### Structure

  "type": "tuic",
  "tag": "tuic-out",
  "server": "",
  "server_port": 1080,
  "uuid": "2DD61D93-75D8-4DA4-AC0E-6AECE7EAC365",
  "password": "hello",
  "congestion_control": "cubic",
  "udp_relay_mode": "native",
  "udp_over_stream": false,
  "zero_rtt_handshake": false,
  "heartbeat": "10s",
  "network": "tcp",
  "tls": {},
  ... // Dial Fields

### Fields

#### server


The server address.

#### server_port


The server port.

#### uuid


TUIC user uuid

#### password

TUIC user password

#### congestion_control

QUIC congestion control algorithm

One of: `cubic`, `new_reno`, `bbr`

`cubic` is used by default.

#### udp_relay_mode

UDP packet relay mode

| Mode   | Description                                                              |
| native | native UDP characteristics                                               |
| quic   | lossless UDP relay using QUIC streams, additional overhead is introduced |

`native` is used by default.

Conflict with `udp_over_stream`.

#### udp_over_stream

This is the TUIC port of the [UDP over TCP protocol](/configuration/shared/udp-over-tcp/), designed to provide a QUIC
stream based UDP relay mode that TUIC does not provide. Since it is an add-on protocol, you will need to use sing-box or
another program compatible with the protocol as a server.

This mode has no positive effect in a proper UDP proxy scenario and should only be applied to relay streaming UDP
traffic (basically QUIC streams).

Conflict with `udp_relay_mode`.

#### network

Enabled network

One of `tcp` `udp`.

Both is enabled by default.

#### tls


TLS configuration, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls/#outbound).

### Dial Fields

See [Dial Fields](/configuration/shared/dial/) for details.