => i)))
+              .toList());
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({List<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>? allUsers, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  allUsers(_fn) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -824,16 +1179,68 @@ class Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers
     on Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers {
-  Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(
+          Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers;
+  TRes call(
+      {Enum$UserType? userType,
+      String? username,
+      List<String>? sshKeys,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Enum$UserType? userType,
           String? username,
           List<String>? sshKeys,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers(
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -863,9 +1270,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey copyWith({Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(
-          sshInput: sshInput == null ? this.sshInput : sshInput);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(
+          Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey;
+  TRes call({Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? sshInput = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(
+          sshInput: sshInput == _undefined || sshInput == null
+              ? _instance.sshInput
+              : (sshInput as Input$SshMutationInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$AddSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -904,11 +1348,57 @@ class Mutation$AddSshKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$AddSshKey on Mutation$AddSshKey {
-  Mutation$AddSshKey copyWith(
-          {Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey? addSshKey, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$AddSshKey(
-          addSshKey: addSshKey == null ? this.addSshKey : addSshKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey<Mutation$AddSshKey> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey(
+          Mutation$AddSshKey instance, TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey;
+  TRes call({Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey? addSshKey, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> get addSshKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$AddSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? addSshKey = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$AddSshKey(
+          addSshKey: addSshKey == _undefined || addSshKey == null
+              ? _instance.addSshKey
+              : (addSshKey as Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> get addSshKey {
+    final local$addSshKey = _instance.addSshKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(
+        local$addSshKey, (e) => call(addSshKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey? addSshKey, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> get addSshKey =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationAddSshKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1133,18 +1623,84 @@ class Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey
     on Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey {
-  Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(
+          Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user? user});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> get user;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? user = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          user: user == _undefined
+              ? _instance.user
+              : (user as Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> get user {
+    final local$user = _instance.user;
+    return local$user == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user.stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(
+            local$user, (e) => call(user: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user? Function()? user}) =>
-      Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          user: user == null ? this.user : user());
+          Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user? user}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> get user =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1214,16 +1770,69 @@ class Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user
     on Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user {
-  Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(
+          Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<String>? sshKeys,
+      Enum$UserType? userType,
+      String? username,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<String>? sshKeys,
           Enum$UserType? userType,
           String? username,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user(
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1253,9 +1862,44 @@ class Variables$Query$GetUser {
     return true;
-  Variables$Query$GetUser copyWith({String? username}) =>
-      Variables$Query$GetUser(
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser<Variables$Query$GetUser> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser(Variables$Query$GetUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Query$GetUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser;
+  TRes call({String? username});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Query$GetUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Query$GetUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? username = _undefined}) => _then(Variables$Query$GetUser(
+      username: username == _undefined || username == null
+          ? _instance.username
+          : (username as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Query$GetUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? username}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1294,10 +1938,55 @@ class Query$GetUser {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetUser on Query$GetUser {
-  Query$GetUser copyWith({Query$GetUser$users? users, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetUser(
-          users: users == null ? this.users : users,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser<Query$GetUser> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser(
+          Query$GetUser instance, TRes Function(Query$GetUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser;
+  TRes call({Query$GetUser$users? users, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> get users;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? users = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetUser(
+          users: users == _undefined || users == null
+              ? _instance.users
+              : (users as Query$GetUser$users),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> get users {
+    final local$users = _instance.users;
