import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/hive_config.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/cubit/app_config_dependent/authentication_dependend_cubit.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/user.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/server.dart'; export 'package:provider/provider.dart'; part 'users_state.dart'; class UsersCubit extends ServerInstallationDependendCubit<UsersState> { UsersCubit(final ServerInstallationCubit serverInstallationCubit) : super( serverInstallationCubit, const UsersState( <User>[], User(login: 'root'), User(login: 'loading...'), ), ); Box<User> box =<User>(BNames.usersBox); Box serverInstallationBox =; final ServerApi api = ServerApi(); @override Future<void> load() async { if (serverInstallationCubit.state is ServerInstallationFinished) { final List<User> loadedUsers = box.values.toList(); final primaryUser = serverInstallationBox.get( BNames.rootUser, defaultValue: const User(login: 'loading...'), ); final List<String> rootKeys = [ ...serverInstallationBox.get(BNames.rootKeys, defaultValue: []) ]; if (loadedUsers.isNotEmpty) { emit( UsersState( loadedUsers, User(login: 'root', sshKeys: rootKeys), primaryUser, ), ); } final ApiResponse<List<String>> usersFromServer = await api.getUsersList(); if (usersFromServer.isSuccess) { final List<User> updatedList = mergeLocalAndServerUsers(loadedUsers,; emit( UsersState( updatedList, User(login: 'root', sshKeys: rootKeys), primaryUser, ), ); } final List<User> usersWithSshKeys = await loadSshKeys(state.users); // Update the users it the box box.clear(); box.addAll(usersWithSshKeys); final User rootUserWithSshKeys = (await loadSshKeys([state.rootUser])).first; serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootKeys, rootUserWithSshKeys.sshKeys); final User primaryUserWithSshKeys = (await loadSshKeys([state.primaryUser])).first; serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootUser, primaryUserWithSshKeys); emit( UsersState( usersWithSshKeys, rootUserWithSshKeys, primaryUserWithSshKeys, ), ); } } List<User> mergeLocalAndServerUsers( final List<User> localUsers, final List<String> serverUsers, ) { // If local user not exists on server, add it with isFoundOnServer = false // If server user not exists on local, add it final List<User> mergedUsers = []; final List<String> serverUsersCopy = List.from(serverUsers); for (final User localUser in localUsers) { if (serverUsersCopy.contains(localUser.login)) { mergedUsers.add( User( login: localUser.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: localUser.password, sshKeys: localUser.sshKeys, ), ); serverUsersCopy.remove(localUser.login); } else { mergedUsers.add( User( login: localUser.login, isFoundOnServer: false, password: localUser.password, note: localUser.note, ), ); } } for (final String serverUser in serverUsersCopy) { mergedUsers.add( User( login: serverUser, isFoundOnServer: true, ), ); } return mergedUsers; } Future<List<User>> loadSshKeys(final List<User> users) async { final List<User> updatedUsers = []; for (final User user in users) { if (user.isFoundOnServer || user.login == 'root' || user.login == state.primaryUser.login) { final ApiResponse<List<String>> sshKeys = await api.getUserSshKeys(user); print('sshKeys for $user: ${}'); if (sshKeys.isSuccess) { updatedUsers.add( User( login: user.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: user.password, sshKeys:, note: user.note, ), ); } else { updatedUsers.add( User( login: user.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: user.password, note: user.note, ), ); } } else { updatedUsers.add( User( login: user.login, isFoundOnServer: false, password: user.password, note: user.note, ), ); } } return updatedUsers; } Future<void> refresh() async { List<User> updatedUsers = List<User>.from(state.users); final ApiResponse<List<String>> usersFromServer = await api.getUsersList(); if (usersFromServer.isSuccess) { updatedUsers = mergeLocalAndServerUsers(updatedUsers,; } final List<User> usersWithSshKeys = await loadSshKeys(updatedUsers); box.clear(); box.addAll(usersWithSshKeys); final User rootUserWithSshKeys = (await loadSshKeys([state.rootUser])).first; serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootKeys, rootUserWithSshKeys.sshKeys); final User primaryUserWithSshKeys = (await loadSshKeys([state.primaryUser])).first; serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootUser, primaryUserWithSshKeys); emit( UsersState( usersWithSshKeys, rootUserWithSshKeys, primaryUserWithSshKeys, ), ); return; } Future<void> createUser(final