--- icon: material/arrange-bring-forward --- ## 1.11.0 ### 迁移旧的特殊出站到规则动作 旧的特殊出站已被弃用,且可以被规则动作替代。 !!! info "参考" [规则动作](/zh/configuration/route/rule_action/) / [Block](/zh/configuration/outbound/block/) / [DNS](/zh/configuration/outbound/dns) === "Block" === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "block", "tag": "block" } ], "route": { "rules": [ { ..., "outbound": "block" } ] } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { ..., "action": "reject" } ] } } ``` === "DNS" === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "inbound": [ { ..., "sniff": true } ], "outbounds": [ { "tag": "dns", "type": "dns" } ], "route": { "rules": [ { "protocol": "dns", "outbound": "dns" } ] } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "action": "sniff" }, { "protocol": "dns", "action": "hijack-dns" } ] } } ``` ### 迁移旧的入站字段到规则动作 入站选项已被弃用,且可以被规则动作替代。 !!! info "参考" [监听字段](/zh/configuration/shared/listen/) / [规则](/zh/configuration/route/rule/) / [规则动作](/zh/configuration/route/rule_action/) / [DNS 规则](/zh/configuration/dns/rule/) / [DNS 规则动作](/zh/configuration/dns/rule_action/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "mixed", "sniff": true, "sniff_timeout": "1s", "domain_strategy": "prefer_ipv4" } ] } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: New" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "mixed", "tag": "in" } ], "route": { "rules": [ { "inbound": "in", "action": "resolve", "strategy": "prefer_ipv4" }, { "inbound": "in", "action": "sniff", "timeout": "1s" } ] } } ``` ### 迁移 direct 出站中的目标地址覆盖字段到路由字段 direct 出站中的目标地址覆盖字段已废弃,且可以被路由字段替代。 !!! info "参考" [Rule Action](/zh/configuration/route/rule_action/) / [Direct](/zh/configuration/outbound/direct/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "direct", "override_address": "", "override_port": 443 } ] } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "action": "route-options", // 或 route "override_address": "", "override_port": 443 } ] } } ``` ### 迁移 WireGuard 出站到端点 WireGuard 出站已被弃用,且可以被端点替代。 !!! info "参考" [端点](/zh/configuration/endpoint/) / [WireGuard 端点](/zh/configuration/endpoint/wireguard/) / [WireGuard 出站](/zh/configuration/outbound/wireguard/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "wireguard", "tag": "wg-out", "server": "", "server_port": 10001, "system_interface": true, "gso": true, "interface_name": "wg0", "local_address": [ "" ], "private_key": "<private_key>", "peer_public_key": "<peer_public_key>", "pre_shared_key": "<pre_shared_key>", "reserved": [0, 0, 0], "mtu": 1408 } ] } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "endpoints": [ { "type": "wireguard", "tag": "wg-ep", "system": true, "name": "wg0", "mtu": 1408, "address": [ "" ], "private_key": "<private_key>", "listen_port": 10000, "peers": [ { "address": "", "port": 10001, "public_key": "<peer_public_key>", "pre_shared_key": "<pre_shared_key>", "allowed_ips": [ "" ], "persistent_keepalive_interval": 30, "reserved": [0, 0, 0] } ] } ] } ``` ## 1.10.0 ### TUN 地址字段已合并 `inet4_address` 和 `inet6_address` 已合并为 `address`, `inet4_route_address` 和 `inet6_route_address` 已合并为 `route_address`, `inet4_route_exclude_address` 和 `inet6_route_exclude_address` 已合并为 `route_exclude_address`。 !!! info "参考" [TUN](/zh/configuration/inbound/tun/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tun", "inet4_address": "", "inet6_address": "fdfe:dcba:9876::1/126", "inet4_route_address": [ "", "" ], "inet6_route_address": [ "::/1", "8000::/1" ], "inet4_route_exclude_address": [ "" ], "inet6_route_exclude_address": [ "fc00::/7" ] } ] } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tun", "address": [ "", "fdfe:dcba:9876::1/126" ], "route_address": [ "", "", "::/1", "8000::/1" ], "route_exclude_address": [ "", "fc00::/7" ] } ] } ``` ## 1.9.5 ### Apple 平台客户端的 Bundle Identifier 更新 由于我们旧的苹果开发者账户存在问题,我们只能通过更新 Bundle Identifiers 来重新上架 sing-box 应用, 这意味着数据不会自动继承。 