// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

const Set<TargetPlatform> _desktop = <TargetPlatform>{

const Set<TargetPlatform> _mobile = <TargetPlatform>{

/// A group of standard breakpoints built according to the material
/// specifications for screen width size.
/// See also:
///  * [AdaptiveScaffold], which uses some of these Breakpoints as defaults.
class Breakpoints {
  /// This is a standard breakpoint that can be used as a fallthrough in the
  /// case that no other breakpoint is active.
  /// It is active from a width of -1 dp to infinity.
  static const Breakpoint standard = WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: -1);

  /// A window whose width is less than 600 dp and greater than 0 dp.
  static const Breakpoint small = WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 0, end: 600);

  /// A window whose width is greater than 0 dp.
  static const Breakpoint smallAndUp = WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 0);

  /// A desktop screen whose width is less than 600 dp and greater than 0 dp.
  static const Breakpoint smallDesktop =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 0, end: 600, platform: _desktop);

  /// A mobile screen whose width is less than 600 dp and greater than 0 dp.
  static const Breakpoint smallMobile =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 0, end: 600, platform: _mobile);

  /// A window whose width is between 600 dp and 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint medium =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 600, end: 840);

  /// A window whose width is greater than 600 dp.
  static const Breakpoint mediumAndUp = WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 600);

  /// A desktop window whose width is between 600 dp and 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint mediumDesktop =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 600, end: 840, platform: _desktop);

  /// A mobile window whose width is between 600 dp and 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint mediumMobile =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 600, end: 840, platform: _mobile);

  /// A window whose width is greater than 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint large = WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 840);

  /// A desktop window whose width is greater than 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint largeDesktop =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 840, platform: _desktop);

  /// A mobile window whose width is greater than 840 dp.
  static const Breakpoint largeMobile =
      WidthPlatformBreakpoint(begin: 840, platform: _mobile);

/// A class that can be used to quickly generate [Breakpoint]s that depend on
/// the screen width and the platform.
class WidthPlatformBreakpoint extends Breakpoint {
  /// Returns a const [Breakpoint] with the given constraints.
  const WidthPlatformBreakpoint({this.begin, this.end, this.platform});

  /// The beginning width dp value. If left null then the [Breakpoint] will have
  /// no lower bound.
  final double? begin;

  /// The end width dp value. If left null then the [Breakpoint] will have no
  /// upper bound.
  final double? end;

  /// A Set of [TargetPlatform]s that the [Breakpoint] will be active on. If
  /// left null then it will be active on all platforms.
  final Set<TargetPlatform>? platform;

  bool isActive(final BuildContext context) {
    final TargetPlatform host = Theme.of(context).platform;
    final bool isRightPlatform = platform?.contains(host) ?? true;

    // Null boundaries are unbounded, assign the max/min of their associated
    // direction on a number line.
    final double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
    final double lowerBound = begin ?? double.negativeInfinity;
    final double upperBound = end ?? double.infinity;

    return width >= lowerBound && width < upperBound && isRightPlatform;

/// An interface to define the conditions that distinguish between types of
/// screens.
/// Adaptive apps usually display differently depending on the screen type: a
/// compact layout for smaller screens, or a relaxed layout for larger screens.
/// Override this class by defining `isActive` to fetch the screen property
/// (usually `MediaQuery.of`) and return true if the condition is met.
/// Breakpoints do not need to be exclusive because they are tested in order
/// with the last Breakpoint active taking priority.
/// If the condition is only based on the screen width and/or the device type,
/// use [WidthPlatformBreakpoint] to define the [Breakpoint].
/// See also:
///  * [SlotLayout.config], which uses breakpoints to dictate the layout of the
///    screen.
abstract class Breakpoint {
  /// Returns a const [Breakpoint].
  const Breakpoint();

  /// A method that returns true based on conditions related to the context of
  /// the screen such as MediaQuery.of(context).size.width.
  bool isActive(final BuildContext context);