import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/digital_ocean/digital_ocean_api.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/callback_dialogue_branching.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/disk_size.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_details.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/digital_ocean_server_info.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/metrics.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/price.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_basic_info.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_metadata.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_provider_location.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_type.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/providers/server_providers/server_provider.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/extensions/string_extensions.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/network_utils.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/password_generator.dart'; class ApiAdapter { ApiAdapter({final String? region, final bool isWithToken = true}) : _api = DigitalOceanApi( region: region, isWithToken: isWithToken, ); DigitalOceanApi api({final bool getInitialized = true}) => getInitialized ? _api : DigitalOceanApi( region: _api.region, isWithToken: false, ); final DigitalOceanApi _api; } class DigitalOceanServerProvider extends ServerProvider { DigitalOceanServerProvider() : _adapter = ApiAdapter(); DigitalOceanServerProvider.load( final String? location, final bool isAuthotized, ) : _adapter = ApiAdapter( isWithToken: isAuthotized, region: location, ); ApiAdapter _adapter; final Currency currency = Currency.fromType(CurrencyType.usd); @override ServerProviderType get type => ServerProviderType.digitalOcean; @override Future>> getServers() async { List servers = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getServers(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: servers, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List rawServers =; servers = (final server) { String ipv4 = ''; if (server['networks']['v4'].isNotEmpty) { for (final v4 in server['networks']['v4']) { if (v4['type'].toString() == 'public') { ipv4 = v4['ip_address'].toString(); } } } return ServerBasicInfo( id: server['id'], reverseDns: server['name'], created:, ip: ipv4, name: server['name'], ); }, ).toList(); return GenericResult(success: true, data: servers); } @override Future> launchInstallation( final LaunchInstallationData installationData, ) async { ServerHostingDetails? serverDetails; final serverApiToken = StringGenerators.apiToken(); final hostname = getHostnameFromDomain( installationData.serverDomain.domainName, ); final serverResult = await _adapter.api().createServer( dnsApiToken: installationData.dnsApiToken, rootUser: installationData.rootUser, domainName: installationData.serverDomain.domainName, serverType: installationData.serverTypeId, dnsProviderType: installationData.dnsProviderType.toInfectName(), hostName: hostname, base64Password: base64.encode( utf8.encode(installationData.rootUser.password ?? 'PASS'), ), databasePassword: StringGenerators.dbPassword(), serverApiToken: serverApiToken, ); if (!serverResult.success || == null) { GenericResult( data: CallbackDialogueBranching( choices: [ CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'basis.cancel'.tr(), callback: () async => await installationData.errorCallback(), ), CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'modals.try_again'.tr(), callback: () async => launchInstallation(installationData), ), ], description: serverResult.message ?? 'recovering.generic_error'.tr(), title: 'modals.unexpected_error'.tr(), ), success: false, message: serverResult.message, code: serverResult.code, ); } try { final int dropletId =!; final newVolume = (await createVolume()).data; final bool attachedVolume = (await _adapter.api().attachVolume( newVolume!.name, dropletId, )) .data; String? ipv4; int attempts = 0; while (attempts < 5 && ipv4 == null) { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 20)); final servers = await getServers(); for (final server in { if ( == hostname && server.ip != '') { ipv4 = server.ip; break; } } ++attempts; } if (attachedVolume && ipv4 != null) { serverDetails = ServerHostingDetails( id: dropletId, ip4: ipv4, createTime:, volume: newVolume, apiToken: serverApiToken, provider: ServerProviderType.digitalOcean, ); } } catch (e) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: CallbackDialogueBranching( choices: [ CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'basis.cancel'.tr(), callback: null, ), CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'modals.try_again'.tr(), callback: () async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); final deletion = await deleteServer(hostname); return deletion.success ? await launchInstallation(installationData) : deletion; }, ), ], description: 'modals.try_again'.tr(), title: 'modals.server_deletion_error'.tr(), ), message: e.toString(), ); } await installationData.successCallback(serverDetails!); return GenericResult(success: true, data: null); } @override