{{ $needKaTeX := or .Site.Params.katex.enable .Params.math .Params.chem -}} {{ $needmhchem := or .Site.Params.katex.mhchem.enable .Params.chem -}} {{ if ge hugo.Version "0.93.0" -}} {{ $needKaTeX = or $needKaTeX (.Page.Store.Get "hasKaTeX") (.Page.Store.Get "hasmhchem") -}} {{ $needmhchem = or $needmhchem (.Page.Store.Get "hasmhchem") -}} {{ else -}} {{ if or $needKaTeX $needmhchem -}} {{ warnf "Outdated Hugo version %s, consider upgrading to make full use of all theme features" hugo.Version }} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ if .Site.Params.markmap.enable -}} {{ end -}} {{ if .Site.Params.plantuml.enable -}} {{ end -}} {{ if $needKaTeX -}} {{/* load stylesheet and scripts for KaTeX support */ -}} {{/* The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering */ -}} {{ if $needmhchem -}} {{/* To add support for displaying chemical equations and physical units, load the mhchem extension: */ -}} {{ end -}} {{/* To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: */ -}} {{ end -}} {{ $jsBs := resources.Get "vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.js" -}} {{ $jsBase := resources.Get "js/base.js" -}} {{ $jsSearch := resources.Get "js/search.js" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "js/search.js" .Site.Home -}} {{ $jsMarkmap := resources.Get "js/markmap.js" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "js/markmap.js" . -}} {{ $jsPlantuml := resources.Get "js/plantuml.js" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "js/plantuml.js" . -}} {{ $jsDrawio := resources.Get "js/drawio.js" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "js/drawio.js" . -}} {{ if .Site.Params.offlineSearch -}} {{ $jsSearch = resources.Get "js/offline-search.js" -}} {{ end -}} {{ $jsArray := slice $jsBs $jsBase $jsSearch $jsPlantuml $jsMarkmap $jsDrawio -}} {{ if .Page.Store.Get "hasmermaid" -}} {{- partial "scripts/mermaid.html" . -}} {{ end -}} {{ $js := $jsArray | resources.Concat "js/main.js" -}} {{ if hugo.IsProduction -}} {{ $js := $js | minify | fingerprint -}} {{ else -}} {{ end -}} {{ if .Site.Params.prism_syntax_highlighting -}} {{ else if ( not .Site.Params.disable_click2copy_chroma ) -}} {{ $c2cJS := resources.Get "js/click-to-copy.js" -}} {{ if hugo.IsProduction -}} {{ $c2cJS = $c2cJS | minify | fingerprint -}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ if and .Site.Params.search (isset .Site.Params.search "algolia") -}} {{ template "algolia/scripts" .Site.Params.search.algolia -}} {{ end -}} {{ partial "hooks/body-end.html" . -}} {{ define "algolia/scripts" -}} {{ end -}}