import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/backblaze_bucket.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/backups_credential.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/dns_provider_credential.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_details.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_domain.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_provider_credential.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/user.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/wizards_data/server_installation_wizard_data.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/app_logger.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/platform_adapter.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/secure_storage.dart'; class HiveConfig { static final log = const AppLogger(name: 'hive_config').log; /// bump on schema changes static const version = 2; static Future init() async { final String? storagePath = PlatformAdapter.storagePath; log('set custom storage path to: "$storagePath"'); await Hive.initFlutter(storagePath); registerAdapters(); await decryptBoxes(); await performMigrations(); } static void registerAdapters() { try { Hive.registerAdapter(UserAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerHostingDetailsAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerDomainAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(BackupsCredentialAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerProviderVolumeAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(BackblazeBucketAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerProviderCredentialAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(DnsProviderCredentialAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(DnsProviderTypeAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerProviderTypeAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(UserTypeAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(BackupsProviderTypeAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(ServerInstallationWizardDataAdapter()); log('successfully registered every adapter'); } catch (error, stackTrace) { log( 'error registering adapters', error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace, ); rethrow; } } static Future getCipher() async { List? key = await SecureStorage.getKey(); if (key == null) { key = Hive.generateSecureKey(); await SecureStorage.setKey(key); } return HiveAesCipher(key); } static Future decryptBoxes() async { try { // load encrypted boxes into memory final HiveAesCipher cipher = await getCipher(); await Hive.openBox( BNames.serverInstallationBox, encryptionCipher: cipher, ); await Hive.openBox( BNames.resourcesBox, encryptionCipher: cipher, ); await Hive.openBox( BNames.wizardDataBox, encryptionCipher: cipher, ); log('successfully decrypted boxes'); } catch (error, stackTrace) { log( 'error initializing encrypted boxes', error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace, ); rethrow; } } // migrations static Future performMigrations() async { try { // perform migration check final localSettingsBox = await Hive.openBox(BNames.appSettingsBox); // if it is an initial app launch, we do not need to perform any migrations final savedVersion = localSettingsBox.isEmpty ? version // if box was initialized, but database version was not introduced in // it yet, it means that we have initial value : await localSettingsBox.get(BNames.databaseVersion, defaultValue: 1); /// launch migrations based on version if (savedVersion < version) { if (savedVersion < 2) { await migrateFrom1To2(); } /// add new migrations here, like: /// if (version < 3) {...}, etc. } /// update saved version after successfull migrations await localSettingsBox.put(BNames.databaseVersion, version); } catch (error, stackTrace) { log( 'error running db migrations', error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace, ); rethrow; } } /// introduce and populate resourcesBox static Future migrateFrom1To2() async { final Box resourcesBox =; if (resourcesBox.isEmpty) { final Box serverInstallationBox =; final ServerHostingDetails? serverDetails = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.serverDetails); // move server provider config final ServerProviderType? serverProvider = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.serverProvider) ?? serverDetails?.provider; final String? serverProviderKey = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.hetznerKey); if (serverProviderKey != null && serverProvider.isSpecified) { final ServerProviderCredential serverProviderCredential = ServerProviderCredential( tokenId: null, token: serverProviderKey, provider: serverProvider!, associatedServerIds: [if (serverDetails != null)], ); await resourcesBox.put( BNames.serverProviderTokens, [serverProviderCredential], ); } final String? serverLocation = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.serverLocation); final String? serverType = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.serverTypeIdentifier); final ServerDomain? serverDomain = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.serverDomain); if (serverDetails != null && serverDomain != null) { await resourcesBox.put( BNames.servers, [ Server( domain: serverDomain, hostingDetails: serverDetails.copyWith( serverLocation: serverLocation, serverType: serverType, ), ), ], ); } // move dns config final String? dnsProviderKey = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.cloudFlareKey); final DnsProviderType? dnsProvider = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.dnsProvider) ?? serverDomain?.provider; if (dnsProviderKey != null && dnsProvider.isSpecified) { final DnsProviderCredential dnsProviderCredential = DnsProviderCredential( tokenId: null, token: dnsProviderKey, provider: dnsProvider!, associatedDomainNames: [ if (serverDomain != null) serverDomain.domainName, ], ); await resourcesBox .put(BNames.dnsProviderTokens, [dnsProviderCredential]); } // move backblaze (backups) config final BackupsCredential? backblazeCredential = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.backblazeCredential); final BackblazeBucket? backblazeBucket = serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.backblazeBucket); if (backblazeCredential != null) { await resourcesBox .put(BNames.backupsProviderTokens, [backblazeCredential]); } if (backblazeBucket != null) { await resourcesBox.put(BNames.backblazeBucket, backblazeBucket); } } log('successfully migrated db from 1 to 2 version'); } } /// Mappings for the different boxes and their keys class BNames { /// App settings box. Contains app settings like [darkThemeModeOn], [shouldShowOnboarding] static String appSettingsBox = 'appSettings'; /// An integer with last saved version of the database static String databaseVersion = 'databaseVersion'; /// A boolean field of [appSettingsBox] box. static String darkThemeModeOn = 'isDarkModeOn'; /// A boolean field of [appSettingsBox] box. static String systemThemeModeOn = 'isAutoDarkModeOn'; /// A boolean field of [appSettingsBox] box. static String shouldShowOnboarding = 'isOnboardingShowing'; /// A string field static String appLocale = 'appLocale'; /// Server installation box. Contains server details and provider tokens. static String serverInstallationBox = 'appConfig'; /// A List field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String rootKeys = 'rootKeys'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String hasFinalChecked = 'hasFinalChecked'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String isServerStarted = 'isServerStarted'; /// A [ServerDomain] field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String serverDomain = 'cloudFlareDomain'; /// A String field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String hetznerKey = 'hetznerKey'; /// A String field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String serverProvider = 'serverProvider'; /// A String field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String dnsProvider = 'dnsProvider'; /// A String field of [serverLocation] box. static String serverLocation = 'serverLocation'; /// A String field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String cloudFlareKey = 'cloudFlareKey'; /// A String field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String serverTypeIdentifier = 'serverTypeIdentifier'; /// A [User] field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String rootUser = 'rootUser'; /// A [ServerHostingDetails] field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String serverDetails = 'hetznerServer'; /// A [BackupsCredential] field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String backblazeCredential = 'backblazeKey'; /// A [BackblazeBucket] field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String backblazeBucket = 'backblazeBucket'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String isLoading = 'isLoading'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String isServerResetedFirstTime = 'isServerResetedFirstTime'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String isServerResetedSecondTime = 'isServerResetedSecondTime'; /// A boolean field of [serverInstallationBox] box. static String isRecoveringServer = 'isRecoveringServer'; /// Resources and provider tokens box, static String resourcesBox = 'resourcesBox'; /// Server Provider Tokens of [resourcesBox] box. static String serverProviderTokens = 'serverProviderTokens'; /// DNS Provider Tokens of [resourcesBox] box. static String dnsProviderTokens = 'dnsProviderTokens'; /// Backups Provider Tokens of [resourcesBox] box. static String backupsProviderTokens = 'backupsProviderTokens'; /// Servers of [resourcesBox] box. static String servers = 'servers'; /// Wizard data box static String wizardDataBox = 'wizardDataBox'; /// Server installation wizard data of [wizardDataBox] box. static String serverInstallationWizardData = 'serverInstallationWizardData'; }