+    return CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users(local$users, (e) => call(users: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetUser$users? users, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> get users =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeQueryGetUser = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1500,12 +2189,58 @@ class Query$GetUser$users {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetUser$users on Query$GetUser$users {
-  Query$GetUser$users copyWith(
-          {Query$GetUser$users$getUser? Function()? getUser,
-          String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetUser$users(
-          getUser: getUser == null ? this.getUser : getUser(),
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<Query$GetUser$users> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users(Query$GetUser$users instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetUser$users) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users;
+  TRes call({Query$GetUser$users$getUser? getUser, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> get getUser;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetUser$users _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetUser$users) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? getUser = _undefined, Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetUser$users(
+          getUser: getUser == _undefined
+              ? _instance.getUser
+              : (getUser as Query$GetUser$users$getUser?),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> get getUser {
+    final local$getUser = _instance.getUser;
+    return local$getUser == null
+        ? CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser.stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser(
+            local$getUser, (e) => call(getUser: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Query$GetUser$users$getUser? getUser, String? $__typename}) => _res;
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> get getUser =>
+      CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1573,16 +2308,68 @@ class Query$GetUser$users$getUser {
 extension UtilityExtension$Query$GetUser$users$getUser
     on Query$GetUser$users$getUser {
-  Query$GetUser$users$getUser copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<Query$GetUser$users$getUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser(
+          Query$GetUser$users$getUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Query$GetUser$users$getUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<String>? sshKeys,
+      Enum$UserType? userType,
+      String? username,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Query$GetUser$users$getUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Query$GetUser$users$getUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Query$GetUser$users$getUser(
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Query$GetUser$users$getUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Query$GetUser$users$getUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<String>? sshKeys,
           Enum$UserType? userType,
           String? username,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Query$GetUser$users$getUser(
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1613,10 +2400,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey copyWith(
-          {Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(
-          sshInput: sshInput == null ? this.sshInput : sshInput);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(
+          Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey;
+  TRes call({Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? sshInput = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(
+          sshInput: sshInput == _undefined || sshInput == null
+              ? _instance.sshInput
+              : (sshInput as Input$SshMutationInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$SshMutationInput? sshInput}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1656,12 +2479,62 @@ class Mutation$RemoveSshKey {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RemoveSshKey on Mutation$RemoveSshKey {
-  Mutation$RemoveSshKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<Mutation$RemoveSshKey> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(Mutation$RemoveSshKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey? removeSshKey, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> get removeSshKey;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RemoveSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? removeSshKey = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RemoveSshKey(
+          removeSshKey: removeSshKey == _undefined || removeSshKey == null
+              ? _instance.removeSshKey
+              : (removeSshKey as Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> get removeSshKey {
+    final local$removeSshKey = _instance.removeSshKey;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(
+        local$removeSshKey, (e) => call(removeSshKey: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey? removeSshKey,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RemoveSshKey(
-          removeSshKey: removeSshKey == null ? this.removeSshKey : removeSshKey,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> get removeSshKey =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationRemoveSshKey = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -1892,18 +2765,87 @@ class Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey
     on Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey {
-  Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<
+          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(
+          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user? user});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> get user;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? user = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          user: user == _undefined
+              ? _instance.user
+              : (user as Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> get user {
+    final local$user = _instance.user;
+    return local$user == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user.stub(
+            _then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(
+            local$user, (e) => call(user: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user? Function()? user}) =>
-      Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          user: user == null ? this.user : user());
+          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user? user}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> get user =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -1973,16 +2915,71 @@ class Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user
     on Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user {
-  Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<
+          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(
+          Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<String>? sshKeys,
