import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/disk_size.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_details.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/server_disk_volume.dart'; class DiskVolume { DiskVolume({ = '', this.sizeTotal = const DiskSize(byte: 0), this.sizeUsed = const DiskSize(byte: 0), this.root = false, this.isResizable = false, this.serverDiskVolume, this.providerVolume, }); DiskVolume.fromServerDiscVolume( final ServerDiskVolume volume, final ServerVolume? providerVolume, ) : this( name:, sizeTotal: DiskSize( byte: volume.totalSpace == 'None' ? 0 : int.parse(volume.totalSpace), ), sizeUsed: DiskSize( byte: volume.usedSpace == 'None' ? 0 : int.parse(volume.usedSpace), ), root: volume.root, isResizable: providerVolume != null, serverDiskVolume: volume, providerVolume: providerVolume, ); /// Get the display name of the volume /// /// If it is sda1 and root the name is "System disk" /// If there is a mapping to providerVolume, the name is "Expandable volume" /// Otherwise the name is the name of the volume String get displayName { if (root) { return 'System disk'; } else if (providerVolume != null) { return 'Expandable volume'; } else { return name; } } DiskSize sizeUsed; DiskSize sizeTotal; String name; bool root; bool isResizable; ServerDiskVolume? serverDiskVolume; ServerVolume? providerVolume; /// from 0.0 to 1.0 double get percentage => sizeTotal.byte == 0 ? 0 : sizeUsed.byte / sizeTotal.byte; bool get isDiskOkay => percentage < 0.8 && sizeTotal.gibibyte - sizeUsed.gibibyte > 2.0; DiskVolume copyWith({ final DiskSize? sizeUsed, final DiskSize? sizeTotal, final String? name, final bool? root, final bool? isResizable, final ServerDiskVolume? serverDiskVolume, final ServerVolume? providerVolume, }) => DiskVolume( sizeUsed: sizeUsed ?? this.sizeUsed, sizeTotal: sizeTotal ?? this.sizeTotal, name: name ??, root: root ?? this.root, isResizable: isResizable ?? this.isResizable, serverDiskVolume: serverDiskVolume ?? this.serverDiskVolume, providerVolume: providerVolume ?? this.providerVolume, ); } class DiskStatus { DiskStatus.fromVolumes( final List<ServerDiskVolume> serverVolumes, final List<ServerVolume> providerVolumes, ) { diskVolumes = final ServerDiskVolume volume, ) { ServerVolume? providerVolume; for (final ServerVolume iterableProviderVolume in providerVolumes) { if (iterableProviderVolume.linuxDevice == null || volume.model == null || volume.serial == null) { continue; } final String deviceId = iterableProviderVolume.linuxDevice!.split('/').last; if (deviceId.contains(volume.model!) && deviceId.contains(volume.serial!)) { providerVolume = iterableProviderVolume; break; } } final DiskVolume diskVolume = DiskVolume.fromServerDiscVolume(volume, providerVolume); return diskVolume; }).toList(); } DiskStatus() { diskVolumes = []; } bool get isDiskOkay => diskVolumes.every((final volume) => volume.isDiskOkay); List<DiskVolume> diskVolumes = []; }