### Structure

  "type": "trojan",
  "tag": "trojan-in",

  ... // Listen Fields

  "users": [
      "name": "sekai",
      "password": "8JCsPssfgS8tiRwiMlhARg=="
  "tls": {},
  "fallback": {
    "server": "",
    "server_port": 8080
  "fallback_for_alpn": {
    "http/1.1": {
      "server": "",
      "server_port": 8081
  "transport": {}

### Listen Fields

See [Listen Fields](/configuration/shared/listen) for details.

### Fields

#### users


Trojan users.

#### tls

TLS configuration, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls/#inbound).

#### fallback

!!! error ""

    There is no evidence that GFW detects and blocks Trojan servers based on HTTP responses, and opening the standard http/s port on the server is a much bigger signature.

Fallback server configuration. Disabled if `fallback` and `fallback_for_alpn` are empty.

#### fallback_for_alpn

Fallback server configuration for specified ALPN.

If not empty, TLS fallback requests with ALPN not in this table will be rejected.

#### transport

V2Ray Transport configuration, see [V2Ray Transport](/configuration/shared/v2ray-transport).