+      Enum$UserType? userType,
+      String? username,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(
+      this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<String>? sshKeys,
           Enum$UserType? userType,
           String? username,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user(
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2012,9 +3009,46 @@ class Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser copyWith({String? username}) =>
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser(
+          Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser;
+  TRes call({String? username});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? username = _undefined}) => _then(
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username);
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$DeleteUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({String? username}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2053,11 +3087,59 @@ class Mutation$DeleteUser {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DeleteUser on Mutation$DeleteUser {
-  Mutation$DeleteUser copyWith(
-          {Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser? deleteUser, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DeleteUser(
-          deleteUser: deleteUser == null ? this.deleteUser : deleteUser,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser<Mutation$DeleteUser> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser(Mutation$DeleteUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser;
+  TRes call({Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser? deleteUser, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> get deleteUser;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DeleteUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? deleteUser = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DeleteUser(
+          deleteUser: deleteUser == _undefined || deleteUser == null
+              ? _instance.deleteUser
+              : (deleteUser as Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> get deleteUser {
+    final local$deleteUser = _instance.deleteUser;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(
+        local$deleteUser, (e) => call(deleteUser: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser? deleteUser, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> get deleteUser =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationDeleteUser = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2243,13 +3325,60 @@ class Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser
     on Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser {
-  Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser copyWith(
-          {int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(
+          Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser;
+  TRes call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$DeleteUser$deleteUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({int? code, String? message, bool? success, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2279,8 +3408,45 @@ class Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser {
     return true;
-  Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser copyWith({Input$UserMutationInput? user}) =>
-      Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(user: user == null ? this.user : user);
+  CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(
+          Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser;
+  TRes call({Input$UserMutationInput? user});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call({Object? user = _undefined}) => _then(Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(
+      user: user == _undefined || user == null
+          ? _instance.user
+          : (user as Input$UserMutationInput)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Variables$Mutation$UpdateUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Input$UserMutationInput? user}) => _res;
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2319,11 +3485,59 @@ class Mutation$UpdateUser {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UpdateUser on Mutation$UpdateUser {
-  Mutation$UpdateUser copyWith(
-          {Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser? updateUser, String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$UpdateUser(
-          updateUser: updateUser == null ? this.updateUser : updateUser,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser<Mutation$UpdateUser> get copyWith =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser(Mutation$UpdateUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser;
+  TRes call({Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser? updateUser, String? $__typename});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> get updateUser;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UpdateUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? updateUser = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UpdateUser(
+          updateUser: updateUser == _undefined || updateUser == null
+              ? _instance.updateUser
+              : (updateUser as Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> get updateUser {
+    final local$updateUser = _instance.updateUser;
+    return CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(
+        local$updateUser, (e) => call(updateUser: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call({Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser? updateUser, String? $__typename}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> get updateUser =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser.stub(_res);
 const documentNodeMutationUpdateUser = DocumentNode(definitions: [
@@ -2548,18 +3762,84 @@ class Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser
     on Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser {
-  Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser>
+      get copyWith => CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(
+          Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser;
+  TRes call(
+      {int? code,
+      String? message,
+      bool? success,
+      String? $__typename,
+      Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user? user});
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> get user;
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? code = _undefined,
+          Object? message = _undefined,
+          Object? success = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined,
+          Object? user = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(
+          code: code == _undefined || code == null
+              ? _instance.code
+              : (code as int),
+          message: message == _undefined || message == null
+              ? _instance.message
+              : (message as String),
+          success: success == _undefined || success == null
+              ? _instance.success