Future> deleteServer( final String hostname, ) async { final String deletionName = getHostnameFromDomain(hostname); final serversResult = await getServers(); try { final servers =; ServerBasicInfo? foundServer; for (final server in servers) { if ( == deletionName) { foundServer = server; break; } } final volumes = await getVolumes(); final ServerVolume volumeToRemove; volumeToRemove = (final el) => el.serverId == foundServer!.id, ); await _adapter.api().detachVolume(, volumeToRemove.serverId!, ); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 10)); final List laterFutures = []; laterFutures.add(_adapter.api().deleteVolume(volumeToRemove.uuid!)); laterFutures.add(_adapter.api().deleteServer(foundServer!.id)); await Future.wait(laterFutures); } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: CallbackDialogueBranching( choices: [ CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'basis.cancel'.tr(), callback: null, ), CallbackDialogueChoice( title: 'modals.try_again'.tr(), callback: () async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); return deleteServer(hostname); }, ), ], description: 'modals.try_again'.tr(), title: 'modals.server_deletion_error'.tr(), ), message: e.toString(), ); } return GenericResult( success: true, data: null, ); } @override Future> tryInitApiByToken(final String token) async { final api = _adapter.api(getInitialized: false); final result = await api.isApiTokenValid(token); if (! || !result.success) { return result; } _adapter = ApiAdapter(region: api.region, isWithToken: true); return result; } @override Future> trySetServerLocation( final String location, ) async { final bool apiInitialized = _adapter.api().isWithToken; if (!apiInitialized) { return GenericResult( success: true, data: false, message: 'Not authorized!', ); } _adapter = ApiAdapter( isWithToken: true, region: location, ); return success; } @override Future>> getAvailableLocations() async { final List locations = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getAvailableLocations(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: locations, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List rawLocations =; for (final rawLocation in rawLocations) { ServerProviderLocation? location; try { location = ServerProviderLocation( title: rawLocation.slug, description:, flag: rawLocation.flag, identifier: rawLocation.slug, ); } catch (e) { continue; } locations.add(location); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: locations); } @override Future>> getServerTypes({ required final ServerProviderLocation location, }) async { final List types = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getAvailableServerTypes(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: types, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List rawSizes =; for (final rawSize in rawSizes) { for (final rawRegion in rawSize.regions) { if (rawRegion == location.identifier && rawSize.memory > 1024) { types.add( ServerType( title: rawSize.description, identifier: rawSize.slug, ram: rawSize.memory / 1024, cores: rawSize.vcpus, disk: DiskSize(byte: rawSize.disk * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), price: Price( value: rawSize.priceMonthly, currency: currency, ), location: location, ), ); } } } return GenericResult(success: true, data: types); } @override Future> powerOn(final int serverId) async { DateTime? timestamp; final result = await _adapter.api().powerOn(serverId); if (!result.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: timestamp, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } timestamp =; return GenericResult( success: true, data: timestamp, ); } @override Future> restart(final int serverId) async { DateTime? timestamp; final result = await _adapter.api().restart(serverId); if (!result.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: timestamp, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } timestamp =; return GenericResult( success: true, data: timestamp, ); } /// Hardcoded on their documentation and there is no pricing API at all /// Probably we should scrap the doc page manually @override Future> getPricePerGb() async => GenericResult( success: true, data: Price( value: 0.10, currency: currency, ), ); @override Future>> getVolumes({ final String? status, }) async { final List volumes = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getVolumes(); if (!result.success || { return GenericResult( data: [], success: false, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } try { int id = 0; for (final rawVolume in { final String volumeName =; final volume = ServerVolume( id: id++, name: volumeName, sizeByte: rawVolume.sizeGigabytes * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, serverId: (rawVolume.dropletIds != null && rawVolume.dropletIds!.isNotEmpty) ? rawVolume.dropletIds![0] : null, linuxDevice: 'scsi-0DO_Volume_$volumeName', uuid:, ); volumes.add(volume); } } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( data: [], success: false, message: e.toString(), ); } return GenericResult( data: volumes, success: true, ); } @override Future> createVolume() async { ServerVolume? volume; final result = await _adapter.api().createVolume(); if (!result.success || == null) { return GenericResult( data: null, success: false, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final getVolumesResult = await _adapter.api().getVolumes(); if (!getVolumesResult.success || { return GenericResult( data: null, success: false, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final String volumeName =!.name; volume = ServerVolume( id:, name: volumeName, sizeByte:!.sizeGigabytes, serverId: null, linuxDevice: '/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_$volumeName', uuid:!.id, ); return GenericResult( data: volume, success: true, ); } Future> getVolume( final String volumeUuid, ) async { ServerVolume? requestedVolume; final result = await getVolumes(); if (!result.success || { return GenericResult( data: null, success: false, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } for (final volume in { if (volume.uuid == volumeUuid) { requestedVolume = volume; } } return GenericResult( data: requestedVolume, success: true, ); } @override Future> attachVolume( final ServerVolume volume, final int serverId, ) async => _adapter.api().attachVolume(, serverId, ); @override Future> detachVolume( final ServerVolume volume, ) async => _adapter.api().detachVolume(, volume.serverId!, ); @override Future> deleteVolume( final ServerVolume volume, ) async => _adapter.api().deleteVolume( volume.uuid!, ); @override Future> resizeVolume( final ServerVolume volume, final DiskSize size, ) async => _adapter.api().resizeVolume(, size, ); @override Future>> getMetadata( final int serverId, ) async { List metadata = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getServers(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: metadata, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List servers =; try { final droplet = servers.firstWhere( (final server) => server['id'] == serverId, ); metadata = [ ServerMetadataEntity( type:, trId: 'server.server_id', value: droplet['id'].toString(), ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.status, trId: 'server.status', value: droplet['status'].toString().capitalize(), ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.cpu, trId: 'server.cpu', value: droplet['vcpus'].toString(), ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.ram, trId: 'server.ram', value: "${droplet['memory'].toString()} MB", ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.cost, trId: 'server.monthly_cost', value: '${droplet['size']['price_monthly']} ${currency.shortcode}', ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.location, trId: 'server.location', value: '${droplet['region']['name']}', ), ServerMetadataEntity( type: MetadataType.other, trId: 'server.provider', value: _adapter.api().displayProviderName, ), ]; } catch (e) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: [], message: e.toString(), ); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: metadata); } /// Digital Ocean returns a map of lists of /proc/stat values, /// so here we are trying to implement average CPU /// load calculation for each point in time on a given interval. /// /// For each point of time: /// /// `Average Load = 100 * (1 - (Idle Load / Total Load))` /// /// For more info please proceed to read: /// List calculateCpuLoadMetrics(final List rawProcStatMetrics) { final List cpuLoads = []; final int pointsInTime = (rawProcStatMetrics[0]['values'] as List).length; for (int i = 0; i < pointsInTime; ++i) { double currentMetricLoad = 0.0; double? currentMetricIdle; for (final rawProcStat in rawProcStatMetrics) { final String rawProcValue = rawProcStat['values'][i][1]; // Converting MBit into bit final double procValue = double.parse(rawProcValue) * 1000000; currentMetricLoad += procValue; if (currentMetricIdle == null && rawProcStat['metric']['mode'] == 'idle') { currentMetricIdle = procValue; } } currentMetricIdle ??= 0.0; currentMetricLoad = 100.0 * (1 - (currentMetricIdle / currentMetricLoad)); cpuLoads.add( TimeSeriesData( rawProcStatMetrics[0]['values'][i][0], currentMetricLoad, ), ); } return cpuLoads; } @override Future> getMetrics( final int serverId, final DateTime start, final DateTime end, ) async { ServerMetrics? metrics; const int step = 15; final inboundResult = await _adapter.api().getMetricsBandwidth( serverId, start, end, true, ); if ( || !inboundResult.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, code: inboundResult.code, message: inboundResult.message, ); } final outboundResult = await _adapter.api().getMetricsBandwidth( serverId, start, end, false, ); if ( || !outboundResult.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, code: outboundResult.code, message: outboundResult.message, ); } final cpuResult = await _adapter.api().getMetricsCpu(serverId, start, end); if ( || !cpuResult.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, code: cpuResult.code, message: cpuResult.message, ); } metrics = ServerMetrics( bandwidthIn: .map( (final el) => TimeSeriesData(el[0], double.parse(el[1]) * 100000), ) .toList(), bandwidthOut: .map( (final el) => TimeSeriesData(el[0], double.parse(el[1]) * 100000), ) .toList(), cpu: calculateCpuLoadMetrics(, start: start, end: end, stepsInSecond: step, ); return GenericResult(success: true, data: metrics); } }