User user) async { // If user exists on server, do nothing if (state.users .any((final User u) => u.login == user.login && u.isFoundOnServer)) { return; } // If user is root or primary user, do nothing if (user.login == 'root' || user.login == state.primaryUser.login) { return; } // If API returned error, do nothing final ApiResponse<User> result = await api.createUser(user); if (!result.isSuccess) { return; } final List<User> loadedUsers = List<User>.from(state.users); loadedUsers.add(; await box.clear(); await box.addAll(loadedUsers); emit(state.copyWith(users: loadedUsers)); } Future<void> deleteUser(final User user) async { // If user is primary or root, don't delete if (user.login == state.primaryUser.login || user.login == 'root') { return; } final List<User> loadedUsers = List<User>.from(state.users); final bool result = await api.deleteUser(user); if (result) { loadedUsers.removeWhere((final User u) => u.login == user.login); await box.clear(); await box.addAll(loadedUsers); emit(state.copyWith(users: loadedUsers)); } } Future<void> addSshKey(final User user, final String publicKey) async { // If adding root key, use api.addRootSshKey // Otherwise, use api.addUserSshKey if (user.login == 'root') { final ApiResponse<void> result = await api.addRootSshKey(publicKey); if (result.isSuccess) { // Add ssh key to the array of root keys final List<String> rootKeys = serverInstallationBox .get(BNames.rootKeys, defaultValue: []) as List<String>; rootKeys.add(publicKey); serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootKeys, rootKeys); emit( state.copyWith( rootUser: User( login: state.rootUser.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: state.rootUser.password, sshKeys: rootKeys, note: state.rootUser.note, ), ), ); } } else { final ApiResponse<void> result = await api.addUserSshKey(user, publicKey); if (result.isSuccess) { // If it is primary user, update primary user if (user.login == state.primaryUser.login) { final List<String> primaryUserKeys = List<String>.from(state.primaryUser.sshKeys); primaryUserKeys.add(publicKey); final User updatedUser = User( login: state.primaryUser.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: state.primaryUser.password, sshKeys: primaryUserKeys, note: state.primaryUser.note, ); serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootUser, updatedUser); emit( state.copyWith( primaryUser: updatedUser, ), ); } else { // If it is not primary user, update user final List<String> userKeys = List<String>.from(user.sshKeys); userKeys.add(publicKey); final User updatedUser = User( login: user.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: user.password, sshKeys: userKeys, note: user.note, ); await box.putAt(box.values.toList().indexOf(user), updatedUser); emit( state.copyWith( users: box.values.toList(), ), ); } } } } Future<void> deleteSshKey(final User user, final String publicKey) async { // All keys are deleted via api.deleteUserSshKey final ApiResponse<void> result = await api.deleteUserSshKey(user, publicKey); if (result.isSuccess) { // If it is root user, delete key from root keys // If it is primary user, update primary user // If it is not primary user, update user if (user.login == 'root') { final List<String> rootKeys = serverInstallationBox .get(BNames.rootKeys, defaultValue: []) as List<String>; rootKeys.remove(publicKey); serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootKeys, rootKeys); emit( state.copyWith( rootUser: User( login: state.rootUser.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: state.rootUser.password, sshKeys: rootKeys, note: state.rootUser.note, ), ), ); return; } if (user.login == state.primaryUser.login) { final List<String> primaryUserKeys = List<String>.from(state.primaryUser.sshKeys); primaryUserKeys.remove(publicKey); final User updatedUser = User( login: state.primaryUser.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: state.primaryUser.password, sshKeys: primaryUserKeys, note: state.primaryUser.note, ); serverInstallationBox.put(BNames.rootUser, updatedUser); emit( state.copyWith( primaryUser: updatedUser, ), ); return; } final List<String> userKeys = List<String>.from(user.sshKeys); userKeys.remove(publicKey); final User updatedUser = User( login: user.login, isFoundOnServer: true, password: user.password, sshKeys: userKeys, note: user.note, ); await box.putAt(box.values.toList().indexOf(user), updatedUser); emit( state.copyWith( users: box.values.toList(), ), ); } } @override void clear() async { emit( const UsersState( <User>[], User(login: 'root'), User(login: 'loading...'), ), ); } }