import 'dart:io'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/dns_providers/dns_provider.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_domain.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/dns_records.dart'; class DigitalOceanDnsApi extends DnsProviderApi { DigitalOceanDnsApi({ this.hasLogger = false, this.isWithToken = true, this.customToken, }); @override final bool hasLogger; @override final bool isWithToken; final String? customToken; @override RegExp getApiTokenValidation() => RegExp(r'\s+|[!$%^&*()@+|~=`{}\[\]:<>?,.\/]'); @override BaseOptions get options { final BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(baseUrl: rootAddress); if (isWithToken) { final String? token = getIt().dnsProviderKey; assert(token != null); options.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}; } if (customToken != null) { options.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer $customToken'}; } if (validateStatus != null) { options.validateStatus = validateStatus!; } return options; } @override String rootAddress = ''; @override Future> isApiTokenValid(final String token) async { bool isValid = false; Response? response; String message = ''; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { response = await client.get( '/account', options: Options( followRedirects: false, validateStatus: (final status) => status != null && (status >= 200 || status == 401), headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}, ), ); } catch (e) { print(e); isValid = false; message = e.toString(); } finally { close(client); } if (response == null) { return APIGenericResult( data: isValid, success: false, message: message, ); } if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) { isValid = true; } else if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.unauthorized) { isValid = false; } else { throw Exception('code: ${response.statusCode}'); } return APIGenericResult( data: isValid, success: true, message: response.statusMessage, ); } @override // TODO: Remove from DnsProviderInterface, stub for now Future getZoneId(final String domain) async => domain; @override Future> removeSimilarRecords({ required final ServerDomain domain, final String? ip4, }) async { final String domainName = domain.domainName; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { const String ignoreType = 'SOA'; final List allDeleteFutures = []; final List records = await getDnsRecords(domain: domain); for (final record in records) { if (record.type != ignoreType) { allDeleteFutures.add( client.delete('/domains/$domainName/records/${}'), ); } } await Future.wait(allDeleteFutures); } catch (e) { print(e); return APIGenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return APIGenericResult(success: true, data: null); } @override Future> getDnsRecords({ required final ServerDomain domain, }) async { Response response; final String domainName = domain.domainName; final List allRecords = []; /// Default amount is 20, but we will eventually overflow it, /// so I hardcode it to the maximum available amount in advance just in case /// /// const int amountPerPage = 200; final String url = '/domains/$domainName/records?per_page=$amountPerPage'; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { response = await client.get(url); final List records =['domain_records'] ?? []; for (final record in records) { allRecords.add( DnsRecord( id: record['id'], name: record['name'], type: record['type'], content: record['data'], ttl: record['ttl'], proxied: false, ), ); } } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { close(client); } return allRecords; } @override List getDesiredDnsRecords({ final String? domainName, final String? ipAddress, final String? dkimPublicKey, }) { if (domainName == null || ipAddress == null) { return []; } return [ DesiredDnsRecord( name: '@', content: ipAddress, description: 'record.root', displayName: domainName, ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'api', content: ipAddress, description: 'record.api', displayName: 'api.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'cloud', content: ipAddress, description: '', displayName: 'cloud.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'git', content: ipAddress, description: 'record.git', displayName: 'git.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'meet', content: ipAddress, description: '', displayName: 'meet.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'social', content: ipAddress, description: '', displayName: 'social.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'password', content: ipAddress, description: 'record.password', displayName: 'password.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'vpn', content: ipAddress, description: 'record.vpn', displayName: 'vpn.$domainName', ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: domainName, content: domainName, description: '', type: 'MX', category:, ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: '_dmarc.$domainName', content: 'v=DMARC1; p=none', description: 'record.dmarc', type: 'TXT', category:, ), DesiredDnsRecord( name: domainName, content: 'v=spf1 a mx ip4:$ipAddress -all', description: 'record.spf', type: 'TXT', category:, ), if (dkimPublicKey != null) DesiredDnsRecord( name: 'selector._domainkey.$domainName', content: dkimPublicKey, description: 'record.dkim', type: 'TXT', category:, ), ]; } @override Future> createMultipleDnsRecords({ required final ServerDomain domain, final String? ip4, }) async { final String domainName = domain.domainName; final List dnsRecords = getProjectDnsRecords(domainName, ip4); final List allCreateFutures = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { for (final DnsRecord record in dnsRecords) { allCreateFutures.add( '/domains/$domainName/records', data: { 'type': record.type, 'name': == domainName ? '@' :, 'data': record.type == 'MX' ? '@' : record.content, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'priority': record.priority, }, ), ); } await Future.wait(allCreateFutures); } on DioError catch (e) { print(e.message); rethrow; } catch (e) { print(e); return APIGenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return APIGenericResult(success: true, data: null); } @override Future setDnsRecord( final DnsRecord record, final ServerDomain domain, ) async { final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final domainName = domain.domainName; await '/domains/$domainName/records', data: { 'type': record.type, 'name':, 'data': record.content, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'priority': record.priority, }, ); } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { close(client); } } @override Future> domainList() async { List domains = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get('/domains'); domains =['domains'] .map((final el) => el['name'] as String) .toList(); } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { close(client); } return domains; } }