icon: material/new-box

# DNS Rule Action

!!! question "Since sing-box 1.11.0"

### route

  "action": "route",  // default
  "server": "",
  "disable_cache": false,
  "rewrite_ttl": 0,
  "client_subnet": null

`route` inherits the classic rule behavior of routing DNS requests to the specified server.

#### server


Tag of target server.

#### disable_cache

Disable cache and save cache in this query.

#### rewrite_ttl

Rewrite TTL in DNS responses.

#### client_subnet

Append a `edns0-subnet` OPT extra record with the specified IP prefix to every query by default.

If value is an IP address instead of prefix, `/32` or `/128` will be appended automatically.

Will overrides `dns.client_subnet` and `servers.[].client_subnet`.

### route-options

  "action": "route-options",
  "disable_cache": false,
  "rewrite_ttl": null,
  "client_subnet": null

`route-options` set options for routing.

### reject

  "action": "reject",
  "method": "default", // default
  "no_drop": false

`reject` reject DNS requests.

#### method

- `default`: Reply with NXDOMAIN.
- `drop`: Drop the request.

#### no_drop

If not enabled, `method` will be temporarily overwritten to `drop` after 50 triggers in 30s.

Not available when `method` is set to drop.