#### 1.1-beta4 * Add internal simple-obfs and v2ray-plugin [Shadowsocks plugins](/configuration/outbound/shadowsocks#plugin) * Add [ShadowsocksR outbound](/configuration/outbound/shadowsocksr) * Add [VLESS outbound and XUDP](/configuration/outbound/vless) * Skip wait for hysteria tcp handshake response * Fix socks4 client * Fix hysteria inbound * Fix concurrent write #### 1.0.3 * Fix socks4 client * Fix hysteria inbound * Fix concurrent write #### 1.1-beta3 * Fix using custom TLS client in http2 client * Fix bugs in 1.1-beta2 #### 1.1-beta2 * Add Clash mode and persistence support **1** * Add TLS ECH and uTLS support for outbound TLS options **2** * Fix socks4 request * Fix processing empty dns result *1*: Switching modes using the Clash API, and `store-selected` are now supported, see [Experimental](/configuration/experimental). *2*: ECH (Encrypted Client Hello) is a TLS extension that allows a client to encrypt the first part of its ClientHello message, see [TLS#ECH](/configuration/shared/tls#ech). uTLS is a fork of "crypto/tls", which provides ClientHello fingerprinting resistance, see [TLS#uTLS](/configuration/shared/tls#utls). #### 1.0.2 * Fix socks4 request * Fix processing empty dns result #### 1.1-beta1 * Add support for use with android VPNService **1** * Add tun support for WireGuard outbound **2** * Add system tun stack **3** * Add comment filter for config **4** * Add option for allow optional proxy protocol header * Add half close for smux * Set UDP DF by default **5** * Set default tun mtu to 9000 * Update gVisor to 20220905.0 *1*: In previous versions, Android VPN would not work with tun enabled. The usage of tun over VPN and VPN over tun is now supported, see [Tun Inbound](/configuration/inbound/tun#auto_route). *2*: In previous releases, WireGuard outbound support was backed by the lower performance gVisor virtual interface. It achieves the same performance as wireguard-go by providing automatic system interface support. *3*: It does not depend on gVisor and has better performance in some cases. It is less compatible and may not be available in some environments. *4*: Annotated json configuration files are now supported. *5*: UDP fragmentation is now blocked by default. Including shadowsocks-libev, shadowsocks-rust and quic-go all disable segmentation by default. See [Dial Fields](/configuration/shared/dial#udp_fragment) and [Listen Fields](/configuration/shared/listen#udp_fragment). #### 1.0.1 * Fix match 4in6 address in ip_cidr * Fix clash api log level format error * Fix clash api unknown proxy type #### 1.0 * Fix wireguard reconnect * Fix naive inbound * Fix json format error message * Fix processing vmess termination signal * Fix hysteria stream error * Fix listener close when proxyproto failed #### 1.0-rc1 * Fix write log timestamp * Fix write zero * Fix dial parallel in direct outbound * Fix write trojan udp * Fix DNS routing * Add attribute support for geosite * Update documentation for [Dial Fields](/configuration/shared/dial) #### 1.0-beta3 * Add [chained inbound](/configuration/shared/listen#detour) support * Add process_path rule item * Add macOS redirect support * Add ShadowTLS [Inbound](/configuration/inbound/shadowtls), [Outbound](/configuration/outbound/shadowtls) and [Examples](/examples/shadowtls) * Fix search android package in non-owner users * Fix socksaddr type condition * Fix smux session status * Refactor inbound and outbound documentation * Minor fixes #### 1.0-beta2 * Add strict_route option for [Tun inbound](/configuration/inbound/tun#strict_route) * Add packetaddr support for [VMess outbound](/configuration/outbound/vmess#packet_addr) * Add better performing alternative gRPC implementation * Add [docker image](https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box/pkgs/container/sing-box) * Fix sniff override destination #### 1.0-beta1 * Initial release ##### 2022/08/26 * Fix ipv6 route on linux * Fix read DNS message ##### 2022/08/25 * Let vmess use zero instead of auto if TLS enabled * Add trojan fallback for ALPN * Improve ip_cidr rule * Fix format bind_address * Fix http proxy with compressed response * Fix route connections ##### 2022/08/24 * Fix naive padding * Fix unix search path * Fix close non-duplex connections * Add ACME EAB support * Fix early close on windows and catch any * Initial zh-CN document translation ##### 2022/08/23 * Add [V2Ray Transport](/configuration/shared/v2ray-transport) support for VMess and Trojan * Allow plain http request in Naive inbound (It can now be used with nginx) * Add proxy protocol support * Free memory after start * Parse X-Forward-For in HTTP requests * Handle SIGHUP signal ##### 2022/08/22 * Add strategy setting for each [DNS server](/configuration/dns/server) * Add bind address to outbound options ##### 2022/08/21 * Add [Tor outbound](/configuration/outbound/tor) * Add [SSH outbound](/configuration/outbound/ssh) ##### 2022/08/20 * Attempt to unwrap ip-in-fqdn socksaddr * Fix read packages in android 12 * Fix route on some android devices * Improve linux process searcher * Fix write socks5 username password auth request * Skip bind connection with private destination to interface * Add [Trojan connection fallback](/configuration/inbound/trojan#fallback) ##### 2022/08/19 * Add Hysteria [Inbound](/configuration/inbound/hysteria) and [Outbund](/configuration/outbound/hysteria) * Add [ACME TLS certificate issuer](/configuration/shared/tls) * Allow read config from stdin (-c stdin) * Update gVisor to 20220815.0 ##### 2022/08/18 * Fix find process with lwip stack * Fix crash on shadowsocks server * Fix crash on darwin tun * Fix write log to file ##### 2022/08/17 * Improve async dns transports ##### 2022/08/16 * Add ip_version (route/dns) rule item * Add [WireGuard](/configuration/outbound/wireguard) outbound ##### 2022/08/15 * Add uid, android user and package rules support in [Tun](/configuration/inbound/tun) routing. ##### 2022/08/13 * Fix dns concurrent write ##### 2022/08/12 * Performance improvements * Add UoT option for [SOCKS](/configuration/outbound/socks) outbound ##### 2022/08/11 * Add UoT option for [Shadowsocks](/configuration/outbound/shadowsocks) outbound, UoT support for all inbounds ##### 2022/08/10 * Add full-featured [Naive](/configuration/inbound/naive) inbound * Fix default dns server option [#9] by iKirby ##### 2022/08/09 No changelog before. [#9]: https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box/pull/9