  "test": "en-test",
  "locale": "en",
  "basis": {
    "_comment": "Basic interface elements",
    "providers": "Providers",
    "services": "Services",
    "users": "Users",
    "more": "More",
    "next": "Next",
    "got_it": "Got it",
    "settings": "Settings",
    "password": "Password",
    "create": "Add new",
    "confirmation": "Confirmation",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "delete": "Delete",
    "close": "Close",
    "connect": "Connect",
    "domain": "Domain",
    "saving": "Saving..",
    "nickname": "Nickname",
    "loading": "Loading...",
    "later": "I will setup it later",
    "reset": "Reset",
    "details": "Details",
    "no_data": "No data",
    "wait": "Wait",
    "remove": "Remove",
    "apply": "Apply"
  "more": {
    "_comment": "'More' tab",
    "configuration_wizard": "Setup wizard",
    "about_project": "About us",
    "about_app": "About application",
    "onboarding": "Onboarding",
    "create_ssh_key": "Create ssh key",
    "generate_key": "Generate key",
    "generate_key_text": "You can generate ssh key",
    "console": "Console",
    "remove": "Remove",
    "enable": "Enable",
    "ok": "ok",
    "continue": "Continue",
    "ssh_key_exist_text": "You have generated ssh key",
    "yes_delete": "Yes, delete my SSH key",
    "share": "Share",
    "copy_buffer": "Copy to buffer",
    "copied_ssh": "SSH copied to clipboard",
    "delete_ssh_text": "Delete SSH key?",
    "about_app_page": {
      "text": "Application version v.{}"
    "settings": {
      "title": "Application settings",
      "1": "Dark Theme",
      "2": "Change your the app theme",
      "3": "Reset app config",
      "4": "Reset api keys and root user",
      "5": "Delete Server",
      "6": "This removes the Server. It will be no longer accessible"
  "ssh": {
    "title": "SSH keys",
    "create": "Create SSH key",
    "delete": "Delete SSH key",
    "delete_confirm_question": "Are you sure you want to delete SSH key?",
    "subtitle_with_keys": "{} keys",
    "subtitle_without_keys": "No keys",
    "no_key_name": "Unnamed key",
    "root": {
      "title": "These are superuser keys",
      "subtitle": "Owners of these keys get full access to the server and can do anything on it. Only add your own keys to the server."
    "input_label": "Public ED25519 or RSA key"
  "onboarding": {
    "_comment": "Onboarding pages",
    "page1_title": "Digital independence, available to all of us",
    "page1_text": "Mail, VPN, Messenger, social network and much more on your private server, under your control.",
    "page2_title": "SelfPrivacy — it's not a cloud, but your personal datacenter",
    "page2_text": "SelfPrivacy works only with your provider accounts: Hetzner, Cloudflare, Backblaze. If you do not own those, we'll help you to create them"
  "providers": {
    "_comment": "'Providers' tab",
    "page_title": "Your Data Center",
    "server": {
      "card_title": "Server",
      "status": "Status — Good",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "It's a virtual computer, where all your services live.",
        "2": "General information",
        "3": "Location"
      "chart": {
        "month": "Month",
        "day": "Day",
        "hour": "Hour"
    "domain": {
      "card_title": "Domain",
      "status": "Status — Good",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "It's your personal internet address that will point to the server and other services of yours."
      "screen_title": "Domain and DNS",
      "states": {
        "ok": "Records are OK",
        "error": "Problems found",
        "error_subtitle": "Tap here to fix them",
        "refreshing": "Refreshing status...",
        "uninitialized": "Data is not retrieved yet"
      "record_description": {
        "root": "Root domain",
        "api": "SelfPrivacy API",
        "cloud": "File cloud",
        "git": "Git server",
        "meet": "Video conference",
        "social": "Social network",
        "password": "Password manager",
        "vpn": "VPN",
        "mx": "MX record",
        "dmarc": "DMARC record",
        "spf": "SPF record",
        "dkim": "DKIM key"
      "cards": {
        "services": {
          "title": "Services",
          "subtitle": "Type “A” records required for each service."
        "email": {
          "title": "Email",
          "subtitle": "Records necessary for secure email exchange."
    "backup": {
      "card_title": "Backup",
      "status": "Status — Good",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "Will save your day in case of incident: hackers attack, server deletion, etc.",
        "2": "3Gb/10Gb, last backup was yesterday {}"
      "reuploadKey": "Force reupload key",
      "reuploadedKey": "Key reuploaded",
      "initialize": "Initialize",
      "waitingForRebuild": "You will be able to create your first backup in a few minutes.",
      "restore": "Restore from backup",
      "no_backups": "There are no backups yet",
      "create_new": "Create a new backup",
      "creating": "Creating a new backup: {}%",
      "restoring": "Restoring from backup",
      "error_pending": "Server returned error, check it below",
      "restore_alert": "You are about to restore from backup created on {}. All current data will be lost. Are you sure?",
      "refresh": "Refresh status",
      "refetchBackups": "Refetch backup list",
      "refetchingList": "In a few minutes list will be updated"
  "not_ready_card": {
    "_comment": "Card shown when user skips initial setup",
    "1": "Please finish application setup using ",
    "2": "@:more.configuration_wizard",
    "3": " for further work",
    "in_menu": "Server is not set up yet. Please finish setup using setup wizard for further work."
