--- icon: material/package --- # Package Manager ## :material-download-box: Manual Installation === ":material-debian: Debian / DEB" ```bash bash <(curl -fsSL https://sing-box.app/deb-install.sh) ``` === ":material-redhat: Redhat / RPM" ```bash bash <(curl -fsSL https://sing-box.app/rpm-install.sh) ``` === ":simple-archlinux: Archlinux / PKG" ```bash bash <(curl -fsSL https://sing-box.app/arch-install.sh) ``` ## :material-book-lock-open: Managed Installation === ":material-linux: Linux" | Type | Platform | Link | Command | Actively maintained | |----------|---------------|-------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------| | APK | Alpine | [sing-box][alpine] | `apk add sing-box` | :material-check: | | AUR | Arch Linux | [sing-box][aur] ᴬᵁᴿ | `? -S sing-box` | :material-check: | | nixpkgs | NixOS | [sing-box][nixpkgs] | `nix-env -iA nixos.sing-box` | :material-check: | | Homebrew | macOS / Linux | [sing-box][brew] | `brew install sing-box` | :material-check: | === ":material-apple: macOS" | Type | Platform | Link | Command | Actively maintained | |----------|----------|------------------|-------------------------|---------------------| | Homebrew | macOS | [sing-box][brew] | `brew install sing-box` | :material-check: | === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows" | Type | Platform | Link | Command | Actively maintained | |------------|--------------------|---------------------|------------------------------|---------------------| | Scoop | Windows | [sing-box][scoop] | `scoop install sing-box` | :material-check: | | Chocolatey | Windows | [sing-box][choco] | `choco install sing-box` | :material-check: | | winget | Windows | [sing-box][winget] | `winget install sing-box` | :material-alert: | === ":material-android: Android" | Type | Platform | Link | Command | Actively maintained | |------------|--------------------|---------------------|------------------------------|---------------------| | Termux | Android | [sing-box][termux] | `pkg add sing-box` | :material-check: | === ":material-freebsd: FreeBSD" | Type | Platform | Link | Command | Actively maintained | |------------|----------|-------------------|------------------------|---------------------| | FreshPorts | FreeBSD | [sing-box][ports] | `pkg install sing-box` | :material-alert: | ## :material-book-multiple: Service Management For Linux systems with [systemd][systemd], usually the installation already includes a sing-box service, you can manage the service using the following command: | Operation | Command | |-----------|-----------------------------------------------| | Enable | `sudo systemctl enable sing-box` | | Disable | `sudo systemctl disable sing-box` | | Start | `sudo systemctl start sing-box` | | Stop | `sudo systemctl stop sing-box` | | Kill | `sudo systemctl kill sing-box` | | Restart | `sudo systemctl restart sing-box` | | Logs | `sudo journalctl -u sing-box --output cat -e` | | New Logs | `sudo journalctl -u sing-box --output cat -f` | [alpine]: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=sing-box [aur]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sing-box [nixpkgs]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-unstable/pkgs/tools/networking/sing-box/default.nix [brew]: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/sing-box [openwrt]: https://github.com/openwrt/packages/tree/master/net/sing-box [immortalwrt]: https://github.com/immortalwrt/packages/tree/master/net/sing-box [choco]: https://chocolatey.org/packages/sing-box [scoop]: https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/blob/master/bucket/sing-box.json [winget]: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/tree/master/manifests/s/SagerNet/sing-box [termux]: https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/tree/master/packages/sing-box [ports]: https://www.freshports.org/net/sing-box [systemd]: https://systemd.io/