import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:material_color_utilities/material_color_utilities.dart' as color_utils; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/localization.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/preferences_repository/preferences_repository.dart'; /// A class that many Widgets can interact with to read current app /// configuration, update it, or listen to its changes. /// /// AppController uses repo to change persistent data. class AppController with ChangeNotifier { AppController(this._repo); /// repo encapsulates retrieval and storage of preferences final PreferencesRepository _repo; /// TODO: to be removed or changed late final ApiConfigModel _apiConfigModel = getIt.get<ApiConfigModel>(); bool _loaded = false; bool get loaded => _loaded; // localization late Locale _locale; Locale get locale => _locale; late List<Locale> _supportedLocales; List<Locale> get supportedLocales => _supportedLocales; // theme late ThemeData _lightTheme; ThemeData get lightTheme => _lightTheme; late ThemeData _darkTheme; ThemeData get darkTheme => _darkTheme; late color_utils.CorePalette _corePalette; color_utils.CorePalette get corePalette => _corePalette; late bool _systemThemeModeActive; bool get systemThemeModeActive => _systemThemeModeActive; late bool _darkThemeModeActive; bool get darkThemeModeActive => _darkThemeModeActive; ThemeMode get themeMode => systemThemeModeActive ? ThemeMode.system : darkThemeModeActive ? ThemeMode.dark : ThemeMode.light; late bool _shouldShowOnboarding; bool get shouldShowOnboarding => _shouldShowOnboarding; Future<void> init({ // required final AppPreferencesRepository repo, required final ThemeData lightThemeData, required final ThemeData darkThemeData, required final color_utils.CorePalette colorPalette, }) async { // _repo = repo; await Future.wait(<Future>[ // load locale () async { _supportedLocales = [ Localization.systemLocale, ...await _repo.getSupportedLocales(), ]; _locale = await _repo.getActiveLocale(); if (_locale != Localization.systemLocale) { // preset value to other state holders await _apiConfigModel.setLocaleCode(_locale.languageCode); await _repo.setDelegateLocale(_locale); } }(), // load theme mode && initialize theme () async { _lightTheme = lightThemeData; _darkTheme = darkThemeData; _corePalette = colorPalette; _darkThemeModeActive = await _repo.getDarkThemeModeFlag(); _systemThemeModeActive = await _repo.getSystemThemeModeFlag(); }(), // load onboarding flag () async { _shouldShowOnboarding = await _repo.getShouldShowOnboarding(); }(), ]); _loaded = true; // Important! Inform listeners a change has occurred. notifyListeners(); } // updateRepoReference Future<void> setShouldShowOnboarding(final bool newValue) async { // Do not perform any work if new and old flag values are identical if (newValue == shouldShowOnboarding) { return; } // Store the flag in memory _shouldShowOnboarding = newValue; notifyListeners(); // Persist the change await _repo.setShouldShowOnboarding(newValue); } Future<void> setSystemThemeModeFlag(final bool newValue) async { // Do not perform any work if new and old ThemeMode are identical if (systemThemeModeActive == newValue) { return; } // Store the new ThemeMode in memory _systemThemeModeActive = newValue; // Inform listeners a change has occurred. notifyListeners(); // Persist the change await _repo.setSystemModeFlag(newValue); } Future<void> setDarkThemeModeFlag(final bool newValue) async { // Do not perform any work if new and old ThemeMode are identical if (darkThemeModeActive == newValue) { return; } // Store the new ThemeMode in memory _darkThemeModeActive = newValue; // Inform listeners a change has occurred. notifyListeners(); // Persist the change await _repo.setDarkThemeModeFlag(newValue); } Future<void> setLocale(final Locale newLocale) async { // Do not perform any work if new and old Locales are identical if (newLocale == _locale) { return; } // Store the new Locale in memory _locale = newLocale; if (newLocale == Localization.systemLocale) { return resetLocale(); } /// update locale delegate, which in turn should update deps await _repo.setDelegateLocale(newLocale); // Persist the change await _repo.setActiveLocale(newLocale); // Update other locale holders await _apiConfigModel.setLocaleCode(newLocale.languageCode); } Future<void> resetLocale() async { /// update locale delegate, which in turn should update deps await _repo.resetDelegateLocale(); // Persist the change await _repo.resetActiveLocale(); // Update other locale holders await _apiConfigModel.resetLocaleCode(); } }