### Structure ```json { "outbounds": [ { "type": "wireguard", "tag": "wireguard-out", "server": "", "server_port": 1080, "local_address": [ "", "" ], "private_key": "YNXtAzepDqRv9H52osJVDQnznT5AM11eCK3ESpwSt04=", "peer_public_key": "Z1XXLsKYkYxuiYjJIkRvtIKFepCYHTgON+GwPq7SOV4=", "pre_shared_key": "31aIhAPwktDGpH4JDhA8GNvjFXEf/a6+UaQRyOAiyfM=", "mtu": 1408, "network": "tcp", "detour": "upstream-out", "bind_interface": "en0", "bind_address": "", "routing_mark": 1234, "reuse_addr": false, "connect_timeout": "5s", "tcp_fast_open": false, "domain_strategy": "prefer_ipv6", "fallback_delay": "300ms" } ] } ``` !!! warning "" WireGuard is not included by default, see [Installation](/#installation). ### WireGuard Fields #### server ==Required== The server address. #### server_port ==Required== The server port. #### local_address ==Required== List of IP (v4 or v6) addresses (optionally with CIDR masks) to be assigned to the interface. #### private_key ==Required== WireGuard requires base64-encoded public and private keys. These can be generated using the wg(8) utility: ```shell wg genkey echo "private key" || wg pubkey ``` #### peer_public_key ==Required== WireGuard peer public key. #### pre_shared_key WireGuard pre-shared key. #### mtu WireGuard MTU. 1408 will be used if empty. #### network Enabled network One of `tcp` `udp`. Both is enabled by default. ### Dial Fields #### detour The tag of the upstream outbound. Other dial fields will be ignored when enabled. #### bind_interface The network interface to bind to. #### bind_address The address to bind to. #### routing_mark !!! error "" Only supported on Linux. Set netfilter routing mark. #### reuse_addr Reuse listener address. #### connect_timeout Connect timeout, in golang's Duration format. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". #### domain_strategy One of `prefer_ipv4` `prefer_ipv6` `ipv4_only` `ipv6_only`. If set, the server domain name will be resolved to IP before connecting. `dns.strategy` will be used if empty. #### fallback_delay The length of time to wait before spawning a RFC 6555 Fast Fallback connection. That is, is the amount of time to wait for IPv6 to succeed before assuming that IPv6 is misconfigured and falling back to IPv4 if `prefer_ipv4` is set. If zero, a default delay of 300ms is used. Only take effect when `domain_strategy` is `prefer_ipv4` or `prefer_ipv6`.