+              : (success as bool),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String),
+          user: user == _undefined
+              ? _instance.user
+              : (user as Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user?)));
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> get user {
+    final local$user = _instance.user;
+    return local$user == null
+        ? CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user.stub(_then(_instance))
+        : CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(
+            local$user, (e) => call(user: e));
+  }
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {int? code,
           String? message,
           bool? success,
           String? $__typename,
-          Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user? Function()? user}) =>
-      Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser(
-          code: code == null ? this.code : code,
-          message: message == null ? this.message : message,
-          success: success == null ? this.success : success,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename,
-          user: user == null ? this.user : user());
+          Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user? user}) =>
+      _res;
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> get user =>
+      CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user.stub(_res);
 @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
@@ -2629,14 +3909,68 @@ class Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user {
 extension UtilityExtension$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user
     on Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user {
-  Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user copyWith(
+  CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<
+          Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user>
+      get copyWith =>
+          CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(this, (i) => i);
+abstract class CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> {
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(
+          Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user instance,
+          TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user) then) =
+      _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user;
+  factory CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user.stub(TRes res) =
+      _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user;
+  TRes call(
+      {List<String>? sshKeys,
+      Enum$UserType? userType,
+      String? username,
+      String? $__typename});
+class _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(this._instance, this._then);
+  final Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user _instance;
+  final TRes Function(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user) _then;
+  static const _undefined = {};
+  TRes call(
+          {Object? sshKeys = _undefined,
+          Object? userType = _undefined,
+          Object? username = _undefined,
+          Object? $__typename = _undefined}) =>
+      _then(Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(
+          sshKeys: sshKeys == _undefined || sshKeys == null
+              ? _instance.sshKeys
+              : (sshKeys as List<String>),
+          userType: userType == _undefined || userType == null
+              ? _instance.userType
+              : (userType as Enum$UserType),
+          username: username == _undefined || username == null
+              ? _instance.username
+              : (username as String),
+          $__typename: $__typename == _undefined || $__typename == null
+              ? _instance.$__typename
+              : ($__typename as String)));
+class _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes>
+    implements CopyWith$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user<TRes> {
+  _CopyWithStubImpl$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(this._res);
+  TRes _res;
+  call(
           {List<String>? sshKeys,
           Enum$UserType? userType,
           String? username,
           String? $__typename}) =>
-      Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user(
-          sshKeys: sshKeys == null ? this.sshKeys : sshKeys,
-          userType: userType == null ? this.userType : userType,
-          username: username == null ? this.username : username,
-          $__typename: $__typename == null ? this.$__typename : $__typename);
+      _res;
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.g.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.g.dart
index 411cbfad..a7b81c2d 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/schema/users.graphql.g.dart
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$userToJson(
         Mutation$CreateUser$createUser$user instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
       'username': instance.username,
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers _$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsersFromJson(
 Map<String, dynamic> _$Query$AllUsers$users$allUsersToJson(
         Query$AllUsers$users$allUsers instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'username': instance.username,
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$userToJson(
         Mutation$AddSshKey$addSshKey$user instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'username': instance.username,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Query$GetUser$users$getUserToJson(
         Query$GetUser$users$getUser instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'username': instance.username,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$userToJson(
         Mutation$RemoveSshKey$removeSshKey$user instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'username': instance.username,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$userToJson(
         Mutation$UpdateUser$updateUser$user instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
       'sshKeys': instance.sshKeys,
-      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType],
+      'userType': _$Enum$UserTypeEnumMap[instance.userType]!,
       'username': instance.username,
       '__typename': instance.$__typename,
diff --git a/lib/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/hetzner/hetzner.dart b/lib/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/hetzner/hetzner.dart
index 088f82d5..6cf5a971 100644
--- a/lib/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/hetzner/hetzner.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/hetzner/hetzner.dart
@@ -498,13 +498,16 @@ class HetznerApi extends ServerProviderApi with VolumeProviderApi {
     final Dio client = await getClient();
     try {
       final Response response = await client.get('/servers');
-      servers = (!['servers'] as List)
-          .map(
+      servers =!['servers']
+          .map<HetznerServerInfo>(
             (final e) => HetznerServerInfo.fromJson(e),
-          .map(
-            (final HetznerServerInfo server) => ServerBasicInfo(