对于 iOS,您需要自行备份旧的数据(如果您仍然可以访问); 对于 Apple tvOS,您需要从 iPhone 或 iPad 重新导入配置或者手动创建; 对于 macOS,您可以使用以下命令迁移数据文件夹: ```bash cd ~/Library/Group\ Containers && \ mv group.io.nekohasekai.sfa group.io.nekohasekai.sfavt ``` ## 1.9.0 ### `domain_suffix` 行为更新 由于历史原因,sing-box 的 `domain_suffix` 规则匹配字面前缀,而不与其他项目相同。 sing-box 1.9.0 修改了 `domain_suffix` 的行为:如果规则值以 `.` 为前缀则行为不变,否则改为匹配 `(domain|.+\.domain)`。 ### 对 Windows 上 `process_path` 格式的更新 sing-box 的 `process_path` 规则继承自Clash, 原始代码使用本地系统的路径格式(例如 `\Device\HarddiskVolume1\folder\program.exe`), 但是当设备有多个硬盘时,该 HarddiskVolume 系列号并不稳定。 sing-box 1.9.0 使 QueryFullProcessImageNameW 输出 Win32 路径(如 `C:\folder\program.exe`), 这将会破坏现有的 Windows `process_path` 用例。 ## 1.8.0 ### :material-close-box: 将缓存文件从 Clash API 迁移到独立选项 !!! info "参考" [Clash API](/zh/configuration/experimental/clash-api/) / [Cache File](/zh/configuration/experimental/cache-file/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "experimental": { "clash_api": { "cache_file": "cache.db", // 默认值 "cahce_id": "my_profile2", "store_mode": true, "store_selected": true, "store_fakeip": true } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "experimental" : { "cache_file": { "enabled": true, "path": "cache.db", // 默认值 "cache_id": "my_profile2", "store_fakeip": true } } } ``` ### :material-checkbox-intermediate: 迁移 GeoIP 到规则集 !!! info "参考" [GeoIP](/zh/configuration/route/geoip/) / [路由](/zh/configuration/route/) / [路由规则](/zh/configuration/route/rule/) / [DNS 规则](/zh/configuration/dns/rule/) / [规则集](/zh/configuration/rule-set/) !!! tip `sing-box geoip` 命令可以帮助您将自定义 GeoIP 转换为规则集。 === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "geoip": "private", "outbound": "direct" }, { "geoip": "cn", "outbound": "direct" }, { "source_geoip": "cn", "outbound": "block" } ], "geoip": { "download_detour": "proxy" } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "ip_is_private": true, "outbound": "direct" }, { "rule_set": "geoip-cn", "outbound": "direct" }, { "rule_set": "geoip-us", "rule_set_ipcidr_match_source": true, "outbound": "block" } ], "rule_set": [ { "tag": "geoip-cn", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geoip/rule-set/geoip-cn.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" }, { "tag": "geoip-us", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geoip/rule-set/geoip-us.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" } ] }, "experimental": { "cache_file": { "enabled": true // required to save rule-set cache } } } ``` ### :material-checkbox-intermediate: 迁移 Geosite 到规则集 !!! info "参考" [Geosite](/zh/configuration/route/geosite/) / [路由](/zh/configuration/route/) / [路由规则](/zh/configuration/route/rule/) / [DNS 规则](/zh/configuration/dns/rule/) / [规则集](/zh/configuration/rule-set/) !!! tip `sing-box geosite` 命令可以帮助您将自定义 Geosite 转换为规则集。 === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "geosite": "cn", "outbound": "direct" } ], "geosite": { "download_detour": "proxy" } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "rule_set": "geosite-cn", "outbound": "direct" } ], "rule_set": [ { "tag": "geosite-cn", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geosite/rule-set/geosite-cn.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" } ] }, "experimental": { "cache_file": { "enabled": true // required to save rule-set cache } } } ```