!!! error "" Linux only ### Structure ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tun", "tag": "tun-in", "inet4_address": "", "inet6_address": "fdfe:dcba:9876::1/128", "mtu": 1500, "auto_route": true, "hijack_dns": true, "sniff": true, "sniff_override_destination": false, "domain_strategy": "prefer_ipv4" } ] } ``` ### Tun Fields #### inet4_address ==Required== IPv4 prefix for the tun interface. #### inet6_address IPv6 prefix for the tun interface. #### mtu The maximum transmission unit. #### auto_route Set the default route to the Tun. !!! error "" To avoid traffic loopback, set `route.auto_delect_interface` or `outbound.bind_interface` #### hijack_dns Hijack TCP/UDP DNS requests to the built-in DNS adapter. ### Listen Fields #### sniff Enable sniffing. Reads domain names for routing, supports HTTP TLS for TCP, QUIC for UDP. This does not break zero copy, like splice. #### sniff_override_destination Override the connection destination address with the sniffed domain. If the domain name is invalid (like tor), this will not work. #### domain_strategy One of `prefer_ipv4` `prefer_ipv6` `ipv4_only` `ipv6_only`. If set, the requested domain name will be resolved to IP before routing. If `sniff_override_destination` is in effect, its value will be taken as a fallback.