+          .where(
+            (final server) => server.publicNet.ipv4 != null,
+          )
+          .map<ServerBasicInfo>(
+            (final server) => ServerBasicInfo(
               ip: server.publicNet.ipv4.ip,
@@ -520,6 +523,7 @@ class HetznerApi extends ServerProviderApi with VolumeProviderApi {
+    print(servers);
     return servers;
diff --git a/lib/logic/cubit/server_installation/server_installation_cubit.dart b/lib/logic/cubit/server_installation/server_installation_cubit.dart
index aee5207f..4575fa4b 100644
--- a/lib/logic/cubit/server_installation/server_installation_cubit.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/cubit/server_installation/server_installation_cubit.dart
@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
 import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
 import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart';
-import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/graphql_maps/server_api/server.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/dns_providers/dns_provider_factory.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/provider_api_settings.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/backblaze_credential.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_details.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_domain.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/user.dart';
-import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/server_disk_volume.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_basic_info.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/cubit/server_installation/server_installation_repository.dart';
diff --git a/lib/logic/models/json/backup.g.dart b/lib/logic/models/json/backup.g.dart
index eff513f0..dea4847d 100644
--- a/lib/logic/models/json/backup.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/models/json/backup.g.dart
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ BackupStatus _$BackupStatusFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => BackupStatus(
 Map<String, dynamic> _$BackupStatusToJson(BackupStatus instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
-      'status': _$BackupStatusEnumEnumMap[instance.status],
+      'status': _$BackupStatusEnumEnumMap[instance.status]!,
       'progress': instance.progress,
       'error_message': instance.errorMessage,
diff --git a/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.dart b/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.dart
index ccf036a1..6e28f1cf 100644
--- a/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.dart
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class HetznerServerInfo {
 class HetznerPublicNetInfo {
-  final HetznerIp4 ipv4;
+  final HetznerIp4? ipv4;
   static HetznerPublicNetInfo fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
diff --git a/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.g.dart b/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.g.dart
index 7d6ecd29..5201a1c5 100644
--- a/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/models/json/hetzner_server_info.g.dart
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$HetznerServerInfoToJson(HetznerServerInfo instance) =>
     <String, dynamic>{
-      'status': _$ServerStatusEnumMap[instance.status],
+      'status': _$ServerStatusEnumMap[instance.status]!,
       'created': instance.created.toIso8601String(),
       'volumes': instance.volumes,
       'server_type': instance.serverType,
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ const _$ServerStatusEnumMap = {
 HetznerPublicNetInfo _$HetznerPublicNetInfoFromJson(
         Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
-      HetznerIp4.fromJson(json['ipv4'] as Map<String, dynamic>),
+      json['ipv4'] == null
+          ? null
+          : HetznerIp4.fromJson(json['ipv4'] as Map<String, dynamic>),
 Map<String, dynamic> _$HetznerPublicNetInfoToJson(
diff --git a/lib/logic/models/json/server_job.g.dart b/lib/logic/models/json/server_job.g.dart
index 2af5358a..025e1ebc 100644
--- a/lib/logic/models/json/server_job.g.dart
+++ b/lib/logic/models/json/server_job.g.dart
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ ServerJob _$ServerJobFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => ServerJob(
       description: json['description'] as String,
       status: json['status'] as String,
       uid: json['uid'] as String,
-      updatedAt: json['updated_at'] as String,
-      createdAt: DateTime.parse(json['created_at'] as String),
+      updatedAt: json['updatedAt'] as String,
+      createdAt: DateTime.parse(json['createdAt'] as String),
       error: json['error'] as String?,
       progress: json['progress'] as int?,
       result: json['result'] as String?,
-      statusText: json['status_text'] as String?,
-      finishedAt: json['finished_at'] as String?,
+      statusText: json['statusText'] as String?,
+      finishedAt: json['finishedAt'] as String?,
 Map<String, dynamic> _$ServerJobToJson(ServerJob instance) => <String, dynamic>{
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$ServerJobToJson(ServerJob instance) => <String, dynamic>{
       'description': instance.description,
       'status': instance.status,
       'uid': instance.uid,
-      'updated_at': instance.updatedAt,
-      'created_at': instance.createdAt.toIso8601String(),
+      'updatedAt': instance.updatedAt,
+      'createdAt': instance.createdAt.toIso8601String(),
       'error': instance.error,
       'progress': instance.progress,
       'result': instance.result,
-      'status_text': instance.statusText,
-      'finished_at': instance.finishedAt,
+      'statusText': instance.statusText,
+      'finishedAt': instance.finishedAt,
diff --git a/lib/ui/components/progress_bar/progress_bar.dart b/lib/ui/components/progress_bar/progress_bar.dart
index 36c6d029..9b851ce7 100644
--- a/lib/ui/components/progress_bar/progress_bar.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/components/progress_bar/progress_bar.dart
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/config/brand_colors.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/config/text_themes.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/cubit/app_settings/app_settings_cubit.dart';
-import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_icons/brand_icons.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_text/brand_text.dart';
 class ProgressBar extends StatefulWidget {
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ class _ProgressBarState extends State<ProgressBar> {
     final String? step,
   }) {
     final bool isActive = index == widget.activeIndex;
-    final bool checked = index < widget.activeIndex;
     style = isActive ? style!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w700) : style;
     return Container(
diff --git a/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/data_migration.dart b/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/data_migration.dart
index b8fc158f..5085c790 100644