  "services": {
    "_comment": "Вкладка сервисы",
    "title": "Your personal, private and independent services.",
    "mail": {
      "title": "E-Mail",
      "subtitle": "E-Mail for company and family.",
      "login_info": "Use username and password from users tab. IMAP port is 143 with STARTTLS, SMTP port is 587 with STARTTLS.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "To connect to the mailserver, please use {} domain alongside with username and password, that you created. Also feel free to invite",
        "2": "new users"
    "messenger": {
      "title": "Messenger",
      "subtitle": "Telegram or Signal not so private as Delta.Chat that uses your private server.",
      "login_info": "Use the same username and password as for e-mail.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "For connection, please use {} domain and credentials that you created."
    "password_manager": {
      "title": "Password Manager",
      "subtitle": "Base of your security. Bitwarden will help you to create, store and move passwords between devices, as well as input them, when requested using autocompletion.",
      "login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "You can connect to the service and create a user via this link:"
    "video": {
      "title": "Videomeet",
      "subtitle": "Zoom and Google Meet are good, but Jitsi Meet is a worth alternative that also gives you confidence that you're not being listened.",
      "login_info": "No account needed.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "Using Jitsi as simple as just visiting this link:"
    "cloud": {
      "title": "Cloud Storage",
      "subtitle": "Do not allow cloud services to read your data by using NextCloud.",
      "login_info": "Login is admin, password is the same as with your main user. Create new accounts in Nextcloud interface.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "You can connect and create a new user here:"
    "social_network": {
      "title": "Social Network",
      "subtitle": "It's hard to believe, but it became possible to create your own social network, with your own rules and target audience.",
      "login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "You can connect and create new social user here:"
    "git": {
      "title": "Git Server",
      "subtitle": "Private alternative to the Github, that belongs to you, but not a Microsoft.",
      "login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website. First user will become an admin.",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "You can connect and create a new user here:"
    "vpn": {
      "title": "VPN Server",
      "subtitle": "Private VPN server",
      "bottom_sheet": {
        "1": "Openconnect VPN Server. Engine for secure and scalable VPN infrastructure"
  "users": {
    "_comment": "'Users' tab",
    "add_new_user": "Add a first user",
    "new_user": "New user",
    "not_ready": "Please connect server, domain and DNS in the Providers tab, to be able to add a first user",
    "nobody_here": "Nobody here",
    "login": "Login",
    "onboarding": "Onboarding",
    "console": "Console",
    "new_user_info_note": "New user will automatically be granted an access to all of the services",
    "delete_confirm_question": "Are you sure?",
    "reset_password": "Reset password",
    "account": "Account",
    "send_registration_data": "Share login credentials"
  "initializing": {
    "_comment": "initializing page",
    "1": "Connect a server",
    "2": "Here, your data and SelfPrivacy services wiil reside",
    "how": "How to obtain API token",
    "3": "Connect CloudFlare",
    "4": "To manage your domain's DNS",
    "5": "CloudFlare API Token",
    "6": "Connect Backblaze storage",
    "7": "No connected domains at the moment",
    "8": "Loading domains list",
    "9": "Found more than one domain. For your own security, please be asked to delete unnecessary domains",
    "10": "Save domain",
    "final": "Final step",
    "11": "Create server",
    "what": "What does it mean?",
    "13": "Server rebooted. Waiting for the last verification...",
    "14": "Server started. It will be validated and rebooted now...",
    "15": "Server created. DNS checks and server boot in progress...",
    "16": "Until the next check: ",
    "17": "Check",
    "18": "How to obtain Hetzner API Token",
    "19": "1 Go via this link ",
    "20": "\n",
    "21": "One more restart to apply your security certificates.",
    "22": "Create master account",
    "23": "Enter a nickname and strong password",
    "finish": "Everything is initialized",
    "checks": "Checks have been completed \n{} ouf of {}"
  "modals": {
    "_comment": "messages in modals",
    "1": "Server with such name, already exist",
    "2": "Destroy server and create a new one?",
    "3": "Are you sure?",
    "4": "Purge all authentication keys?",
    "5": "Yes, purge all my tokens",
    "6": "Delete the server and volume?",
    "7": "Yes",
    "8": "Remove task",
    "9": "Reboot",
    "yes": "Yes"
  "timer": {
    "sec": "{} sec"
  "jobs": {
    "_comment": "Jobs list",
    "title": "Jobs list",
    "start": "Start",
    "empty": "No jobs",
    "createUser": "Create user",
    "deleteUser": "Delete user",
    "serviceTurnOff": "Turn off",
    "serviceTurnOn": "Turn on",
    "jobAdded": "Job added",
    "runJobs": "Run jobs",
    "rebootSuccess": "Server is rebooting",
    "rebootFailed": "Couldn't reboot the server. Check the app logs.",
    "configPullFailed": "Failed to pull configuration upgrade. Started software upgrade anyways.",
    "upgradeSuccess": "Server upgrade started",
    "upgradeFailed": "Failed to upgrade server",
    "upgradeServer": "Upgrade server",
    "rebootServer": "Reboot server",
    "create_ssh_key": "Create SSH key for {}",
    "delete_ssh_key": "Delete SSH key for {}"
  "validations": {
    "required": "Required",
    "invalid_format": "Invalid format",
    "root_name": "User name cannot be 'root'",
    "key_format": "Invalid key format",
    "length": "Length is [] should be {}",
    "user_already_exist": "Already exists",
    "key_already_exists": "This key already exists"