### Structure

  "type": "shadowsocks",
  "tag": "ss-out",
  "server": "",
  "server_port": 1080,
  "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
  "password": "8JCsPssfgS8tiRwiMlhARg==",
  "plugin": "",
  "plugin_opts": "",
  "network": "udp",
  "udp_over_tcp": false | {},
  "multiplex": {},

  ... // Dial Fields

### Fields

#### server


The server address.

#### server_port


The server port.

#### method


Encryption methods:

* `2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm`
* `2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm`
* `2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305`
* `none`
* `aes-128-gcm`
* `aes-192-gcm`
* `aes-256-gcm`
* `chacha20-ietf-poly1305`
* `xchacha20-ietf-poly1305`

Legacy encryption methods:

* `aes-128-ctr`
* `aes-192-ctr`
* `aes-256-ctr`
* `aes-128-cfb`
* `aes-192-cfb`
* `aes-256-cfb`
* `rc4-md5`
* `chacha20-ietf`
* `xchacha20`

#### password


The shadowsocks password.

#### plugin

Shadowsocks SIP003 plugin, implemented in internal.

Only `obfs-local` and `v2ray-plugin` are supported.

#### plugin_opts

Shadowsocks SIP003 plugin options.

#### network

Enabled network

One of `tcp` `udp`.

Both is enabled by default.

#### udp_over_tcp

UDP over TCP configuration.

See [UDP Over TCP](/configuration/shared/udp-over-tcp/) for details.

Conflict with `multiplex`.

#### multiplex

See [Multiplex](/configuration/shared/multiplex#outbound) for details.

### Dial Fields

See [Dial Fields](/configuration/shared/dial/) for details.