kind: pipeline type: exec name: Continuous Integration steps: - name: Build Debug Artifacts commands: - flutter build apk --debug --split-per-abi - mv build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/*-debug.apk `pwd` - rename app pro.kherel.selfprivacy *.apk && rename debug "$DRONE_COMMIT" *.apk - ls *.apk trigger: event: - push - pull_request node: server: builder --- kind: pipeline type: exec name: Release steps: - name: Prepare for Build commands: # Reset building environment - nixos-container stop isolated - nixos-container start isolated # Prepare SSH keys - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - # Copy sources to the building environment - scp -r `pwd` builder@isolated:/var/lib/builder environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - name: Build Intermediate Release Artifact commands: # Prepare SSH keys - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - # Build intermediate release artifact - ssh builder@isolated "cd src && flutter build apk --release" # Fetch the release artifact - scp builder@isolated:/var/lib/builder/src/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk `pwd` environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - name: Sign Release Artifact for Standalone Use commands: # Get app build ID - export APP_BUILD_ID=`yq '.version' pubspec.yaml | cut -d "+" -f2` # Prepare SSH keys - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - # Upload and sign the artifact - scp app-release.apk builder@isolated:/var/lib/builder - ssh builder@isolated "zipalign -f -v 4 app-release.apk standalone_app-release.apk && apksigner sign --ks /run/secrets/standalone-keystore --ks-key-alias standalone --ks-pass file:/run/secrets/standalone-keystore-pass standalone_app-release.apk" # Fetch the signed artifact - scp builder@isolated:/var/lib/builder/standalone_app-release.apk `pwd`/"standalone_pro.kherel.selfprivacy_$APP_BUILD_ID.apk" - scp builder@isolated:/var/lib/builder/standalone_app-release.apk `pwd`/"standalone_pro.kherel.selfprivacy_$APP_BUILD_ID.apk.idsig" environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - name: Sign Release Artifact for F-Droid Repository commands: # Get app build ID - export APP_BUILD_ID=`yq '.version' pubspec.yaml | cut -d "+" -f2` # Prepare SSH keys - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - # Upload and sign the artifact - scp app-release.apk fdroid@isolated:/var/lib/fdroid/unsigned/"pro.kherel.selfprivacy_$APP_BUILD_ID.apk" - ssh fdroid@isolated 'export FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS=`cat /run/secrets/fdroid-keystore-pass` && fdroid publish && fdroid update' - scp -r fdroid@isolated:/var/lib/fdroid/repo `pwd` environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - name: Create release on Gitea Repository commands: # Prepare tea CLI - tea login add --token "$GITEA_RELEASE_TOKEN" --url # Create release and push artifacts - tea releases --repo "$DRONE_REPO" create --tag "$DRONE_SEMVER" --title "$DRONE_SEMVER" --asset standalone_"pro.kherel.selfprivacy_$APP_BUILD_ID.apk" --asset standalone_"pro.kherel.selfprivacy_$APP_BUILD_ID.apk".idsig environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY GITEA_RELEASE_TOKEN: from_secret: GITEA_RELEASE_TOKEN - name: Deploy on F-Droid Repository commands: # Prepare SSH keys - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - # Copy the artifacts to the F-Droid repository - ls - ls repo/ environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY trigger: event: - tag node: server: builder