--- icon: material/alpha-t-box --- # TUIC A recently popular Chinese-made simple protocol based on QUIC, the selling point is the BBR congestion control algorithm. !!! warning Even though GFW rarely blocks UDP-based proxies, such protocols actually have far more characteristics than TCP based proxies. | Specification | Binary Characteristics | Active Detect Hiddenness | |-----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------|--------------------------| | [GitHub](https://github.com/EAimTY/tuic/blob/dev/SPEC.md) | :material-alert: | :material-check: | ## Password Generator | Generated UUID | Generated Password | Action | |------------------------|----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | <code id="uuid"><code> | <code id="password"><code> | <button class="md-button" onclick="generate()">Refresh</button> | <script> function generateUUID() { const uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { let r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); document.getElementById("uuid").textContent = uuid; } function generatePassword() { const array = new Uint8Array(16); window.crypto.getRandomValues(array); document.getElementById("password").textContent = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array)); } function generate() { generateUUID(); generatePassword(); } generate(); </script> ## :material-server: Server Example === ":material-harddisk: With local certificate" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "listen": "::", "listen_port": 8080, "users": [ { "name": "sekai", "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>" } ], "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org", "key_path": "/path/to/key.pem", "certificate_path": "/path/to/certificate.pem" } } ] } ``` === ":material-auto-fix: With ACME" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "listen": "::", "listen_port": 8080, "users": [ { "name": "sekai", "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>" } ], "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org", "acme": { "domain": "example.org", "email": "admin@example.org" } } } ] } ``` === ":material-cloud: With ACME and Cloudflare API" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "listen": "::", "listen_port": 8080, "users": [ { "name": "sekai", "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>" } ], "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org", "acme": { "domain": "example.org", "email": "admin@example.org", "dns01_challenge": { "provider": "cloudflare", "api_token": "my_token" } } } } ] } ``` ## :material-cellphone-link: Client Example === ":material-web-check: With valid certificate" ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "server": "", "server_port": 8080, "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>", "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org" } } ] } ``` === ":material-check: With self-sign certificate" !!! info "Tip" Use `sing-box merge` command to merge configuration and certificate into one file. ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "server": "", "server_port": 8080, "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>", "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org", "certificate_path": "/path/to/certificate.pem" } } ] } ``` === ":material-alert: Ignore certificate verification" ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "tuic", "server": "", "server_port": 8080, "uuid": "<uuid>", "password": "<password>", "congestion_control": "bbr", "tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "example.org", "insecure": true } } ] } ```