--- a/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/data_migration.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/data_migration.dart
@@ -23,25 +23,22 @@ class DataMigrationPage extends StatefulWidget {
 class _DataMigrationPageState extends State<DataMigrationPage> {
-  Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
-    int a = 0;
-    return BrandHeroScreen(
-      hasBackButton: true,
-      heroTitle: ''.tr(),
-      children: [
-        ...widget.diskStatus.diskVolumes
-            .map(
-              (final volume) => Column(
-                children: [
-                  ServerStorageListItem(
-                    volume: volume,
-                  ),
-                  const SizedBox(height: 16),
-                ],
-              ),
-            )
-            .toList(),
-      ],
-    );
-  }
+  Widget build(final BuildContext context) => BrandHeroScreen(
+        hasBackButton: true,
+        heroTitle: ''.tr(),
+        children: [
+          ...widget.diskStatus.diskVolumes
+              .map(
+                (final volume) => Column(
+                  children: [
+                    ServerStorageListItem(
+                      volume: volume,
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(height: 16),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              )
+              .toList(),
+        ],
+      );
diff --git a/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/service_storage_consumption_list_item.dart b/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/service_storage_consumption_list_item.dart
index 9396c1fc..30216709 100644
--- a/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/service_storage_consumption_list_item.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/pages/server_storage/service_storage_consumption_list_item.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_linear_indicator/brand_linear_indicator.dart';
diff --git a/lib/ui/pages/services/service_page.dart b/lib/ui/pages/services/service_page.dart
index 19a22c2c..afdd9718 100644
--- a/lib/ui/pages/services/service_page.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/pages/services/service_page.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_button/filled_button.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_cards/brand_cards.dart';
 import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/brand_hero_screen/brand_hero_screen.dart';
@@ -12,76 +11,73 @@ class ServicePage extends StatefulWidget {
 class _ServicePageState extends State<ServicePage> {
-  Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
-    int a;
-    return BrandHeroScreen(
-      hasBackButton: true,
-      children: [
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-        Container(
-          alignment:,
-          child: const Icon(
-            Icons.question_mark_outlined,
-            size: 48,
+  Widget build(final BuildContext context) => BrandHeroScreen(
+        hasBackButton: true,
+        children: [
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+          Container(
+            alignment:,
+            child: const Icon(
+              Icons.question_mark_outlined,
+              size: 48,
+            ),
-        ),
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-        Text(
-          'My Incredible Service',
-          textAlign:,
-          style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium!.copyWith(
-                color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onBackground,
-              ),
-        ),
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-        BrandCards.outlined(
-          child: Row(
-            mainAxisAlignment:,
-            mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
-            crossAxisAlignment:,
-            children: [
-              ConstrainedBox(
-                constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 24),
-                child: const Icon(
-                  Icons.check_box_outlined,
-                  size: 24,
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+          Text(
+            'My Incredible Service',
+            textAlign:,
+            style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium!.copyWith(
+                  color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onBackground,
-              ),
-              const SizedBox(width: 16),
-              ConstrainedBox(
-                constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 130),
-                child: const Text(''),
-              ),
-            ],
-        ),
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-        const Divider(),
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-        ElevatedButton(
-          onPressed: null,
-          child: Row(
-            mainAxisAlignment:,
-            mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
-            crossAxisAlignment:,
-            children: [
-              ConstrainedBox(
-                constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 24),
-                child: const Icon(
-                  Icons.language_outlined,
-                  size: 24,
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+          BrandCards.outlined(
+            child: Row(
+              mainAxisAlignment:,
+              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
+              crossAxisAlignment:,
+              children: [
+                ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 24),
+                  child: const Icon(
+                    Icons.check_box_outlined,
+                    size: 24,
+                  ),
-              ),
-              const SizedBox(width: 16),
-              ConstrainedBox(
-                constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 130),
-                child: const Text('Your Cool Domain'),
-              ),
-            ],
+                const SizedBox(width: 16),
+                ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 130),
+                  child: const Text(''),
+                ),
+              ],
+            ),
-        ),
-        const SizedBox(height: 16),
-      ],
-    );
-  }
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+          const Divider(),
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+          ElevatedButton(
+            onPressed: null,
+            child: Row(
+              mainAxisAlignment:,
+              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
+              crossAxisAlignment:,
+              children: [
+                ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 24),
+                  child: const Icon(
+                    Icons.language_outlined,
+                    size: 24,
+                  ),
+                ),
+                const SizedBox(width: 16),
+                ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 130),
+                  child: const Text('Your Cool Domain'),
+                ),
+              ],
+            ),
+          ),
+          const SizedBox(height: 16),
+        ],
+      );