import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/dns_providers/cloudflare/cloudflare_api.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_domain.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/dns_providers/cloudflare_dns_info.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/dns_records.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/providers/dns_providers/dns_provider.dart'; class ApiAdapter { ApiAdapter({ final bool isWithToken = true, this.cachedDomain = '', this.cachedZoneId = '', }) : _api = CloudflareApi( isWithToken: isWithToken, ); CloudflareApi api({final bool getInitialized = true}) => getInitialized ? _api : CloudflareApi( isWithToken: false, ); final CloudflareApi _api; final String cachedZoneId; final String cachedDomain; } class CloudflareDnsProvider extends DnsProvider { CloudflareDnsProvider() : _adapter = ApiAdapter(); CloudflareDnsProvider.load( final bool isAuthorized, ) : _adapter = ApiAdapter( isWithToken: isAuthorized, ); ApiAdapter _adapter; @override DnsProviderType get type => DnsProviderType.cloudflare; @override String get howToRegistar => 'how_fix_domain_cloudflare'; @override Future> tryInitApiByToken(final String token) async { final api = _adapter.api(getInitialized: false); final result = await api.isApiTokenValid(token); if (! || !result.success) { return result; } _adapter = ApiAdapter(isWithToken: true); return result; } @override Future>> domainList() async { List domains = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getZones(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: domains, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } domains = .map( (final el) => el.toServerDomain(), ) .toList(); return GenericResult( success: true, data: domains, ); } @override Future> createDomainRecords({ required final List records, required final ServerDomain domain, }) async { final syncZoneIdResult = await syncZoneId(domain.domainName); if (!syncZoneIdResult.success) { return syncZoneIdResult; } return _adapter.api().createMultipleDnsRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, records: records .map( (final rec) => CloudflareDnsRecord.fromDnsRecord(rec, domain.domainName), ) .toList(), ); } @override Future> removeDomainRecords({ required final List records, required final ServerDomain domain, }) async { final syncZoneIdResult = await syncZoneId(domain.domainName); if (!syncZoneIdResult.success) { return syncZoneIdResult; } final result = await _adapter.api().getDnsRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, ); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: null, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List selfprivacyRecords = records .map( (final record) => CloudflareDnsRecord.fromDnsRecord( record, domain.domainName, ), ) .toList(); final List cloudflareRecords =; /// Remove all records that do not match with SelfPrivacy cloudflareRecords.removeWhere( (final cloudflareRecord) => !selfprivacyRecords.any( (final selfprivacyRecord) => selfprivacyRecord.type == cloudflareRecord.type && ==, ), ); return _adapter.api().removeSimilarRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, records: cloudflareRecords, ); } @override Future>> getDnsRecords({ required final ServerDomain domain, }) async { final syncZoneIdResult = await syncZoneId(domain.domainName); if (!syncZoneIdResult.success) { return GenericResult( success: syncZoneIdResult.success, data: [], code: syncZoneIdResult.code, message: syncZoneIdResult.message, ); } final List records = []; final result = await _adapter.api().getDnsRecords(zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: records, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } for (final rawRecord in { records.add(rawRecord.toDnsRecord(domain.domainName)); } return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: records, ); } @override Future> setDnsRecord( final DnsRecord record, final ServerDomain domain, ) async { final syncZoneIdResult = await syncZoneId(domain.domainName); if (!syncZoneIdResult.success) { return syncZoneIdResult; } return _adapter.api().createMultipleDnsRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, records: [CloudflareDnsRecord.fromDnsRecord(record, domain.domainName)], ); } @override Future> updateDnsRecords({ required final List newRecords, required final ServerDomain domain, final List? oldRecords, }) async { final syncZoneIdResult = await syncZoneId(domain.domainName); if (!syncZoneIdResult.success) { return syncZoneIdResult; } final result = await _adapter.api().getDnsRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, ); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } final List newSelfprivacyRecords = newRecords .map( (final record) => CloudflareDnsRecord.fromDnsRecord( record, domain.domainName, ), ) .toList(); final List? oldSelfprivacyRecords = oldRecords ?.map( (final record) => CloudflareDnsRecord.fromDnsRecord( record, domain.domainName, ), ) .toList(); final List cloudflareRecords =; final List recordsToDelete = newSelfprivacyRecords .where( (final newRecord) => cloudflareRecords.any( (final oldRecord) => newRecord.type == oldRecord.type && ==, ), ) .toList(); if (oldSelfprivacyRecords != null) { recordsToDelete.addAll( oldSelfprivacyRecords .where( (final oldRecord) => !newSelfprivacyRecords.any( (final newRecord) => newRecord.type == oldRecord.type && ==, ), ) .toList(), ); } if (recordsToDelete.isNotEmpty) { await _adapter.api().removeSimilarRecords( records: cloudflareRecords .where( (final record) => recordsToDelete.any( (final recordToDelete) => recordToDelete.type == record.type && ==, ), ) .toList(), zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, ); } return _adapter.api().createMultipleDnsRecords( zoneId: _adapter.cachedZoneId, records: newSelfprivacyRecords, ); } Future> syncZoneId(final String domain) async { if (domain == _adapter.cachedDomain && _adapter.cachedZoneId.isNotEmpty) { return GenericResult( success: true, data: null, ); } final getZoneIdResult = await getZoneId(domain); if (!getZoneIdResult.success || == null) { return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, code: getZoneIdResult.code, message: getZoneIdResult.message, ); } _adapter = ApiAdapter( isWithToken: true, cachedDomain: domain, cachedZoneId:!, ); return GenericResult( success: true, data: null, ); } Future> getZoneId(final String domain) async { String? id; final result = await _adapter.api().getZones(); if ( || !result.success) { return GenericResult( success: result.success, data: id, code: result.code, message: result.message, ); } for (final availableDomain in { if ( == domain) { id =; } } return GenericResult(success: id != null, data: id); } }