# UI strings. Buttons and similar. [ui_pager_prev] other = "Wstecz" [ui_pager_next] other = "Dalej" [ui_read_more] other = "Zobacz więcej" [ui_search] other = "Szukaj na stronie ..." # Used in sentences such as "Posted in News" [ui_in] other = "w" # Footer text [footer_all_rights_reserved] other = "Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone" [footer_privacy_policy] other = "Polityki prywatności" # Post (blog, articles etc.) [post_byline_by] other = "Przez" [post_created] other = "Utworzono" [post_last_mod] other = "Ostatnia modyfikacja" [post_edit_this] other = "Edytuj tę stronę" [post_create_child_page] other = "Utwórz podstronę" [post_create_issue] other = "Zgłoś błąd w dokumencie" [post_create_project_issue] other = "Zgłoś błąd na stronie" [post_posts_in] other = "Posty" [post_reading_time] other = "min." [post_less_than_a_minute_read] other = "mniej niż minutę" # Print support [print_printable_section] other = "To wielostronicowy widok tej sekcji do wydrukowania." [print_click_to_print] other = "Kliknij aby wydrukować" [print_show_regular] other = "Wróć do zwykłego widoku tej strony" [print_entire_section] other = "Wydrukuj całą sekcję" # Community [community_join] other = "Join the {{ .Site.Title }} community" [community_introduce] other = "{{ .Site.Title }} is an open source project that anyone in the community can use, improve, and enjoy. We'd love you to join us! Here's a few ways to find out what's happening and get involved." [community_learn] other = "Learn and Connect" [community_using] other = "Using or want to use {{ .Site.Title }}? Find out more here:" [community_develop] other = "Develop and Contribute" [community_contribute] other = "If you want to get more involved by contributing to {{ .Site.Title }}, join us here:" [community_how_to] other = "You can find out how to contribute to {{ .Site.Title }} in our" [community_guideline] other = "Contribution Guidelines"