--- icon: material/alert-decagram --- !!! quote "Changes in sing-box 1.8.0" :material-delete-alert: [store_mode](#store_mode) :material-delete-alert: [store_selected](#store_selected) :material-delete-alert: [store_fakeip](#store_fakeip) :material-delete-alert: [cache_file](#cache_file) :material-delete-alert: [cache_id](#cache_id) !!! quote "" Clash API is not included by default, see [Installation](./#installation). ### Structure ```json { "external_controller": "", "external_ui": "", "external_ui_download_url": "", "external_ui_download_detour": "", "secret": "", "default_mode": "", // Deprecated "store_mode": false, "store_selected": false, "store_fakeip": false, "cache_file": "", "cache_id": "" } ``` ### Fields #### external_controller RESTful web API listening address. Clash API will be disabled if empty. #### external_ui A relative path to the configuration directory or an absolute path to a directory in which you put some static web resource. sing-box will then serve it at `http://{{external-controller}}/ui`. #### external_ui_download_url ZIP download URL for the external UI, will be used if the specified `external_ui` directory is empty. `https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta/archive/gh-pages.zip` will be used if empty. #### external_ui_download_detour The tag of the outbound to download the external UI. Default outbound will be used if empty. #### secret Secret for the RESTful API (optional) Authenticate by spedifying HTTP header `Authorization: Bearer ${secret}` ALWAYS set a secret if RESTful API is listening on #### default_mode Default mode in clash, `Rule` will be used if empty. This setting has no direct effect, but can be used in routing and DNS rules via the `clash_mode` rule item. #### store_mode !!! failure "Deprecated in sing-box 1.8.0" `store_mode` is deprecated in Clash API and enabled by default if `cache_file.enabled`. Store Clash mode in cache file. #### store_selected !!! failure "Deprecated in sing-box 1.8.0" `store_selected` is deprecated in Clash API and enabled by default if `cache_file.enabled`. !!! note "" The tag must be set for target outbounds. Store selected outbound for the `Selector` outbound in cache file. #### store_fakeip !!! failure "Deprecated in sing-box 1.8.0" `store_selected` is deprecated in Clash API and migrated to `cache_file.store_fakeip`. Store fakeip in cache file. #### cache_file !!! failure "Deprecated in sing-box 1.8.0" `cache_file` is deprecated in Clash API and migrated to `cache_file.enabled` and `cache_file.path`. Cache file path, `cache.db` will be used if empty. #### cache_id !!! failure "Deprecated in sing-box 1.8.0" `cache_id` is deprecated in Clash API and migrated to `cache_file.cache_id`. Identifier in cache file. If not empty, configuration specified data will use a separate store keyed by it.