package tls

import (


// cmdCert is the tls cert command
var cmdCert = &base.Command{
	UsageLine: "{{.Exec}} tls cert [--ca] [] [--expire=240h]",
	Short:     "Generate TLS certificates",
	Long: `
Generate TLS certificates.


		The domain name for the certificate.

		The common name for the certificate.

		The organization name for the certificate.

		Whether this certificate is a CA

		The output of certificate to JSON

		The certificate path to save.

		Expire time of the certificate. Default value 3 months.

func init() {
	cmdCert.Run = executeCert // break init loop

var (
	certDomainNames stringList
	_               = func() bool {
		cmdCert.Flag.Var(&certDomainNames, "domain", "Domain name for the certificate")
		return true

	certCommonName   = cmdCert.Flag.String("name", "Xray Inc", "The common name of this certificate")
	certOrganization = cmdCert.Flag.String("org", "Xray Inc", "Organization of the certificate")
	certIsCA         = cmdCert.Flag.Bool("ca", false, "Whether this certificate is a CA")
	certJSONOutput   = cmdCert.Flag.Bool("json", true, "Print certificate in JSON format")
	certFileOutput   = cmdCert.Flag.String("file", "", "Save certificate in file.")
	certExpire       = cmdCert.Flag.Duration("expire", time.Hour*24*90 /* 90 days */, "Time until the certificate expires. Default value 3 months.")

func executeCert(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
	var opts []cert.Option
	if *certIsCA {
		opts = append(opts, cert.Authority(*certIsCA))
		opts = append(opts, cert.KeyUsage(x509.KeyUsageCertSign|x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment|x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature))

	opts = append(opts, cert.NotAfter(time.Now().Add(*certExpire)))
	opts = append(opts, cert.CommonName(*certCommonName))
	if len(certDomainNames) > 0 {
		opts = append(opts, cert.DNSNames(certDomainNames...))
	opts = append(opts, cert.Organization(*certOrganization))

	cert, err := cert.Generate(nil, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		base.Fatalf("failed to generate TLS certificate: %s", err)

	if *certJSONOutput {

	if len(*certFileOutput) > 0 {
		if err := printFile(cert, *certFileOutput); err != nil {
			base.Fatalf("failed to save file: %s", err)

func printJSON(certificate *cert.Certificate) {
	certPEM, keyPEM := certificate.ToPEM()
	jCert := &jsonCert{
		Certificate: strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(certPEM)), "\n"),
		Key:         strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(keyPEM)), "\n"),
	content, err := json.MarshalIndent(jCert, "", "  ")

func writeFile(content []byte, name string) error {
	f, err := os.Create(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()

	return common.Error2(f.Write(content))

func printFile(certificate *cert.Certificate, name string) error {
	certPEM, keyPEM := certificate.ToPEM()
	return task.Run(context.Background(), func() error {
		return writeFile(certPEM, name+"_cert.pem")
	}, func() error {
		return writeFile(keyPEM, name+"_key.pem")

type stringList []string

func (l *stringList) String() string {
	return "String list"

func (l *stringList) Set(v string) error {
	if v == "" {
		base.Fatalf("empty value")
	*l = append(*l, v)
	return nil

type jsonCert struct {
	Certificate []string `json:"certificate"`
	Key         []string `json:"key"`