import 'dart:async'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/job.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/server_job.dart'; export 'package:provider/provider.dart'; part 'client_jobs_state.dart'; class JobsCubit extends Cubit { JobsCubit() : super(JobsStateEmpty()) { final apiConnectionRepository = getIt(); _apiDataSubscription = apiConnectionRepository.dataStream.listen( (final ApiData apiData) { if ( != null &&!.isNotEmpty) { _handleServerJobs(!); } }, ); } StreamSubscription? _apiDataSubscription; void _handleServerJobs(final List jobs) { if (state is! JobsStateLoading) { return; } if (state.rebuildJobUid == null) { return; } // Find a job with the uid of the rebuild job final ServerJob? rebuildJob = jobs.firstWhereOrNull( (final job) => job.uid == state.rebuildJobUid, ); if (rebuildJob == null || rebuildJob.status == JobStatusEnum.error || rebuildJob.status == JobStatusEnum.finished) { emit((state as JobsStateLoading).finished()); } } void addJob(final ClientJob job) async { emit(state.addJob(job)); } void removeJob(final String id) { final JobsState newState = (state as JobsStateWithJobs).removeById(id); emit(newState); } Future rebootServer() async { if (state is JobsStateEmpty) { emit( JobsStateLoading( [RebootServerJob(status: JobStatusEnum.running)], null, const [], ), ); final rebootResult = await getIt().api.reboot(); if (rebootResult.success && != null) { emit( JobsStateFinished( [ RebootServerJob( status: JobStatusEnum.finished, message: rebootResult.message, ), ], null, const [], ), ); } else { emit( JobsStateFinished( [RebootServerJob(status: JobStatusEnum.error)], null, const [], ), ); } } } Future upgradeServer() async { if (state is JobsStateEmpty) { emit( JobsStateLoading( [UpgradeServerJob(status: JobStatusEnum.running)], null, const [], ), ); final result = await getIt().api.upgrade(); if (result.success && != null) { emit( JobsStateLoading( [UpgradeServerJob(status: JobStatusEnum.finished)],!.uid, const [], ), ); } else { emit( JobsStateFinished( [UpgradeServerJob(status: JobStatusEnum.error)], null, const [], ), ); } } } Future applyAll() async { if (state is JobsStateWithJobs) { final List jobs = (state as JobsStateWithJobs).clientJobList; emit(JobsStateLoading(jobs, null, const [])); await Future.delayed(; final rebuildRequired = jobs.any((final job) => job.requiresRebuild); for (final ClientJob job in jobs) { emit( (state as JobsStateLoading) .updateJobStatus(, JobStatusEnum.running), ); final (result, message) = await job.execute(); if (result) { emit( (state as JobsStateLoading).updateJobStatus(, JobStatusEnum.finished, message: message, ), ); } else { emit( (state as JobsStateLoading) .updateJobStatus(, JobStatusEnum.error, message: message), ); } } if (!rebuildRequired) { emit((state as JobsStateLoading).finished()); return; } final rebuildResult = await getIt().api.apply(); if (rebuildResult.success) { if ( != null) { emit( (state as JobsStateLoading) .copyWith(rebuildJobUid:!.uid), ); } else { emit((state as JobsStateLoading).finished()); } } else { emit((state as JobsStateLoading).finished()); } } } Future acknowledgeFinished() async { if (state is! JobsStateFinished) { return; } final rebuildJobUid = state.rebuildJobUid; if ((state as JobsStateFinished).postponedJobs.isNotEmpty) { emit(JobsStateWithJobs((state as JobsStateFinished).postponedJobs)); } else { emit(JobsStateEmpty()); } if (rebuildJobUid != null) { await getIt().removeServerJob(rebuildJobUid); } } @override void onChange(final Change change) { super.onChange(change); } @override Future close() { _apiDataSubscription?.cancel(); return super.close(); } }