{{ .Scratch.Set "docsy-search" 0 -}} {{ if .Site.Params.gcs_engine_id -}} {{ .Scratch.Add "docsy-search" 1 -}} {{- end -}} {{ if and .Site.Params.search (isset .Site.Params.search "algolia") -}} {{ .Scratch.Add "docsy-search" 1 -}} {{ .Scratch.Add "docsearch-id-num" 1 -}} {{- end -}} {{ if .Site.Params.offlineSearch -}} {{ .Scratch.Add "docsy-search" 1 -}} {{ $offlineSearchIndex := resources.Get "json/offline-search-index.json" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "offline-search-index.json" . -}} {{ if hugo.IsProduction -}} {{/* Use `md5` as finger print hash function to shorten file name to avoid `file name too long` error. */ -}} {{ $offlineSearchIndex = $offlineSearchIndex | fingerprint "md5" -}} {{ end -}} {{ $offlineSearchLink := $offlineSearchIndex.RelPermalink -}} {{- end -}} {{ if gt (.Scratch.Get "docsy-search") 1 -}} {{ warnf `You have more than one site-search option configured: choose only one. For details, see https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/search.` -}} {{ end -}}